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Faceted Search

The library comes with a simple abstraction aimed at helping you develop faceted navigation for your data.


This API is experimental and will be subject to change. Any feedback is welcome.


You can provide several configuration options (as class attributes) when declaring a FacetedSearch subclass:

the name of the index (as string) to search through, defaults to '_all'.
list of DocType subclasses or strings to be used, defaults to ['_all'].
list of fields on the document type to search through. The list will be passes to MultiMatch query so can contain boost values ('title^5'), defaults to ['*'].
dictionary of facets to display/filter on. The key is the name displayed and values should be instances of any Facet subclass, for example: {'tags': TermsFacet(field='tags')}
tuple or list of fields on which the results should be sorted. The format of the individual fieldsa re to be the same as those passed to :meth:`~elasticsearch_dsl.Search.sort`.


There are several different facets available:

provides an option to split documents into groups based on a value of a field, for example TermsFacet(field='category')
split documents into time intervals, example: DateHistogramFacet(field="published_date", interval="day")
similar to DateHistogramFacet but for numerical values: HistogramFacet(field="rating", interval=2)
allows you to define your own ranges for a numerical fields: RangeFacet(field="comment_count", ranges=[("few", (None, 2)), ("lots", (2, None))])


If you require any custom behavior or modifications simply override one or more of the methods responsible for the class' functions:

is responsible for constructing the Search object used. Override this if you want to customize the search object (for example by adding a global filter for published articles only).
query(self, search)
adds the query postion of the search (if search input specified), by default using MultiField query. Override this if you want to modify the query type used.
highlight(self, search)
defines the highlighting on the Search object and returns a new one. Default behavior is to highlight on all fields specified for search.


The custom subclass can be instantiated empty to provide an empty search (matching everything) or with query and filters.

is used to pass in the text of the query to be performed. If None is passed in (default) a MatchAll query will be used. For example 'python web'
is a dictionary containing all the facet filters that you wish to apply. Use the name of the facet (from .facets attribute) as the key and one of the possible values as value. For example {'tags': 'python'}.


the response returned from the FacetedSearch object (by calling .execute()) is a subclass of the standard Response class that adds a property called facets which contains a dictionary with lists of buckets - each represented by a tuple of key, document count and a flag indicating whether this value has been filtered on.


from datetime import date

from elasticsearch_dsl import FacetedSearch, TermsFacet, DateHistogramFacet

class BlogSearch(FacetedSearch):
    doc_types = [Article, ]
    # fields that should be searched
    fields = ['tags', 'title', 'body']

    facets = {
        # use bucket aggregations to define facets
        'tags': TermsFacet(field='tags'),
        'publishing_frequency': DateHistogramFacet(field='published_from', interval='month')

    def search(self):
        # override methods to add custom pieces
        s = super().search()
        return s.filter('range', publish_from={'lte': 'now/h'})

bs = BlogSearch('python web', {'publishing_frequency': date(2015, 6)})
response = bs.execute()

# access hits and other attributes as usual
print(, 'hits total')
for hit in response:
    print(hit.meta.score, hit.title)

for (tag, count, selected) in response.facets.tags:
    print(tag, ' (SELECTED):' if selected else ':', count)

for (month, count, selected) in response.facets.publishing_frequency:
    print(month.strftime('%B %Y'), ' (SELECTED):' if selected else ':', count)