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ekmett committed Jan 21, 2011
1 parent 7b44abc commit 98378fc
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Showing 14 changed files with 322 additions and 131 deletions.
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions Data/Graph/Adjacency/List.hs → Data/Graph/AdjacencyList.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Graph.Adjacency.List
Expand All @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : MPTCs, fundeps
-- Portability : type families

module Data.Graph.Adjacency.List
module Data.Graph.AdjacencyList
( AdjacencyList(..)
, ask
) where
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Data.Ix
import Data.Array
import Data.Graph.PropertyMap
import Data.Graph.Class
import Data.Graph.Class.Adjacency.List
import Data.Graph.Class.AdjacencyList

newtype AdjacencyList i a = AdjacencyList { runAdjacencyList :: Array i [i] -> a }

Expand All @@ -40,11 +40,13 @@ instance Monad (AdjacencyList i) where
return = AdjacencyList . const
AdjacencyList f >>= k = AdjacencyList $ \t -> runAdjacencyList (k (f t)) t

instance Ord i => Graph (AdjacencyList i) i (i, i) where
instance Ord i => Graph (AdjacencyList i) where
type Vertex (AdjacencyList i) = i
type Edge (AdjacencyList i) = (i, i)
vertexMap = pure . propertyMap
edgeMap = pure . propertyMap

instance Ix i => AdjacencyListGraph (AdjacencyList i) i (i, i) where
instance Ix i => AdjacencyListGraph (AdjacencyList i) where
adjacentVertices v = AdjacencyList $ \g -> if inRange (bounds g) v
then g ! v
else []
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions Data/Graph/Adjacency/Matrix.hs → Data/Graph/AdjacencyMatrix.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Graph.Adjacency.Matrix
Expand All @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : MPTCs, fundeps
-- Portability : type families

module Data.Graph.Adjacency.Matrix
module Data.Graph.AdjacencyMatrix
( AdjacencyMatrix(..)
, ask
) where
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Data.Functor
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Graph.PropertyMap
import Data.Graph.Class
import Data.Graph.Class.Adjacency.Matrix
import Data.Graph.Class.AdjacencyMatrix

newtype AdjacencyMatrix arr i a = AdjacencyMatrix { runAdjacencyMatrix :: arr (i,i) Bool -> a }

Expand All @@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ instance Monad (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) where
return = AdjacencyMatrix . const
AdjacencyMatrix f >>= k = AdjacencyMatrix $ \t -> runAdjacencyMatrix (k (f t)) t

instance Ord i => Graph (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) i (i, i) where
instance Ord i => Graph (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) where
type Vertex (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) = i
type Edge (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) = (i, i)
vertexMap = pure . propertyMap
edgeMap = pure . propertyMap

instance (IArray arr Bool, Ix i) => AdjacencyMatrixGraph (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) i (i, i) where
instance (IArray arr Bool, Ix i) => AdjacencyMatrixGraph (AdjacencyMatrix arr i) where
edge i j = AdjacencyMatrix $ \a ->
if inRange (bounds a) ix && (a ! ix)
then Just ix
Expand Down
92 changes: 62 additions & 30 deletions Data/Graph/Algorithm/BreadthFirstSearch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Graph.Algorithm.BreadthFirstSearch
Expand All @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : MTPCs, fundeps, type families
-- Portability : type families
-- Breadth-first search
Expand All @@ -16,32 +16,62 @@ module Data.Graph.Algorithm.BreadthFirstSearch
( bfs, Bfs(..)
) where

import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Sequence

import Data.Graph.Class
import Data.Graph.Class.Adjacency.List
import Data.Graph.Class.AdjacencyList
import Data.Graph.PropertyMap
import Data.Sequence
import Data.Graph.Internal.Color

