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Nick Partridge edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 4 revisions

Timezone testing

Every jest test in this code runs in the local timezone.

Run on every timezone

If you want to run a test suite on multiple timezone, just prepend a tz to the standard .test.ts extension like:

Your test will run in the standard local timezone and in all the configured timezones (UTC, America/New_York and Asia/Tokyo). The local timezone tests results are included in the code coverage.

Run on a specific timezone

If you are interested into explicitly create test for a timezone (we are now testing only on UTC, America/New_York and Asia/Tokyo) you have to prepend the tz but add one of the following postfix before the file extension: utc,ny,jp, for example

Each test with the specific timezone postfix will be executed only on that timezone.

These tests are not included in the code coverage yet.

Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

Every story created for Storybook is tested through our Visual Regression Testing suite. The tests are available in e2e/tests directory and are grouped by example usages. The all.test.ts file is unique to the other as it auto generates tests for all stories, to take a screenshot of each story and compare it to the existing baseline available at e2e/screenshots. You can add your own test, using Playwright to drive the page/chart interactions and capture screenshots.

To run the suite we first must generate files from the storybook details.

yarn test:e2e:generate

This command will generate the required code to be run on the server, extracting all the stories from Storybook and build a simple web app for the testing. You need to run this only the first time you need to run VRTs and only if you have added a new story to Storybook. You don't need to run it if you have just changed the existing stories.

Next we can start the e2e_server which is used as a simplified-storybook server to point our e2e tests at.

You may want to debug issues with the e2e_server build that is causing screenshot failures not present in storybook. In such cases, this command can be used to debug any issues.

yarn test:e2e:server

The server is accessible at http://localhost:9002

In a separate terminal you can run the playwright tests against the e2e_server.

yarn test:e2e

This command will automatically start Playwright inside a docker container with chromium, controlled by Playwright, that runs the e2e tests and takes and compares screenshots.

If the screenshot differ from the baseline, a test error is raised and a diff images and files will be stored in e2e/test_failures/ grouped by test suite.

If a new test is added the test will fail and you must update screenshots, see below.

If you'd like to view the html report, you can run the following command from the /e2e directory.

cd e2e
yarn playwright show-report reports/html

To update all existing screenshot baselines to the new version run:

yarn test:e2e -u

If a new test is added, a new screenshot .png file is written as part of the baseline.

NOTE: Due to differences in architecture between local machines, even when running in docker, screenshots may produce slight diffs that are irrelevant to code changes. All local screenshots that are non-linux based (i.e. -linux.png) are .gitignored. Please use this only for local testing and debugging and update screenshots from github, see below.

To run a specific test file run

# only runs tests from all.test.ts file
yarn test:e2e all.test.ts

To run the test on a specific story name or story group name use --grep=<slugified test string> see docs for more filter options. This example will run the e2e test on all.test.ts file for all matching test name in describe or test with <slugified test string>.

yarn test:e2e all.test.ts --grep polarized-stacked

Updating screenshots from CI

The best way to update screenshots from the baseline is from GitHub directly. Is to post a comment on your pull request with the string 'buildkite update vrt'.


This will tell buildkite to run the playwright tests in update mode and commit any updated screenshots directly to your pull request.


Alternatively you can update the playwright screenshots in the CI by adding [update-vrt] string to the latest commit message (e.g. chore: update vrt screenshots [update-vrt]). The commit can contain any of [update-vrt], [vrt-update], [update-screenshots], [screenshots-update] to trigger updating vrt screenshots.