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Home > kibana-plugin-core-server > RequestHandler

RequestHandler type

A function executed when route path matched requested resource path. Request handler is expected to return a result of one of KibanaResponseFactory functions. If anything else is returned, or an error is thrown, the HTTP service will automatically log the error and respond 500 - Internal Server Error.


export declare type RequestHandler<P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, Context extends RequestHandlerContext = RequestHandlerContext, Method extends RouteMethod = any, ResponseFactory extends KibanaResponseFactory = KibanaResponseFactory> = (context: Context, request: KibanaRequest<P, Q, B, Method>, response: ResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse<any> | Promise<IKibanaResponse<any>>;


const router = httpSetup.createRouter();
// creates a route handler for GET request on 'my-app/path/{id}' path
    path: 'path/{id}',
    // defines a validation schema for a named segment of the route path
    validate: {
      params: schema.object({
        id: schema.string(),
  // function to execute to create a responses
  async (context, request, response) => {
    const data = await context.findObject(;
    // creates a command to respond with 'not found' error
    if (!data) return response.notFound();
    // creates a command to send found data to the client
    return response.ok(data);