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Hibernate crypto types

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Library adding custom encrypted hibernate types


JDK 11+


For example with Gradle Kotlin DSL :


NB : if you want to use snapshots you need to add the following configuration to your Gradle build script :

repositories {
  maven { url = uri("") }


Following the example you can find in the integrationTest source set, you need:

  1. To define the secrets configuration to encrypt your data
  2. To define the new hibernate types
  3. Specify the column type to use for each field you want to encrypt

Secrets configuration

Create a bean to deserialize you configuration properties:

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "ekino.encrypt")
data class EncryptProperties(val secret: String, val iv: String)

See com.ekino.oss.hibernate.config.EncryptProperties in the integrationTest source set.

Add your secrets in your application.yml configuration:

    secret: "my_very_long_secret_32_character"
    iv: "initialization_V"

See resources/application.yml in the integrationTest source set.

Then enable the configuration with the following configuration bean:

class EncryptConfig(val encryptProperties: EncryptProperties) : CommandLineRunner {

  override fun run(vararg args: String?) {
    require(EncryptCredentialsHolder.SECRET == null)
    require(EncryptCredentialsHolder.IV == null)
    EncryptCredentialsHolder.SECRET = encryptProperties.secret
    EncryptCredentialsHolder.IV = encryptProperties.iv

See com.ekino.oss.hibernate.config.EncryptConfig in the integrationTest source set.

Type definitions

Here is a list of the new hibernate types provided by this library:

Type name Target column type to encrypt Comment
encrypted-text String As the resulting encrypted text will still be the same for the same raw source, you may want to use encrypted-text-with-salt to change the result
encrypted-text-with-salt String The resulting encrypted text will always be different for the same raw source
encrypted-json Any non-primitive Object As the resulting encrypted text will still be the same for the same raw source, you may want to use encrypted-json-salt-wrap to change the result. Warning: if use with a String target type, the data won't be encrypted, please use encrypted-text or encrypted-text-with-salt instead
encrypted-json-salt-wrap Dedicated to Enum (or simple objects) but works for any non-primitive Object The resulting encrypted text will always be different for the same raw source. Warning: if use with a String target type, the data won't be encrypted, please use encrypted-text or encrypted-text-with-salt instead

Using an abstract entity

You can create a super abstract entity that will be extended by all your entities:

 * Common superclass for all the entities.
  TypeDef(name = "encrypted-text", typeClass = EncryptedStringType::class),
  TypeDef(name = "encrypted-text-with-salt", typeClass = EncryptedStringWithSaltType::class),
  TypeDef(name = "encrypted-json", typeClass = EncryptedJsonType::class),
  TypeDef(name = "encrypted-json-salt-wrap", typeClass = EncryptedJsonSaltWrapType::class)
abstract class AbstractEntity(
  // Put here some common field you may want to share for your sub-entities

See com.ekino.oss.hibernate.model.AbstractEntity in the integrationTest source set.

Specify your fields to encrypt

Extends your previously defined abstract entity to apply your column type on demand:

class Person(

  var name: String,

  @Type(type = "encrypted-text")
  @Column(columnDefinition = "encrypted-text")
  var password: String? = null,

  @Type(type = "encrypted-json")
  @Column(columnDefinition = "encrypted-json")
  var privateData: PrivateData? = null,

  @Type(type = "encrypted-json-salt-wrap")
  @Column(columnDefinition = "encrypted-json-salt-wrap")
  var someValue: SomeEnum? = null,

  @Type(type = "encrypted-text-with-salt")
  @Column(columnDefinition = "encrypted-text-with-salt")
  var simpleValue: String? = null

) : AbstractEntity()

See com.ekino.oss.hibernate.model.Person in the integrationTest source set.