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This game is a Trivia question game for homework assignment #5. The assignment is bases on JavaScript (JS) timers. The objective of the game is to answer the question by clicking on the associated answer. The theme of these questions revolve around Justin Bieber.

If you can't remember who he was, maybe your heard of

You can find the instructions for this assignment here:

The rest of this README will overview the interpretation of the game through the JS functions .

File Structure

├── assets
|  ├── css
|  |  └── reset.css
|  |  └── style.css
|  ├── images
|  |  └── [Background Images]
|  └── javascript
|     └── app.js
|     └── biebz.js
└── index.html


  • Game will read list of questions.
  • Game will output question from list in random order.
  • Game will output answers for each question in random order.

JavaScript - biebz.js

The questions are linked in an external file as an array of objects in variable questions[]. The object structure is:

    question: "",
    answerChoices: [
      { answer: "", value: true,  isUsed: false },
      { answer: "", value: false, isUsed: false },
      { answer: "", value: false, isUsed: false },
      { answer: "", value: false, isUsed: false }
    info: "",
    isAnswered: false,
  • question is the question that different answer choices.
  • answerChoices is an array of possible answers, with parameter for the correct answer, and tracking of the output display of answer.
  • info is extra information about that supports the explanation of the correct answer.
  • isAnswered is a variable to track whether the question was used already of all total questions for randomization.
  • answerChoices[x].answer is the choice answer for user to select.
  • answerChoices[x].value is a boolean to identify the correct answer between all the other answer choices.
  • answerChoices[x].isUsed is a boolean to track whether the answer choice was used already of the other choices for randomization.

JavaScript - game.js

function resetGame()

All variables are set to the initial state. The HTML restart area is hidden and questions area is displayed. For the questions[] object array, all questions[x].answerChoices[y].isUsed and questions[x].isAnswered are returned to false.

function startTimer()

Starts an interval timer for the questions. The ID of the timer is tracked and an associated Boolean variable is used to determine if the timer is active or not.

function stopTimer()

Stops the interval timer, when the question is answered or timed out.

function countTimer()

This function that is called by the start timer. It decreases the time value tracking the seconds and also is a status check on the conditionals of the timer, such as reaching zero of if no answer is selected.

function printBSCard()

This function appends a Bootstrap card model to the questions table. This is the framework to hold the questions and answers for the game.

function printStatus(flag)

This function updates the score status board and messages on the question area, depending on whether the answer is right, wrong, unanswered, or there are no more questions left.

function answerNone()

If the question is unanswered, this function is called by countTimer() which is on the startTimer() interval. When there is no choice, printStatus() is passed none where it let the user know the right answer (with display delays) and then get ready for the next question (if any) with printQuestions().

function answerRight()

This function is based on the $(document).on("click", ".answer", function (event) {...}. When an answer is selected, pickedAnswer boolean is toggled to prevent additional answers from being selected. When the correct answer is chosen based on the value attribute which is populated based on the questions[x].answerChoices[y].value, this function is called which updates that status board and colors the answers (right-green and wrong-red), and calls printStatus() with the right parameter.

function answerWrong()

This function is based on the $(document).on("click", ".answer", function (event) {...}. When an answer is selected, pickedAnswer boolean is toggled to prevent additional answers from being selected. When the incorrect answer is chosen based on the value attribute which would be undefined, this function is called which updates that status board and colors the answers (right-green and wrong-red), and calls printStatus() with the wrong parameter.

function colorAnswers()

This function looks at questions[x].answerChoices[y].value from the printQuestions() function to added classes .answer-picked, .answer-right, .answer-wrong to the question choices. Since these classes are available, jQuery can CSS style these rows to provide user visual indication.

function updateStatus()

This function updates the HTML display status area for the remaining questions, number of questions answered right, and number of questions answered wrong.

function startPage()

This function hides all display elements / containers except for the .start-area which includes a wallpaper and actor to start.

function resetQuestionDisplay()

This function empties the the question display area to start a new round of questions. Not really needed here, since it is performed as part of printQustions().

function preNumtoChar(number)

This is a simple function, to return the alphabetical letter associated with the numerical number.

function printQuestions()

This function looks at the questions[] array to print 1 available question the the Bootsrap card area. The number of question is based on the length of the questions[] array. It uses 2 while loops. 1 to obtain the new (not already used) questions from the questions[x].isAnswered randomly. 2 to print the details of the information in a random order based on questions[x].answerChoices[y].isUsed. The index of the question[] for that specific question is stored in an attribute to gather the info of that associated question later.

function startGame()

This function hides the .start-area and displays all the other elements of the game.