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adding a plaintext parser as an option for batch processing
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eladnoor committed May 1, 2018
1 parent f8c6efe commit 85dbbcf
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Showing 10 changed files with 18,457 additions and 9 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -70,4 +70,7 @@ The reversibility index is a measure of the degree of the reversibility of the r
- tablib (0.12.1)
- matplotlib (2.0.2)
- pandas (0.20.3)

### Only if planning to use ReactionMatcher:
- nltk (3.2.5)
- pandas (0.20.3)
- pyparsing (2.2.0)
16,394 changes: 16,394 additions & 0 deletions data/kegg_compound_names.tsv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,667 changes: 1,667 additions & 0 deletions data/kegg_compound_renaming.tsv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion equilibrator_api/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from .component_contribution import ComponentContribution
from .reaction import Reaction
from .pathway import Pathway
from .pathway import Pathway
from .reaction_matcher import ReactionMatcher
from .query_parser import QueryParser, ParseError
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion equilibrator_api/
Expand Up @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ def conc_plot(self):
ax.set_xlabel('Concentration (M)')

ax.set_xlim(1e-7, 1.5)
ax.set_xlim(default_lb*0.1, 1.5)
ax.set_ylim(-1.5, len(self.compound_data) + 0.5)

Expand Down
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions equilibrator_api/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
import logging
import pyparsing
import re
import numpy

POSSIBLE_REACTION_ARROWS = ('=', '=>', '<=>', '->',
'<->', u'\u2192', u'\u21CC')

class ParseError(Exception):

def _parsedCompound(c_list):
"""Always put a stoichiometric coefficient with a compound."""
if len(c_list) == 2:
return c_list[0], c_list[1]
return 1, c_list[0]

def _MakeReactionSideParser():
"""Builds a parser for a side of a reaction."""
# Coefficients are usually integral, but they can be floats or fractions too.
int_coeff = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)
float_coeff = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums + '.' + pyparsing.nums)
frac_coeff = int_coeff + '/' + int_coeff
int_coeff.setParseAction(lambda i:int(i[0]))
float_coeff.setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
frac_coeff.setParseAction(lambda f:float(f[0])/float(f[2]))

coeff = pyparsing.Or([int_coeff, float_coeff, frac_coeff])
optional_coeff = pyparsing.Optional(coeff)

compound_separator = pyparsing.Literal('+').suppress()

compound_name_component = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums + "()",
pyparsing.alphanums + "-+,()'_")
compound_name = pyparsing.Forward()
compound_name << (compound_name_component + pyparsing.ZeroOrMore(compound_name_component))
compound_name.setParseAction(lambda s: ' '.join(s))

compound_with_coeff = pyparsing.Forward()
compound_with_coeff << ((optional_coeff + compound_name) | compound_name)

compound_with_separator = pyparsing.Forward()
compound_with_separator << (compound_with_coeff + compound_separator)

reaction_side = pyparsing.Forward()
reaction_side << (pyparsing.ZeroOrMore(compound_with_separator) +
reaction_side.setParseAction(lambda l: [l])
return reaction_side

def _MakeReactionParser():
"""Builds a pyparsing-based recursive descent parser for chemical reactions."""
reaction_side = _MakeReactionSideParser()

side_separators = [pyparsing.Literal(s) for s in POSSIBLE_REACTION_ARROWS]
side_separator = pyparsing.Or(side_separators).suppress()

reaction = pyparsing.Forward()
reaction << (reaction_side + side_separator + reaction_side)
return reaction

class ParsedReactionQuery(object):
"""A parsed reaction query."""

def __init__(self, substrates=None, products=None):
"""Initialize the ParsedReaction object.
reactants: a list of tuples for the reactants.
products: a list of tuples for the products.
self.substrates = substrates or []
self.products = products or []

def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality test."""
r = frozenset(self.substrates)
p = frozenset(self.products)
o_r = frozenset(other.substrates)
o_p = frozenset(other.products)

reactants_diff = r.symmetric_difference(o_r)
products_diff = p.symmetric_difference(o_p)

if not reactants_diff and not products_diff:
return True

return False

def __str__(self):
joined_rs = ['%s %s' % (numpy.abs(c),r) for c,r in self.substrates]
joined_ps = ['%s %s' % (numpy.abs(c),p) for c,p in self.products]
return '%s => %s' % (' + '.join(joined_rs), ' + '.join(joined_ps))

class QueryParser(object):
"""Parses search queries."""


def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the parser."""
self._rparser = _MakeReactionParser()

def is_reaction_query(self, query):
"""Returns True if this query is likely to be a reaction query.
query: the query string.
m = self.REACTION_MATCHER.match(query.strip())
return m is not None

def parse_reaction_query(self, query):
"""Parse the query as a reaction.
query: the query string.
An initialized ParsedReaction object, or None if parsing failed.
results = self._rparser.parseString(query)
substrates, products = results
logging.debug('substrates = %s' % str(substrates))
logging.debug('products = %s' % str(products))
return ParsedReactionQuery(substrates, products)
except pyparsing.ParseException as msg:
logging.error('Failed to parse query %s', query)
raise ParseError(msg)

209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions equilibrator_api/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue May 1 12:03:56 2018
@author: noore
from nltk.metrics import edit_distance
from os import path
import csv
import logging
import itertools
import pandas as pd
from equilibrator_api import settings, Reaction
from equilibrator_api.query_parser import QueryParser, ParseError

COMPOUND_NAME_FILE = path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'kegg_compound_names.tsv')
COMPOUND_RENAME_FILE = path.join(settings.DATA_DIR, 'kegg_compound_renaming.tsv')

class CompoundMatcher(object):
CompoundMatches uses the same approximate search as implemented by
eQuilibrator online, essentially using a combination of
auto-complete and N-gram search (with N = 4)

def __init__(self, max_results=10, min_score=0.0):
self._max_results = max_results
self._min_score = min_score

