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Add guidance on logging to (#75544)
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Logging is important, but today we don't have any written guidance about
how we do it in Elasticsearch so contributors struggle to make an
informed decision about how to do it right. This commit adds some
guidance on logging to the contribution guide.
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DaveCTurner committed Jan 18, 2022
1 parent 13e9a60 commit b72825f
Showing 1 changed file with 235 additions and 0 deletions.
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -472,6 +472,241 @@ the [`Types.forciblyCast`](libs/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/core/Types.
utility method. As the name suggests, you can coerce any type to any other type,
so please use it as a last resort.

### Logging

The Elasticsearch server logs are vitally useful for diagnosing problems in a
running cluster. You should make sure that your contribution uses logging
appropriately: log enough detail to inform users about key events and help them
understand what happened when things go wrong without logging so much detail
that the logs fill up with noise and the useful signal is lost.

Elasticsearch uses Log4J for logging. In most cases you should log via a
`Logger` named after the class that is writing the log messages, which you can
do by declaring a static field of the class as follows:

private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();

In rare situations you may want to configure your `Logger` slightly
differently, perhaps specifying a different class or maybe using one of the
methods on `org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers` instead.

If the log message includes values from your code then you must use use
placeholders rather than constructing the string yourself using simple
concatenation. Consider wrapping the values in `[...]` to help distinguish them
from the static part of the message:

logger.debug("operation failed [{}] times in [{}]ms", failureCount, elapsedMillis);

You can also pass in an exception to log it including its stack trace, and any
causes and their causes, as well as any suppressed exceptions and so on:

logger.debug("operation failed", exception);

If you wish to use placeholders and an exception at the same time, construct a

logger.debug(new ParameterizedMessage("failed at offset [{}]", offset), exception);

You can also use a `Supplier<ParameterizedMessage>` to avoid constructing
expensive messages that will usually be discarded:

logger.debug(() -> new ParameterizedMessage("rarely seen output [{}]", expensiveMethod()));

Logging is an important behaviour of the system and sometimes deserves its own
unit tests, especially if there is complex logic for computing what is logged
and when to log it. You can use a `org.elasticsearch.test.MockLogAppender` to
make assertions about the logs that are being emitted.

Logging is a powerful diagnostic technique but it is not the only possibility.
You should also consider exposing some information about your component via an
API instead of in logs. For instance you can implement APIs to report its
current status, various statistics, and maybe even details of recent failures.

#### Log levels

Each log message is written at a particular _level_. By default Elasticsearch
will suppress messages at the two most verbose levels, `TRACE` and `DEBUG`, and
will output messages at all other levels. Users can configure which levels of
message are written by each logger at runtime, but you should expect everyone
to run with the default configuration almost all of the time and choose your
levels accordingly.

The guidance in this section is subjective in some areas. When in doubt,
discuss your choices with reviewers.

##### `TRACE`

This is the most verbose level, disabled by default, and it is acceptable if it
generates a very high volume of logs. The target audience of `TRACE` logs
comprises developers who are trying to deeply understand some unusual runtime
behaviour of a system. For instance `TRACE` logs may be useful when
understanding an unexpected interleaving of concurrent actions or some
unexpected consequences of a delayed response from a remote node.

`TRACE` logs will normally only make sense when read alongside the code, and
typically they will be read as a whole sequence of messages rather than in
isolation. For example, the `InternalClusterInfoService` uses `TRACE` logs to
record certain key events in its periodic refresh process:

logger.trace("starting async refresh");
// ...
logger.trace("received node stats response");
// ...
logger.trace("received indices stats response");
// ...
logger.trace("stats all received, computing cluster info and notifying listeners");
// ...
logger.trace("notifying [{}] of new cluster info", listener);

Even though `TRACE` logs may be very verbose, you should still exercise some
judgement when deciding when to use them. In many cases it will be easier to
understand the behaviour of the system using tests or by analysing the code
itself rather than by trawling through hundreds of trivial log messages.

It may not be easy, or even possible, to obtain `TRACE` logs from a production
system. Therefore they are not appropriate for information that you would
normally expect to be useful in diagnosing problems in production.

##### `DEBUG`

This is the next least verbose level and is also disabled by default. The
target audience of this level typically comprises users or developers who are
trying to diagnose an unexpected problem in a production system, perhaps to
help determine whether a fault lies within Elasticsearch or elsewhere.

Users should expect to be able to enable `DEBUG` logging on their production
systems for a whole subsystem for an extended period of time without
overwhelming the system or filling up their disks with logs, so it is important
to limit the volume of messages logged at this level. On the other hand, these
messages must still provide enough detail to diagnose the sorts of problems
that you expect Elasticsearch to encounter. In some cases it works well to
collect information over a period of time and then log a complete summary,
rather than recording every step of a process in its own message.

