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Bank Codes

A package that allows the caller to extrace SWIFT codes published by the service


Add to your project from the NPM repository:

npm install bank-codes --save

and grab an instance:

// using ES6  modules
import bc from 'bank-codes';

// using CommonJS modules
const bc = require('bank-codes');


The methods in this package store the data retrieved into a cache.json file. This package contains such a file and most clients will simply want to use it directly, rather than scanning the site for the data. The file may be included like this:

const bc = require('bank-codes/cache.json')

The following methods are available in the package:


Returns an object keyed by country names and values a path within the site see a list of banks

    "United States": "/swift-code/united-states/"


Retrieves the list of banks for the given country. The return value is similar that below:

    "banks": {
        "United States": {
            "Intrust Bank, n.a.": {
                "Wichita": [{
                    "Branch": "Finance Operations",
                    "Address": "105 North Main",
                    "PostCode": "67202",
                    "SWIFT": "Trstus44"


The methods return promises so their return values need to be waited for

// as a promise
bc.banks('United States').then(console.log);

// async/await
(async () => {
    console.log(await bc.banks('United States'));

Cache file

The package includes a database of site content (SWIFT codes only) organised as a Json object in a tarball named cache.json.tar.gz, which users may download and include in projects without having to build it. To grab the file just run:

curl -L "" |tar -xzv

As the data on the site may change across time, making the database stale, it may be necessary to regenerate this, which is accomplished by running:

# creates a cache file for all countries
npm run cache

# will extract the data for only the countries specified
npm run cache Mexico Sweden

# prints to stdout so it can be captured to a file
npm run cache Mexico > Mexico.json

# progress information is produced
export DEBUG=Y
npm run cache

# in case an extract brakes, the page that failed may be re-run
# which also continues extracting all subsequent pages
npm run cache ""

Note: when passing country names to the script, they must be title-cased


If you add functionality, make sure tests pass:

npm test

and when publishing, bump up the version like this:

npm version <patch|minor|major>




For support post an issue on Github or reach out to me directly @ekkis on Telegram