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My preferred starting boilerplate for a TypeScript based API project


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IMPORTANT: This is a WORK IN PROGRESS, it is not complete.

Boilerplate Typescript API

This is my boilerplate for using typescript to build out an http(s) service. Typescript is an amazing addition to the Node.JS/Javascript. This is just a starting point, I do not claim to cover all use cases, or even use all the best options. This is what I find useful and helpful.

Pull requests to improve are always welcome, but I'm not interesting to making this cover all use cases, keep it simple is the idea here.


  • - Adding in JWT Authentication
  • - Document GraphQL Modifications
  • - Document Database Modifications (including Migrations)
  • - Document Adding Routes

Getting Started

To get started developing, you need to first run npm install after that npm run watch and start modifying code. The watch script fires up two nodemon processes concurrently. One watches for graphql schema change and re-renders the typescript necessary for it to work properly, and the second watches for any typescript or javascript file changes and reloads.

Ready for Docker

Ready for building for Docker from the start.

docker build -t project .

Project Structure

This is just the guideline that I like to use.

  • src/graphql - Everything GraphQL related
  • src/instances - Instances of "things", like config, logger, restify, database, etc
  • src/lib - Library like import/requires
  • src/typings - Custom typings for the project

Build With

  • TypeScript
  • Restify
  • Bunyan
  • Apollo (for GraphQL)
  • RC (for Configuration)


Enabling the Playground

Add the following to your .boilerplaterc file.

  "graphql": {
    "playground": true

Adding a GraphQL Query

  1. Add your type definitions to graphql/schema.graphql
type User {
  id: String!
  username: String!
  1. Modify the type Query in graphql/schema.graphql to include a query for users
type Query {
  users: [User]
  1. Add a users resolver in graphql/resolvers.query.ts also import the User Type from schema-types.ts
import { User as UserType } from '../schema-types.ts';

import { UserModel } from '../../db';

export const QueryResolvers = {
  async users(source: any, args: any, context: any, ast: any): Promise<UserType[]> {
    return UserModel.findAll();

If you've been using npm run watch this entire type, your system will have rebuild the schema.json file and the schema-types.ts for you and the new GraphQL query will be ready for use.


My preferred starting boilerplate for a TypeScript based API project







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