For example, the `Coordinator` uses `DEBUG` logs to record a change in mode,
including various internal details for context, because this event is fairly
rare but not important enough to notify users by default:

"{}: coordinator becoming CANDIDATE in term {} (was {}, lastKnownLeader was [{}])",

It's possible that the reader of `DEBUG` logs is also reading the code, but
that is less likely than for `TRACE` logs. Strive to avoid terminology that
only makes sense when reading the code, and also aim for messages at this level
to be self-contained rather than intending them to be read as a sequence.

It's often useful to log exceptions and other deviations from the "happy path"
at `DEBUG` level. Exceptions logged at `DEBUG` should generally include the
complete stack trace.

##### `INFO`

This is the next least verbose level, and the first level that is enabled by
default. It is appropriate for recording important events in the life of the
cluster, such as an index being created or deleted or a snapshot starting or
completing. Users will mostly ignore log messages at `INFO` level, but may use
these messages to construct a high-level timeline of events leading up to an

For example, the `MetadataIndexTemplateService` uses `INFO` logs to record when
an index template is created or updated:
"{} index template [{}] for index patterns {}",
existing == null ? "adding" : "updating",

`INFO`-level logging is enabled by default so its target audience is the
general population of users and administrators. You should use user-facing
terminology and ensure that messages at this level are self-contained. In
general you shouldn't log unusual events, particularly exceptions with stack
traces, at `INFO` level. If the event is relatively benign then use `DEBUG`,
whereas if the user should be notified then use `WARN`.

Bear in mind that users will be reading the logs when they're trying to
determine why their node is not behaving the way they expect. If a log message
sounds like an error then some users will interpret it as one, even if it is
logged at `INFO` level. Where possible, `INFO` messages should prefer factual
over judgemental language, for instance saying `Did not find ...` rather than
`Failed to find ...`.

##### `WARN`

This is the next least verbose level, and is also enabled by default. Ideally a
healthy cluster will emit no `WARN`-level logs, but this is the appropriate
level for recording events that the cluster administrator should investigate,
or which indicate a bug. Some production environments require the cluster to
emit no `WARN`-level logs during acceptance testing, so you must ensure that
any logs at this level really do indicate a problem that needs addressing.

As with the `INFO` level, you should use user-facing terminology at the `WARN`
level, and also ensure that messages are self-contained. Strive to make them
actionable too since you should be logging at this level when the user should
take some investigative action.

For example, the `DiskThresholdMonitor` uses `WARN` logs to record that a disk
threshold has been breached:

"flood stage disk watermark [{}] exceeded on {}, all indices on this node will be marked read-only",

Unlike at the `INFO` level, it is often appropriate to log an exception,
complete with stack trace, at `WARN` level. Although the stack trace may not be
useful to the user, it may contain information that is vital for a developer to
fully understand the problem and its wider context.

In a situation where occasional transient failures are expected and handled,
but a persistent failure requires the user's attention, consider implementing a
mechanism to detect that a failure is unacceptably persistent and emit a
corresponding `WARN` log. For example, it may be helpful to log every tenth
consecutive failure at `WARN` level, or log at `WARN` if an operation has not
completed within a certain time limit. This is much more user-friendly than
failing persistently and silently by default and requiring the user to enable
`DEBUG` logging to investigate the problem.

If an exception occurs as a direct result of a request received from a client
then it should only be logged as a `WARN` if the server administrator is the
right person to address it. In most cases the server administrator cannot do
anything about faulty client requests, and the person running the client is
often unable to see the server logs, so you should include the exception in the
response back to the client and not log a warning. Bear in mind that clients
may submit requests at a high rate, so any per-request logging can easily flood
the logs.

##### `ERROR`

This is the next least verbose level after `WARN`. In theory it is possible for
users to suppress messages at `WARN` and below, believing this to help them
focus on the most important `ERROR` messages, but in practice in Elasticsearch
this will hide so much useful information that the resulting logs will be
useless, so we do not expect users to do this kind of filtering.

On the other hand, users may be familiar with the `ERROR` level from elsewhere.
Log4J for instance documents this level as meaning "an error in the
application, possibly recoverable". The implication here is that the error is
possibly _not_ recoverable too, and we do encounter users that get very worried
by logs at `ERROR` level for this reason.

Therefore you should try and avoid logging at `ERROR` level unless the error
really does indicate that Elasticsearch is now running in a degraded state from
which it will not recover. For instance, the `FsHealthService` uses `ERROR`
logs to record that the data path failed some basic health checks and hence the
node cannot continue to operate as a member of the cluster:

logger.error(new ParameterizedMessage("health check of [{}] failed", path), ex);

Errors like this should be very rare. When in doubt, prefer `WARN` to `ERROR`.

### Creating A Distribution

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