# read all KEGG IDs and corresponding names
self.cid2name = self._load_kegg_names()

# now make the inverse dictionary
cid_name_pairs = list(itertools.chain(
*[[(k,i) for i in v] for (k,v) in self.cid2name.items()]))
self.compound_df = pd.DataFrame(data=cid_name_pairs, columns=['CID', 'compound_name'])
self.compound_df['lowercase_name'] = self.compound_df.compound_name.str.lower()

self.cid2name = dict([(k, v[0] if v != [] else '') for (k, v) in self.cid2name.items()])

def _load_kegg_names(kegg_names_filename=COMPOUND_NAME_FILE,
Read compound names into a dictionary, where the keys are

cid2names = {}
for row in csv.DictReader(open(kegg_names_filename, 'r'), delimiter='\t'):
compound_id = row['CID']
name = row['common name']
names = row['all names'].split('|')
if name not in names:
raise ValueError('The common name \'%s\' is not in the name list for %s'
% (name, compound_id))
if names[0] != name:
names = [name] + names
cid2names[compound_id] = names

# update the name list according to the "renaming" file
for row in csv.DictReader(open(kegg_renaming_filename, 'r'), delimiter='\t'):
compound_id = row['CID']
if compound_id not in cid2names:
raise ValueError('%s appears in the renaming file, but not in the KEGG list'
% compound_id)

command = row['command']
name = row['name']
if command.lower() == 'remove':
# remove 'name' from the list of names
except ValueError:
logging.warning('The name %s is not one of the options for %s, '
'so it cannot be removed' % (name, compound_id))
elif command.lower() == 'add':
# put 'name' in the end of the list (or move it there if it is
# already in the list)
if name in cid2names[compound_id]:
cid2names[compound_id] = cid2names[compound_id] + [name]
elif command.lower() == 'delete':
del cid2names[compound_id]
elif command.lower() == 'replace':
del cid2names[compound_id]
raise ValueError('Unknown command: %s' % command)

return cid2names

def _get_score(self, query, match):
"""Get the score for a query-match pair.
query: the query string.
match: the matching compound name found in compound_df
A score between 0.0 and 1.0.
dist = float(edit_distance(query, match))
return 1.0 - dist / max(len(query), len(match))

def match(self, query):
"""Find matches for a single text query.
query: the string query.
The closest match in KEGG format, or None.
query = query.strip().lower()

# Start by looking for exact matches (ignoring case)
matches = self.compound_df[
self.compound_df.lowercase_name == query]

if matches.shape[0] == 0:
# Try plain old autocomplete. If it works, great.
autocomp_matches = self.compound_df[
self.compound_df.lowercase_name.str.match('^' + query)]

matches = matches.append(autocomp_matches.iloc[:, :self._max_results])

if matches.shape[0] == 0:
# for string of length 4 or more, use N-grams to find more hits
ngram_matches = []
for i in range(len(query) - 3):
ngram = query[i:i+4]
ngram_matches = self.compound_df[
self.compound_df.lowercase_name.str.match('.*' + ngram + '.*')]
matches = matches.append(ngram_matches.iloc[:, :self._max_results])

if matches.shape[0] == 0:
return None

score = matches.lowercase_name.apply(lambda m: self._get_score(query, m))
matches = matches.assign(score=score)
matches = matches.drop_duplicates().sort_values('score', ascending=False)
matches = matches[matches.score >= self._min_score]
return matches

class ReactionMatcher(object):
ReactionMatcher is designed to emulate the behaviour of eQuilibrator's
Search Bar, i.e. automatically mapping a textual chemical formula
to specific chemical structures, and suggesting H2O/NAD(H) balancing

def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the ReactionMatcher.
compound_matcher: a matcher.Matcher object that matches
individual compounds.
self._compound_matcher = CompoundMatcher()
self._query_parser = QueryParser()

def match(self, query):
if not self._query_parser.is_reaction_query(query):
raise ValueError('This query does not look like a reaction: ' + query)
parsed_query = self._query_parser.parse_reaction_query(query)
return self.get_best_match(parsed_query)

def get_best_match(self, parsed_query):
kegg_id_to_coeff = []
for coeff, name in parsed_query.substrates:
comp_matches = self._compound_matcher.match(name)
if comp_matches is None:
raise ParseError('Cannot match this substrate at all: ' + name)
kegg_id_to_coeff.append((comp_matches.CID.iat[0], -coeff))
for coeff, name in parsed_query.products:
comp_matches = self._compound_matcher.match(name)
if comp_matches is None:
raise ParseError('Cannot match this product at all: ' + name)
kegg_id_to_coeff.append((comp_matches.CID.iat[0], coeff))

return Reaction(dict(kegg_id_to_coeff))

def write_compound_and_coeff(self, compound_id, coeff):
compound_name = self._compound_matcher.cid2name.get(compound_id, '?')
if coeff == 1:
return compound_name
return "%g %s" % (coeff, compound_name)

def write_text_formula(self, reaction):
"""String representation."""
left = []
right = []
for kegg_id in reaction.kegg_ids():
coeff = reaction.get_coeff(kegg_id)
if coeff < 0:
left.append(self.write_compound_and_coeff(kegg_id, -coeff))
elif coeff > 0:
right.append(self.write_compound_and_coeff(kegg_id, coeff))
return "%s %s %s" % (' + '.join(left), '=', ' + '.join(right))

if __name__ == '__main__':
rm = ReactionMatcher()
m = rm.match('ATP + H2O <=> ADP + D-arabino-heulose')

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