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Elad Meidar committed Apr 14, 2010
1 parent 6f8779b commit 366acd4
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73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions _posts/2010-4-13-bag-o-links-13-4-2010.textile
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title: Bag O' Links - 13/4/2010
layout: post

h4. i've got 909 tickets but a rant ain't one.

Rails. you know it right?

yeah, sure you do, if you are using this blog most odds are that you are using rails or at least interested in it a little bit.
In my opinion our lovely Rails is a little bit sick, it has too many stale/open tickets/patches that somehow managed to skip the radar in the entire Rails 3 luau.

Well, uncle Rails needs you!

I am not going to re-write or repeat what my friends "Ryan Bigg":, "Dan Pickett": and "Kristopher Murata": wrote, but i'll just say this.

* find some free time and help make Rails a little better.
* yes, even you, the person that started working with Rails 3 days ago can help, ask us how.

I am not hiding the fact that i am deeply disappointed with the way some of the decisions were made within the Rails 3 marathon, but that doesn't mean that i am going to give up that easily and you too, the person who is frustrated with Rails 3 bugs, compatibility issues and black holes can join in and try to help us bring it back to the way we all like it.

now, for the fun stuff.

h4. Links

* "Everything you know about .clearfix is wrong!": - yeah, it was wrong. ;)
* "jQuery Table toolbox": - yeah i know, jQuery is retarded but it does have a monstrous amount plugins, and sometimes that's all i need.
* "Presentation: Gary Dusbabek from Rackspace on Cassandra": - good presentation.
* "Styling horizontal rulers": - now you can.
* "Best Practices: IpTables": - Awesome tips from RackerHacker.
* "Web safe fonts cheatsheet": - sIFR, Phark, Cufon.. all under the microscope.
* "Javascript testing with Cucumber and Capybara": - client side testing with Rails, wicked awesome.
* "ensure with no rescue": - ensure some code runs no matter what happens. with that being said keep in mind that using exceptions for expected failures is stupid.
* "Javascript singletone": - wicked.
* "Gameplan's workflow": - git, github and testing workflow.
* "Supercharged browser testing": - wicked. capybara, multiple browsers and whole'lotta'fun.
* "Awesome Rails slides": - from mr. James Edward Grayll.
* "Rails HTTP codes and symbols": - nice.
* "Why extending the DOM is a bad idea": - there you go jQuery...
* "Skip a Rails filter based on a custom condition": - Patrick Tulskie gains +10 intelligence points for helping me out on this one, but sure as hell we do need an @:if@ option on @skip_before_filter@.
* "Rails Dispatch": - Rails 3, Yehuda, screencasts, whatever. like that's what matters.
* "Quickly generate a custom privacy and TOS": - neat.
* "Cucumbers, Tags and continuous integration": - treat features that *are still under development* with care.
* "Comparing testing frameworks (on IronRuby)": - Shay loves IronRuby and wraps a nice review that even non IronRuby users can gain something from. (yes, @require "something.dll"@ makes me flinch too, for now).
* "HTML5 Input types": - don't bother i guess, they will change, disappear, reappear, and misinterpreted in IE.
* "Introduction to Nginx": - nice tips (it's a slide, click space to get the next one.)
* "Host a git repository on Dreamhost": - tutorial.
* "CSS3 emulator for IE": - screw that browser.
* "Blending SQL in noSQL": - slides and source code from MBleigh's talk.
* "noSQL database": - the ugliest website they could have made for that cause, lots of info on the other hand.
* "Managing Heroku env variables for local development": - mock heroku's ENV vars.

h4. Treasures

* "HoneyPot-Captcha": - Honeypot captchas work off the premise that you can present different form fields to a spam bot than you do to a real user. Spam bots will typically try to fill all fields in a form and will not take into account CSS styles.
* "jStorage": - a simple wrapper plugin for Prototype, MooTools and jQuery to store data on browser side.
* "Storable": - Marshal Ruby classes into and out of multiple formats (yaml, json, csv, tsv). "Solutious": actually have a bunch of other interesting tools.
* "Instant Blueprint": - quickly generate HTML, CSS and even a JS lib of your choice.
* "Holland backup framework": - another great release from Rackspace, this time it's an Open Source backup framework.
* "reviewr": - send code review requests using git. minions, prepare yourselves.
* "Updated pimped command line": - barking iguana is one of my favorites.
* "Modernizr": pretty awesome, a "conditional" CSS/JS solution for HTML5/CSS3 support in browsers. wicked.
* "Websockets with Ruby (eventmachine)": - examples.
* "...and WebSockets for inferior browsers": - guess which ones.
* "Apotomo": - build rails applications using widgets/"cells". looks interesting.
* "FailIRC": - IRC server and client.
* "OHM": - Object-Hash-Mapping. store objects in Redis.
* "ice_cube": - Recurring dates DSL. that's... nice.

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