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Contributing to Coq LSP

Thank you very much for willing to contribute to coq-lsp!

coq-lsp has two components:

  • a LSP server for Coq project written in OCaml.
  • a coq-lsp VS Code extension written in TypeScript and React, in the editor/code directory.

Read coq-lsp FAQ for an explanation on what the above mean.

It is possible to hack only in the server, on the client, or on both at the same time. We have thus structured this guide in 3 sections: general guidelines, server, and VS Code client.

General guidelines

coq-lsp is developed in an open-source manner using GitHub.

Zulip chat

Our main development channel is hosted at Zulip . Please don't hesitate to stop by if you have any questions.

Code of conduct

All contributors of coq-lsp must agree to our code of conduct


coq-lsp uses the LGPL 2.1 license, which is compatible with Coq's license.

Submitting a contribution, opening an issue.

Please use the github standard interfaces to do so.

Server guide


The server project uses a standard OCaml development setup based on Opam and Dune.

To build it, you'll need an environment with the dependencies stated in coq-lsp.opam.

make will compile the server (the coq-lsp binary, to be found in _build/install/default/bin/coq-lsp).

As of today the main branch uses some submodules, be sure they are properly initialized (make submodules-init).

(We plan to get rid of the submodules soon)

You can also use the regular dune build @check etc... targets.


We have a Nix flake that you can use. For development, in the case of the server, simply run nix develop. In the case of the client, we expose separate shells, e.g client-vscode, would be nix develop .#client-vscode (this can be done on top of the original nix develop)

You can view the list of packages and devShells that are exposed by running nix flake show.

If you wish to do nix build, you will need to use the .?submodules=1` trick, since we use submodules here for vendoring. For example, building requires:

nix build .?submodules=1

This currently only applies to building the default package (coq-lsp), which is the server. Clients don't have specific submodules as of yet.


coq-lsp is released using dune-release tag + dune-release.

Code organization

The coq-lsp server consists of several components, we present them bottom-up

  • vendor/coq-serapi: [vendored] improved utility functions to handle Coq AST
  • coq: Utility library / abstracted Coq API. This is the main entry point for communication with Coq, and it reifies Coq calls as to present a purely functional interface to Coq.
  • fleche: incremental document processing backend. Exposes a generic API, but closely modelled to match LSP
  • lsp: small generic LSP utilities, at some point to be replaced by a generic library
  • controller: LSP controller, a thin layer translating LSP transport layer to flèche surface API, plus some custom event queues for Coq.
  • controller-js: LSP controller for Javascript, used for and jsCoq.

Some tips:

  • we much prefer not to address Coq API directly, but always use the coq library to do it.
  • fleche has carefully controlled dependencies and code structure due to a) having to run in JS, b) targeting other systems in addition to Coq.
  • We use ocamlformat to automatically format our codebase. make fmt will take care of it if your editor is not configured to so automatically.

VS Code Extension guide

The VS Code extension is setup as a standard npm type-script + React package using esbuild as the bundler. The extension has a main component in editor/code/src/ and some webviews components written using React under editor/code/views.

There are two ways to work with the VS Code extension: you can let VS Code itself take care of building it (preferred setup), or you can build it manually.

First, run npm install in editor/code:

(cd editor/code && npm i)

That will setup the required packages as it is usual. You can run package.json scripts the usual way:

(cd editor/code && npm run typecheck) # typecheck the project
(cd editor/code && npm run compile) # fast dev-transpile (no typecheck)

If you want to work with VS Code, these commands are not necessary, VS Code will build the project automatically.

Launch VS Code using dune exec -- code -n editor/code, which will setup the right environment variables such as PATH and OCAMLPATH, so the coq-lsp binary can be found by VS Code. If you have installed coq-lsp globally, you don't need dune exec, and can just run code -n editor/code.

Once in VS Code, you can launch the extension normally using the left "Run and Debug" panel in Visual Studio Code, or the F5 keybinding.

You can of course install the extension in your ~/.vscode/ folder if so you desire, tho this is not recommended.

Miscellaneous info

  • The "Restart Coq LSP server" command will be of great help while developing with the server.
  • We use prettier to automatically format files in editor/code. make ts-fmt will do this in batch mode.


The default build target will allow you to debug the extension by providing the right sourcemaps.


You should be able to use coq-lsp with eglot.

If you find any trouble using eglot or lsp-mode with coq-lsp, please don't hesitate to open an issue, Emacs support is a goal of coq-lsp.


coq-lsp should also run on VIM, VIM/NeoVIM support is a goal of coq-lsp