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Threat Intelligence

Elastic Threat Intelligence makes it easy to analyze and investigate potential security threats by aggregating data from multiple sources in one place. You’ll be able to view data from all activated threat intelligence feeds and take action.

Where to find the UI for this plugin?

The Threat Intelligence UI is displayed in Kibana Security, under the Explore section.

Development setup

Kibana development in general

Best source - internal Kibana docs. If you have any issues with setting up your Kibana dev environment #kibana Slack channel is a good way to get help.

Essential kibana.yml settings

You can make a copy of kibana.yml file into and make adjustments to the settings. External documentation on the flags available is here

It is recommended to set server.basePath: "/kbn" to make you local instance persist the base Kibana path. If you don't do it, the base path will be a random string every time you start Kibana. Any other value than /kbn will also work.

Getting Threat Intelligence feeds data into Kibana

There are many ways to get data for you local development. We first focus on getting Threat Intelligence data specifically.

Setting up filebeat threatintel integrations locally

  1. install mage. It is a Go build tool used to build beats. Installation from the sources requires Go lang set up. A simpler option might be to install it from a package manager available in your system (eg. brew on MacOs) or use their binary distribution

  2. start Elasticsearch and Kibana

  3. clone beats repository

  4. inside beats repository, update x-pack/filebeat/filebeat.yml with your local Elasticsearch and Kibana connection configs

    hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
    username: "elastic"
    password: "changeme"
    host: "localhost:5601" // make sure to run Kibana with --no-base-path option or specify server.basePath in Kibana config and use it here as a path, eg. localhost:5601/kbn
  5. go into x-pack/filebeat (that's where security related modules live)

  6. build filebeat mage build

  7. enable threatintel module by running ./filebeat modules enable threatintel

  8. enable specific Threat Intelligence integrations by updating modules.d/threatintel.yml. Update enable to true in every integration you want to enable and configs specific for these integrations. The bare minimum is to enable Abuse.CH feeds abuseurl, abusemalware and malwarebazaar.

  9. run ./filebeat setup -E to set up predefined dashboards

  10. run ./filebeat -e to start filebeat

  11. to validate that the set up works, wait for some Threat Intel data to be ingested and then go in Analytics > Discover in your local Kibana to search event.category : threat and event.type : indicator. You should see some documents returned by this search. Abuse.CH feeds are up to date so you should see the results from the last 7 days.

More ways to get data

There are many more tools available for getting the data for testing or local development, depending on the data type and usecase.

Generate fixtures for local testing

You can generate large volumes of threat indicators on demand with the following script:

node scripts/generate_indicators.js

see the file in order to adjust the amount of indicators generated. The default is one million.


Data fixtures and loading process

Use es_archives to export data for e2e testing purposes, like so:

TEST_ES_PORT=9200 node scripts/es_archiver save x-pack/test/threat_intelligence_cypress/es_archives/threat_intelligence "logs-ti*"

These can be loaded at will with x-pack/plugins/threat_intelligence/cypress/tasks/es_archiver.ts task.

You can use this approach to load separate data dumps for every test case, to cover all critical scenarios.

Running locally

cd into plugin root and execute yarn cypress:open-as-ci

CI Execution

The entry point for PR testing is .buildkite/pipelines/pull_request/threat_intelligence.yml file, see that for details on how the test suite is executed & extra options regarding parallelism, retrying etc.

E2E tests for this plugin will only be executed if any of the files changed within the PR matches dependency list here: .buildkite/scripts/pipelines/pull_request/pipeline.ts

It is also possible to run all tests by attaching a PR flag: ci:all-cypress-suites.


How is the Threat Intelligence code loaded in Kibana?

The Threat Intelligence plugin is loaded lazily within the security_solution plugin, from x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/threat_intelligence owned by the Protections Experience Team.

QA and demo for implemented features

One way to QA and demo the feature merged into main branch is to run the latest main locally. Another option is to deploy a Staging instance. For Staging environment snapshots are being build every night with the latest state of the main branch. More documentation can be found here


See for information on contributing.


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