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Contribute ⦔ Help Needed
Contribute ⦔ Help Needed
If nobody steps up, this is not likely to get fixed anytime soon
Contribute ⦔ Help Welcome
Contribute ⦔ Help Welcome
You are most welcome to take this issue up
Contribute ⦔ Only Assigned
Contribute ⦔ Only Assigned
The assigned person is not looking for help right now
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Easy
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Easy
Requires solving an easy implementation problem
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Hard
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Hard
Requires solving a hard implementation problem
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Intermediate
Difficulty ⦔ Impl Intermediate
Requires solving an intermediate implementation problem
Difficulty ⦔ Mindless Chore
Difficulty ⦔ Mindless Chore
Everyone can do this
Difficulty ⦔ Research
Difficulty ⦔ Research
This requires solving a research problem
Difficulty ⦔ Software Design
Difficulty ⦔ Software Design
This requires rethinking the design of the software
Domain ⦔ Cosmetics
Domain ⦔ Cosmetics
Cosmetics issue
Domain ⦔ Performance
Domain ⦔ Performance
Performance issue
Domain ⦔ Security
Domain ⦔ Security
Security issue
Domain ⦔ Testing
Domain ⦔ Testing
Related to unit testing
Domain ⦔ Usability
Domain ⦔ Usability
Usability issue (Docs, UI, API, Accessibility, I18n)
Est. Work ⦔ 1d
Est. Work ⦔ 1d
Requires 1 day of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 1h
Est. Work ⦔ 1h
Requires 1 hour of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 1m
Est. Work ⦔ 1m
Requires 1 month of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 1m+
Est. Work ⦔ 1m+
Requires more than 1 month of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 1w
Est. Work ⦔ 1w
Requires 1 week of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 2d
Est. Work ⦔ 2d
Requires 2 days of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 2w
Est. Work ⦔ 2w
Requires 2 weeks of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 3d
Est. Work ⦔ 3d
Requires 3 days of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 3h
Est. Work ⦔ 3h
Requires 3 hours of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 3w
Est. Work ⦔ 3w
Requires 3 weeks of intermediate programmer
Est. Work ⦔ 4d
Est. Work ⦔ 4d
Requires 4 days of intermediate programmer
OS ⦔ All
OS ⦔ All
Affects all platforms
OS ⦔ Android
OS ⦔ Android
Issue specific to Android
OS ⦔ Bsd
OS ⦔ Bsd
Issue specific to BSD
OS ⦔ Linux
OS ⦔ Linux
Issue specific to Linux
OS ⦔ Mac
OS ⦔ Mac
Issue specific to Mac