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Test for failed clone that could lead to data loss during split migra…
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rudolf committed Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 23b4e39 commit 6eafe91
Showing 1 changed file with 189 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import Path from 'path';
import type { TestElasticsearchUtils } from '@kbn/core-test-helpers-kbn-server';
import {
type ISavedObjectTypeRegistry,
type SavedObjectsType,
} from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-server';
// @ts-expect-error
import { DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPES_MAP } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-base-server-internal';
import {
type KibanaMigratorTestKit,
} from '../kibana_migrator_test_kit';
import { delay } from '../test_utils';
import '../jest_matchers';
import { CloneIndexParams } from '@kbn/core-saved-objects-migration-server-internal/src/actions';

// mock clone_index from packages/core
jest.mock('@kbn/core-saved-objects-migration-server-internal/src/actions/clone_index', () => {
const realModule = jest.requireActual(
return {
cloneIndex: (params: CloneIndexParams) => async () => {
// we need to slow down the clone operation for indices other than
// .kibana so that .kibana can completely finish the migration before we
// fail
if ('slow_clone'))
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
return realModule.cloneIndex(params)();

// define a type => index distribution
const RELOCATE_TYPES: Record<string, string> = {
dashboard: '.kibana_slow_clone_1',
visualization: '.kibana_slow_clone_1',
'canvas-workpad': '.kibana_slow_clone_1',
search: '.kibana_slow_clone_2',
task: '.kibana_task_manager',
'epm-packages-assets': '.kibana_slow_clone_1',
// the remaining types will be forced to go to '.kibana',
// overriding `indexPattern: foo` defined in the registry

export const logFilePath = Path.join(__dirname, 'split_failed_to_clone.test.log');

describe('when splitting .kibana into multiple indices and one clone fails', () => {
let esServer: TestElasticsearchUtils['es'];
let typeRegistry: ISavedObjectTypeRegistry;
let migratorTestKitFactory: () => Promise<KibanaMigratorTestKit>;

beforeAll(async () => {
typeRegistry = await getCurrentVersionTypeRegistry({ oss: false });
await clearLog(logFilePath);
esServer = await startElasticsearch({
dataArchive: Path.join(__dirname, '..', 'archives', ''),
timeout: 60000,

afterAll(async () => {
await esServer?.stop();
await delay(2);

it('after resolving the problem and retrying the migration completes successfully', async () => {
const updatedTypeRegistry = overrideTypeRegistry(
(type: SavedObjectsType<any>) => {
return {

migratorTestKitFactory = () =>
types: updatedTypeRegistry.getAllTypes(),
kibanaIndex: '.kibana',
defaultIndexTypesMap: DEFAULT_INDEX_TYPES_MAP,

const { runMigrations: runMigrationsWhichFailsWhenCloning, client } =
await migratorTestKitFactory();

// count of types in the legacy index
expect(await getAggregatedTypesCount(client, '.kibana')).toEqual({
'apm-telemetry': 1,
application_usage_daily: 4,
'canvas-workpad': 3,
'canvas-workpad-template': 5,
config: 1,
'core-usage-stats': 1,
dashboard: 19,
'epm-packages': 3,
'epm-packages-assets': 293,
event_loop_delays_daily: 1,
'graph-workspace': 3,
'index-pattern': 5,
'ingest-agent-policies': 2,
'ingest-outputs': 1,
'ingest-package-policies': 2,
ingest_manager_settings: 1,
map: 3,
'osquery-usage-metric': 1,
'sample-data-telemetry': 3,
search: 14,
space: 1,
'spaces-usage-stats': 1,
telemetry: 1,
'ui-metric': 5,
'usage-counters': 4,
visualization: 173,

// cause a failure when cloning .kibana_slow_clone_* indices
client.cluster.putSettings({ persistent: { 'cluster.max_shards_per_node': 15 } });

await expect(runMigrationsWhichFailsWhenCloning()).rejects.toThrowError(

// remove the failure
client.cluster.putSettings({ persistent: { 'cluster.max_shards_per_node': 20 } });

const { runMigrations: runMigrations2ndTime } = await migratorTestKitFactory();
await runMigrations2ndTime();

expect(await getAggregatedTypesCount(client, '.kibana')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Object {
"apm-telemetry": 1,
"application_usage_daily": 4,
"canvas-workpad-template": 5,
"config": 1,
"core-usage-stats": 1,
"epm-packages": 3,
"event_loop_delays_daily": 1,
"graph-workspace": 3,
"index-pattern": 5,
"ingest-agent-policies": 2,
"ingest-outputs": 1,
"ingest-package-policies": 2,
"ingest_manager_settings": 1,
"map": 3,
"sample-data-telemetry": 3,
"space": 1,
"spaces-usage-stats": 1,
"telemetry": 1,
"ui-metric": 5,
"usage-counters": 4,
expect(await getAggregatedTypesCount(client, '.kibana_slow_clone_1')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Object {
"canvas-workpad": 3,
"dashboard": 19,
"epm-packages-assets": 293,
"visualization": 173,
expect(await getAggregatedTypesCount(client, '.kibana_slow_clone_2')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Object {
"search": 14,

// If we run a third time, we should not get any errors
const { runMigrations: runMigrations3rdTime } = await migratorTestKitFactory();
await runMigrations3rdTime();

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