-- | Breadth first search visitor
data Bfs g m = Bfs
{ enterVertex :: Vertex g -> g m -- called the first time a vertex is discovered
, grayTarget :: Edge g -> g m -- called when we encounter a back edge to a vertex we're still processing
, exitVertex :: Vertex g -> g m -- called once we have processed all descendants of a vertex
, blackTarget :: Edge g -> g m -- called when we encounter a cross edge to a vertex we've already finished

instance Graph g => Functor (Bfs g) where
fmap f (Bfs a b c d) = Bfs
(liftM f . a)
(liftM f . b)
(liftM f . c)
(liftM f . d)

instance Graph g => Applicative (Bfs g) where
pure a = Bfs
(const (return a))
(const (return a))
(const (return a))
(const (return a))

m <*> n = Bfs
(\v -> enterVertex m v `ap` enterVertex n v)
(\e -> grayTarget m e `ap` grayTarget n e)
(\v -> exitVertex m v `ap` exitVertex n v)
(\e -> blackTarget m e `ap` blackTarget n e)

data Color = White | Gray | Black deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
instance Graph g => Monad (Bfs g) where
return = pure
m >>= f = Bfs
(\v -> enterVertex m v >>= ($ v) . enterVertex . f)
(\e -> grayTarget m e >>= ($ e) . grayTarget . f)
(\v -> exitVertex m v >>= ($ v) . exitVertex . f)
(\e -> blackTarget m e >>= ($ e) . blackTarget . f)

data Bfs v e m = Bfs
{ enterVertex :: v -> m -- called the first time a vertex is discovered
, grayTarget :: e -> m -- called when we encounter a back edge to a vertex we're still processing
, exitVertex :: v -> m -- called once we have processed all descendants of a vertex
, blackTarget :: e -> m -- called when we encounter a cross edge to a vertex we've already finished
} deriving (Functor)
instance (Graph g, Monoid m) => Default (Bfs g m) where
def = return mempty

instance Monoid m => Default (Bfs v e m) where
def = Bfs
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
instance (Graph g, Monoid m) => Monoid (Bfs g m) where
mempty = return mempty
mappend = liftM2 mappend

getS :: Monad g => k -> StateT (Seq v, PropertyMap g k Color) g Color
getS k = do
Expand All @@ -54,22 +84,24 @@ putS k v = do
m' <- lift $ putP m k v
modify $ \(q,_) -> (q, m')

enqueue :: Monad g => Bfs v e m -> v -> StateT (Seq v, PropertyMap g v Color) g m
enqueue :: Graph g
=> Bfs g m
-> Vertex g
-> StateT (Seq (Vertex g), PropertyMap g (Vertex g) Color) g m
enqueue vis v = do
m <- gets snd
m' <- lift $ putP m v Gray
m' <- lift $ putP m v Grey
modify $ \(q,_) -> (q |> v, m')
return $ enterVertex vis v
lift $ enterVertex vis v

dequeue :: Monad g => StateT (Seq v, s) g r -> (v -> StateT (Seq v, s) g r) -> StateT (Seq v, s) g r
dequeue ke ks = do
(q, m) <- get
case viewl q of
EmptyL -> ke
EmptyL -> ke
(a :< q') -> put (q', m) >> ks a

-- TODO: CPS transform?
bfs :: (AdjacencyListGraph g v e, Monoid m) => Bfs v e m -> v -> g m
bfs :: (AdjacencyListGraph g, Monoid m) => Bfs g m -> Vertex g -> g m
bfs vis v0 = do
m <- vertexMap White
evalStateT (enqueue vis v0 >>= pump) (mempty, m)
Expand All @@ -82,9 +114,9 @@ bfs vis v0 = do
color <- getS v'
liftM (`mappend` m) $ case color of
White -> enqueue vis v'
Gray -> return $ grayTarget vis e
Black -> return $ blackTarget vis e)
Grey -> lift $ grayTarget vis e
Black -> lift $ blackTarget vis e
) mempty adjs
putS v Black
pump $ lhs `mappend` children `mappend` exitVertex vis v
rhs <- lift $ exitVertex vis v
pump $ lhs `mappend` children `mappend` rhs
77 changes: 54 additions & 23 deletions Data/Graph/Algorithm/DepthFirstSearch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Graph.Algorithm.DepthFirstSearch
Expand All @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : MTPCs, fundeps, type families
-- Portability : type families
-- Depth-first search
Expand All @@ -16,31 +16,60 @@ module Data.Graph.Algorithm.DepthFirstSearch
( dfs, Dfs(..)
) where

