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Summernote heading module, adds a customized heading component to summernote.


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Summernote heading

summernote-heading extension/plugin/module for summernote WYSIWYG, provides a bootstrap modal to add custom heading to the summernote editor.


Font-awesome: 4.7
JQuery: 3
Bootstrap version: 4
Summernote version: 0.8

More summernote extensions (SNB bricks)

For a complete module with more user-friendly components. see Summernote bricks


Demo link:

Summernote heading demo


  • Include the required files, and the module file after summernote-bs4.min.js file
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" >
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- summernote-heading style-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="summernote-bricks.css">

<div style="background-color: #FFF">
    <div id="summernote"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- summernote-heading -->
<script src="dist/summernote-heading.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • Add the heading to the summernote editor toolbar
        toolbar: [
            // ['insert', ['picture', 'link', 'video', 'table', 'hr', 'summernoteHeading']],
            // ['font style', ['fontname', 'fontsize', 'color', 'bold', 'italic', 
            //'underline', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'clear']],
            // ['paragraph style', ['style', 'ol', 'ul', 'paragraph', 'height']],
            // ['misc', ['fullscreen', 'codeview', 'undo', 'redo', 'help']]
            ['extensions', ['summernoteHeading']],
        summernoteHeading: {
            modal: {
                // modal title
                title: 'Summernote Heading title',

                // close button text
                closeText: 'Close',

                // save button text
                saveText: 'Save',

                // title input label text
                titleLabel: 'Heading title',

                // title input label text
                subtitleLabel: 'Heading subtitle',

                // the html element class containing the modal messages
                messageContainerClass: 'snb-modal-message',

                // the default value of the underline color input
                defaultUnderlineColor: '#c50000',

                // the text of the label of the underline color input
                underlineColorLabel: 'Underline color',

                // modal inputs validations
                validations: {
                    "title": ["required"],
                    "subtitle": ["required"]

            buttonLabel: '<i class="fa fa-header"></i> SNB Heading',

            tooltip: 'Summernote Heading',

            extensions: [
                // add/remove linebreaks extension


The module has general options and modal options.
The modal option has sub-options that deal with the bootstrap modal.

Option Description Default Type
buttonLabel the plugin button label displayed on the summernote toolbar SN Heading string
tooltip the plugin button tooltip visible on the button hover event Summernote Heading string
extensions extension to add extra features to the brick (see the SNB-extension section) ['snbWhiteSpaceManager'] array
modal The modal options - object: src/Module/Interfaces/HeadingModalOptionsInterface.ts
modal.title The modal title summernote heading title string
modal.closeText the modal close button text Close string
modal.saveText the modal save button text Save string
modal.titleLabel the label text of the heading title input Heading title string
modal.subtitleLabel the label text of the heading subtitle input Heading subtitle string
modal.messageContainerClass the class of the html element containing the modal messages snb-modal-message string
modal.defaultUnderlineColor the default color of the heading underline in hexa format #c50000 string
modal.underlineColorLabel the label text of the underline color input Underline color string
modal.validations Validation of the modal/brick data: src/Module/Interfaces/HeadingDataInterface.ts - object
modal.validations.title the validation rules of the src/Module/Interfaces/HeadingDataInterface.ts title ["required"] array
modal.validations.subtitle the validation rules of the src/Module/Interfaces/HeadingDataInterface.ts subtitle ["required"] array

Deep dive || Edit

Requirements: node v16

Dev environment setup

To run the plugin on local, head to the project root folder and run:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run start to start the project on
  3. npm run dev to start the webpack watch mode
  4. Edit plugin files in the /src folder
  5. npm run build to generate the build in /dist folder

The source code

The module is coded with Typescript and JSX

JSX is for writing single-file template files residing in src/Module/templates

Some components of this code source are imported from the SNB-components package

How it works:

flowchart LR
    subgraph Modal
        direction TB

        user_interaction(User interaction)
        show_modal ==> user_interaction
        user_interaction ==> |Parse user inputs|save

    subgraph Extension/plugin
        direction LR
        show_modal(Show modal)
        create_brick(Create Brick)
        creating_mode(Creating Mode)
        editing_mode(Editing Mode)
        create_modal ==> show_modal
        save ==> create_brick
        save -. Modal data .-> create_brick
        create_brick ==> mode_type
        mode_type ==> creating_mode
        mode_type ==> editing_mode

    subgraph Editor
        direction LR
        style seprator stroke:#000,stroke-width:0px,color:#000,stroke-dasharray: 0
        subgraph Toolbar
            direction TB
            create_modal(Create modal)
            add_brick(Add Brick)
            add_brick ==> |Creating mode| create_modal
            add_brick -. Empty data .-> create_modal
        subgraph Brick
            direction TB
            brick_content[(Brick ontent)]
            edit ==> |Editing mode| create_modal
            edit -. Brick data .-> create_modal
            style Brick fill:#dc2269,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
        creating_mode ==> |Insert Brick|Brick
        editing_mode ==> |Replace Brick|Brick

SNB Extensions:

SNB Extensions are a way to extract some reusable features to be included later (or not) by any Summernote-brick

See the available SNB extensions here


If you found any bugs or have suggestions, don't hesitate to throw it in the issues sections.

For more understanding of how this module works take a look on the v1 branch or the summernote extension basic sample hello .


The contents of this repository is licensed under The MIT License.


Summernote heading module, adds a customized heading component to summernote.








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