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TODO: ask DALL-E or similar to generate a cool logo based on a fusion of Coral and a neural network.

A simple PyTorch-inspired deep learning framework and tensor library in C.


  • variable_t: user-facing object, holds both data (tensor_t*) and grad metadata (grad_meta_t*) allowing for automatic differentiation
    • this is similar to the (now deprecated) PyTorch Variable API
  • tensor_t: container for raw data and metadata describing size, dimensions, etc
  • shape_t: stores metadata describing a chunk of data (num_dims, size, dims, strides)
  • grad_meta_t: stores grad-related metadata for a node (variable_t) in the computation graph. explicitly, stores the number of arguments, and an array of diff_arg_t's, one for each argument
  • diff_arg_t: an argument with respect to which a given function is differentiable, holds a pointer (variable_t*) to the variable


  • misc
    • ✅ change name (DONE)
  • tensor
    • ✅ Differentiate between backward_grad function and backward function (backward grad takes into account gradient of result to compute gradient of arguments)
      • for now, change .._grad functions to ..._grad_backwards functions
    • ✅ [#0] Extend broadcasting to more lenient numpy broadcasting scheme where dimensions can be 1 by fixing broadcast logic in tensor.c
    • ✅ [#1] add in ability to construct different views of the same tensor (just have another tensor pointing to the same data, but with different num_rows, num_columns) as well as reductions (sum along dimensions)
    • ✅ Switch naming convention so as to remove function names starting with _ (see naming convention below)
    • 🏗️ add differentiable variable multiply by scalar function
    • 🏗️ add matrix multiplication
    • 🏗️ add module_t
    • 🏗️ add new scalar_grad_op function, for functions which use scalars (ie, tensor_divide_by_scalar, etc)
    • 🏗️ Add ability to differentiate through re-shape operations
      • 🏗️ add a reshape grad, which just reshapes result grad and multiplies through via chain rule
    • 🏗️ add ability to perform operations on various dimensions (mean along dimension zero, axes in numpy)
    • 🏗️ find some graceful way of dealing with unused grad parameters
      • right now, n-ary functions are assumed to have n-ary gradients, but in many cases the gradient function for a particular variable only involves some subset of the other variables. for example: (d/dx)(x+y) doesn't involve either of x or y.
    • 🏗️ beautify display functions
    • 🏗️ enable backpropogation from arbitary vertex (re-initialize ref_count values)
    • ✅ [#2] add in loss functions (including reductions)
    • 🏗️ [#3] add in matrix multiplications
    • 🏗️ [#4] assert that dimenions are correct/compatible when doing operations
    • 🏗️ Sphinx documentatio (would be cool)
    • 🏗️ Add "fastpath" for broadcasting when two shapes (or shape-suffixes) are the same
    • 🏗️ functions which do not modify should have const arguments (_tensor_add, _tensor_subtract, etc)
    • 🏗️ update _tensor_broadcast_scalar_fn to two versions (binary and unary) (current implementation is binary)
    • ✅ standardize naming (child vs parent?? left/right variable/entry/arg??)
      • move toward input/output naming scheme
      • change diff_arg_t to input_t
    • 🏗️ start test suite
      • add test built target
      • add one main driver which calls test_variable, test_tensor, test_shape, test_grad, etc
      • should at least contain:
        • tests for broadcasting
        • tests for each forwards operation (computes correct result)
        • tests autograd
          • correct graph
          • correctly computes gradients
    • 🏗️ add struct constant_t, and make variable_t an extension
    • extend tensor index/entry value lambda broadcasts to variable
    • 🏗️ reference count and "garbage collect" old tensors
    • ✅ shape_t update (for keeping track of tensor dims)
    • 🏗️ migrate to _tensor_in_place_... naming convention for in place tensor operatiosn (and variable operations with _variable_in_place_...)
    • ℹ️: for now, grad_ops return tensors, not variables, as we do not care about higher order derivatives (i.e. treating gradients as variables in their own right)
    • ✅ make everything heap-allocated
    • ✅ variadic update (tensors should be able to be initialized up to 3 dimensions) - DONE
    • ✅ allow for broadcasting of different but compatible sizes (similar to numpy) - DONE
    • ✅ be consistent about using tensor vs tensor* for static inlined tensor functions (which is better? -> pointers)
    • ✅ add in ability to populate tensor with function pointer
      • ✅ index function
      • ✅ entry value function
  • nn
  • utils


  • static inlining vs macro for "short" tensor functions?? current approach is to use macros for short debugging functions (eg in-bounds checks)
  • avoid variadic functions when possible
  • one thing which is hard to replicate in C is "self": if a struct has a function, it is not possible to write the function so as to include a referenc "self" to the struct itself
  • function/operator overloading would be useful (have to include two separate versions of each function, one for unary, and one for binary)
  • union types aren't great
  • how should we multiply tensors by a constant? should we construct a new tensor with all entries equal to that constant and then return the product of this new constant tensor and the original tensor, or should we just loop through (in-place), and modify an existing tensor
  • note that reference counting for maintaining topological sort in grad meta is consistent with a variable appearing multiple times in a list of arguments. this is true because grad_meta_t->ref_count counts the number of instances in which the variable shows up as an argument, counted by the multiplicity of the argument, rather than just number of graph nodes it's present as an argument in
  • currently, coral only supports up to three dimensional tensors
    • will possible be extended to arbitrarily many dimensions (performance considerations)
  • too much indirection


  • grad_node_t
    • function pointer to grad function
    • num_parents
    • pointers to parents (two should be fine)
    • pointer to variable
  • each "atomic" function comes with a grad version of the function
    • takes in gradient of output (variable_t)
    • every function is either atomic, or can be constructed as the composition of some number of atomic functions
    • sometimes, there is some redundancy in which functions are given grads, for example, both sum, divide, and mean have grads, although, as mean is the composition of sum and divide, it does not need its own grad
      • in general, it helps to provide as many functions as possible with dedicated grad functions, as compositions are expensive, and should be left for arbitrary user-defined functions
    • this simplifies the computation graph


  • most gradient functions won't actually be inlined
  • 🏗️ byte-align tensor data
  • 🏗️ enable link-time optimization (quick)

OOP Conventions:

  • interface functions always [MODULE_NAME]_[FUNCTION_NAME]
  • module-internal (static) functions always [FUNCTION_NAME]
  • constructors: [MODULE_NAME]_specifics
    • can no longer have variable called eg new_tensor, must be _new_tensor

EXPERIMENTs: (1) Learn AX + B = Y


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