import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid

import Data.Graph.Class
import Data.Graph.Class.Adjacency.List
import Data.Graph.Class.AdjacencyList
import Data.Graph.PropertyMap
import Data.Graph.Internal.Color

data Dfs g m = Dfs
{ enterVertex :: Vertex g -> g m -- called the first time a vertex is discovered
, grayTarget :: Edge g -> g m -- called when we encounter a back edge to a vertex we're still processing
, exitVertex :: Vertex g -> g m -- called once we have processed all descendants of a vertex
, blackTarget :: Edge g -> g m -- called when we encounter a cross edge to a vertex we've already finished

instance Graph g => Functor (Dfs g) where
fmap f (Dfs a b c d) = Dfs
(liftM f . a)
(liftM f . b)
(liftM f . c)
(liftM f . d)

instance Graph g => Applicative (Dfs g) where
pure a = Dfs
(const (return a))
(const (return a))
(const (return a))
(const (return a))

m <*> n = Dfs
(\v -> enterVertex m v `ap` enterVertex n v)
(\e -> grayTarget m e `ap` grayTarget n e)
(\v -> exitVertex m v `ap` exitVertex n v)
(\e -> blackTarget m e `ap` blackTarget n e)

data Color = White | Gray | Black deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
instance Graph g => Monad (Dfs g) where
return = pure
m >>= f = Dfs
(\v -> enterVertex m v >>= ($ v) . enterVertex . f)
(\e -> grayTarget m e >>= ($ e) . grayTarget . f)
(\v -> exitVertex m v >>= ($ v) . exitVertex . f)
(\e -> blackTarget m e >>= ($ e) . blackTarget . f)

data Dfs v e m = Dfs
{ enterVertex :: v -> m -- called the first time a vertex is discovered
, backEdge :: e -> m -- called when we encounter a back edge to a vertex we're still processing
, exitVertex :: v -> m -- called once we have processed all descendants of a vertex
, crossEdge :: e -> m -- called when we encounter a cross edge to a vertex we've already finished
} deriving (Functor)
instance (Graph g, Monoid m) => Default (Dfs g m) where
def = return mempty

instance Monoid m => Default (Dfs v e m) where
def = Dfs
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
(const mempty)
instance (Graph g, Monoid m) => Monoid (Dfs g m) where
mempty = return mempty
mappend = liftM2 mappend

getS :: Monad g => k -> StateT (PropertyMap g k v) g v
getS k = do
Expand All @@ -54,23 +83,25 @@ putS k v = do
put m'

-- TODO: CPS transform?
dfs :: (AdjacencyListGraph g v e, Monoid m) => Dfs v e m -> v -> g m
dfs :: (AdjacencyListGraph g, Monoid m) => Dfs g m -> Vertex g -> g m
dfs vis v0 = do
m <- vertexMap White
evalStateT (go v0) m where
go v = do
putS v Gray
putS v Grey
lhs <- lift $ enterVertex vis v
adjs <- lift $ outEdges v
result <- foldrM
(\e m -> do
v' <- target e
color <- getS v'
liftM (`mappend` m) $ case color of
White -> go v'
Gray -> return $ backEdge vis e
Black -> return $ crossEdge vis e
Grey -> lift $ grayTarget vis e
Black -> lift $ blackTarget vis e
putS v Black
return $ enterVertex vis v `mappend` result `mappend` exitVertex vis v
rhs <- lift $ exitVertex vis v
return $ lhs `mappend` result `mappend` rhs

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