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Elad Meidar committed Feb 6, 2010
1 parent f62708b commit b124bb1
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions _posts/2010-2-5-bag-o-links-5-2-2010.textile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: Bag O' Links - 5/2/2010
layout: post

* "Is your plugin ready for Rails 3?": - add yours even if it's not.
* "Legal resources for Startups and entrepreneurs":
* "Test your Javascript with QUnit": - for those of you that don't write perfect code.
* "jQuery 1.4 vs MooTools 1.2": - just like comparing Apples and Oranges in my opinion, but anyway this is a good collection of snippets in both frameworks, regardless to the fact that i don't care what the final conclusion is.
* "Bayesian classification in Rails": - a simple tutorial, might come really handy in a project i have coming up.
* "Bulletproof backups for your MySQL": - i personally don't believe in bulletproof stuff, but it does look like a very comprehensive tutorial.
* "script/migrator to navigate through your migrations": - another awesome tool from "@hakunin":, this time a simple migration navigator which by coincidence is also going to be the last member of Rails's `script/` library. RIP.
* "Linkedin new search, under the hood": - Architecture overview for the new Linkedin referenced search.
* "When to serialize objects in the database": - excellent article by the MySQL performance blog.
* "Friendly - noSQL on MySQL": - 2 weeks ago or so, i was talking to "@elado": about friendly, saying it feels weird and if i am going to use noSQL, i'd probably go for MongoDB or Tokyo. After retrying Friendly i take it back, this is a really nice implementation.
* "Rails 3 upgrade peepcast": - free.
* "Superfluous DSL": - Do validations belong in the instance scope?
* "Why i use HAML and SASS": - and Eric davis that "doesn't use HAML and SASS":
* "zen-coding": - some people's answer to the whole "HAML/SASS is less typing" argument.
* "Music with Ruby": - 2 screencasts
* and "a little bit of hate to us all": - Just for kicks :)

h4. Treasures

* "js/uix": - Unix-like javascript OS toy.
* "importx": - Easily import excel files into your database.
* "authlogic-oauth": - enable your users to login with their Twitter credentials.
* "Speednotes": - sticky notes got cooler.
* "The letter V on Gemcutter": - GemCutter is awesome and sometimes i wonder between the gems over there when i get bored, the letter V specifically is awesome because there are lots of "validates_something" gems there that people might find useful.

170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions _site/2010/2/bag-o-links-5-2-2010/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
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<h1><strong>EmphasizedInsanity</strong> at <strong>/life
<h2>undefined method `Sanity` for #&lt;EladMeidar::Developer:0x12e0670&gt;</h2>
<li class="first"><strong>file:</strong> <code>
<li><strong>location:</strong> <code>instance_missing
<li class="last"><strong>line:
</strong> 1</li>
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No, this is not a real Sinatra error :). <br/>
This is the personal homepage of Elad Meidar, a web developer and an entrepreneur specializing in Ruby on Rails. I hang around Fort Lauderdale, FL and Tel-Aviv in Israel, and i am currently running <a href="">Nautilus6</a> so Feel free to contact me regarding projects :).<br/>
I am a proud member of <a href="">RailsBridge</a>, Helping new <a href="">Rails developers</a> get into our world and also contributed a few <a href="">Patches</a> to the Ruby on Rails core.
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<h3 class="post_title"><a href="/2010/2/bag-o-links-5-2-2010">Bag O' Links - 5/2/2010</a></h3>
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<li><a href="">Is your plugin ready for Rails 3?</a> &#8211; add yours even if it&#8217;s not.</li>
<li><a href="">Legal resources for Startups and entrepreneurs</a></li>
<li><a href="">Test your Javascript with QUnit</a> &#8211; for those of you that don&#8217;t write perfect code.</li>
<li><a href="">jQuery 1.4 vs MooTools 1.2</a> &#8211; just like comparing Apples and Oranges in my opinion, but anyway this is a good collection of snippets in both frameworks, regardless to the fact that i don&#8217;t care what the final conclusion is.</li>
<li><a href="">Bayesian classification in Rails</a> &#8211; a simple tutorial, might come really handy in a project i have coming up.</li>
<li><a href="">Bulletproof backups for your MySQL</a> &#8211; i personally don&#8217;t believe in bulletproof stuff, but it does look like a very comprehensive tutorial.</li>
<li><a href="">script/migrator to navigate through your migrations</a> &#8211; another awesome tool from <a href="">@hakunin</a>, this time a simple migration navigator which by coincidence is also going to be the last member of Rails&#8217;s `script/` library. <span class="caps">RIP</span>.</li>
<li><a href="">Linkedin new search, under the hood</a> &#8211; Architecture overview for the new Linkedin referenced search.</li>
<li><a href="">When to serialize objects in the database</a> &#8211; excellent article by the MySQL performance blog.</li>
<li><a href="">Friendly &#8211; noSQL on MySQL</a> &#8211; 2 weeks ago or so, i was talking to <a href="">@elado</a> about friendly, saying it feels weird and if i am going to use noSQL, i&#8217;d probably go for MongoDB or Tokyo. After retrying Friendly i take it back, this is a really nice implementation.</li>
<li><a href="">Rails 3 upgrade peepcast</a> &#8211; free.</li>
<li><a href="">Superfluous <span class="caps">DSL</span></a> &#8211; Do validations belong in the instance scope?</li>
<li><a href="">Why i use <span class="caps">HAML</span> and <span class="caps">SASS</span></a> &#8211; and Eric davis that <a href="">doesn&#8217;t use <span class="caps">HAML</span> and <span class="caps">SASS</span></a>.</li>
<li><a href="">zen-coding</a> &#8211; some people&#8217;s answer to the whole &#8220;<span class="caps">HAML</span>/<span class="caps">SASS</span> is less typing&#8221; argument.</li>
<li><a href="">Music with Ruby</a> &#8211; 2 screencasts</li>
<li>and <a href="">a little bit of hate to us all</a> &#8211; Just for kicks :)</li>
<li><a href="">js/uix</a> &#8211; Unix-like javascript OS toy.</li>
<li><a href="">importx</a> &#8211; Easily import excel files into your database.</li>
<li><a href="">authlogic-oauth</a> &#8211; enable your users to login with their Twitter credentials.</li>
<li><a href="">Speednotes</a> &#8211; sticky notes got cooler.</li>
<li><a href="">The letter V on Gemcutter</a> &#8211; GemCutter is awesome and sometimes i wonder between the gems over there when i get bored, the letter V specifically is awesome because there are lots of &#8220;validates_something&#8221; gems there that people might find useful.</li>
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<p class="no-data">I Don't have cookies.</p>

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<p id="explanation">You're seeing this error because I think it is funny.</p>

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