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Task: Estimate the magnitude of the documents that need to be sychronized between servers.

Assuming we have two servers, with a bounded communication channel, containing a set of documents - we denote these sets with A resp. B. They are not necessarily disjoint, and we want to estimate the size of the difference, i.e. an approximation of

m = |A \ B| + |B \ A|


We have a set of independent hash functions g₁,..,gₙ with range [0;1] and domain U. (That is the domain the sets A and B are in, i.e. A ⊆ U, B ⊆ U.) And a second set of hash functions: h₁,..,hₙ: These have domain P(U), i.e. they can be applied to subsets of documents, instead of individual ones, and their range is a b-bit string, i.e.

gᵢ : U → [0;1]
hᵢ : P(U) → {0,..,2ᵇ - 1}

for i ∈ {1,..,n}.

Instead of sending all documents, both servers send only bn - bits, that is the hashes of

x(i,A) := h( { x | x ∈ A, gᵢ(x) ≤ pᵢ } )
x(i,B) := h( { x | x ∈ B, gᵢ(x) ≤ pᵢ } )

Note that we have choosen a sequence of probabilities p₁,..,pₙ.

Consider the case, when the probability pᵢ is so small, that only a small portion of the documents in A (resp. B) are selected for hashing. (Assuming the set difference m is small, these sets will likely be equal, and hence the hash value.)

On the other hand if m was big, the probability, that the selected set, will still be different, even if pᵢ is quite small is very high.

The probability of each event can be computed as:

P(Eᵢ) := P( x(i,A) ≠ x(i,B) ) =      (1-(1-pᵢ)ᵐ) (1-2⁻ᵇ)
P(Fᵢ) := P( x(i,A) = x(i,B) ) = 1 - [(1-(1-pᵢ)ᵐ) (1-2⁻ᵇ)]

The first term (1-(1-pᵢ)ᵐ) in the product P(Eᵢ) is the events that, there is at least one element from the set A\B or B\A in the sample, and the second term 1-2⁻ᵇ is the probability that there is no hash collision.

Given a sequence of observations

 p_i, x(i,A), x(i,B)

can you estimate the parameter m (i.e. the count of distinct elements)?

To be precise, we are looking for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of m, that is the value for m - best explaining the observed values for x(i,A), x(i,B).

Note that: P(x(i,A) = x(i,B)) is montone decreasing with respect to increasing values of m, while P(x(i,A) ≠ x(i,B)) is monotone increasing. Note also that, we assumed the hash functions hᵢ, gᵢ are independent, hence the probability of intersections events for i ≠ j will be products of the probabilities of the individual events, e.g.

P(Eᵢ ∧ Eⱼ) = P(Eᵢ) P(Eⱼ)


P(Eᵢ ∧ Fⱼ) = P(Eᵢ) P(Fⱼ)

and so on ...

P(Fᵢ ∧ Fⱼ) = P(Fᵢ) * P(Fⱼ)

as long as i ≠ j.

Hence we can write the probability of an observation as a product of a montone increasing function g and a decreasing function h, i.e.

f(m) := g(m) * h(m)


g(m) := product { P(Eᵢ) | i ∈ {1..n}, x(i,A) ≠ x(i,B) }
h(m) := product { P(Fᵢ) | i ∈ {1..n}, x(i,A) = x(i,B) }

For these functions g, h, we have that

g([a;b]) ⊆ [g(a);g(b)]


h([a;b]) ⊆ [h(b);h(a)]

While it is not necessarily true that: f([a;b]) ⊆ [f(a);f(b)], is it possible to determine bounds for the values of f on a range, i.e. f([a;b]), with bounds of the individual functions g and h?

Further note that: Assuming we know that f([a;b]) <= f(x), (with x outside of [a;b]) we can rule out all values within [a;b] as candidates for our maximum likelihood estimator.

(See also the source file Solution.hs)


estimate the difference between distributed sets







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