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[Security Solution] [Attack discovery] Improves Attack discovery code…
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## [Security Solution] [Attack discovery] Improves Attack discovery code coverage

### Summary

This PR improves unit test coverage for the [Attack discovery](#181818) feature.

### Desk testing

Run `node scripts/jest --watch x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/attack_discovery --coverage`
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andrew-goldstein committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent ba12219 commit f775a6a
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Showing 57 changed files with 3,945 additions and 333 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.

* A mock response from invoking the `attack-discovery` tool.
* This is a JSON string that represents the response from the tool
export const getRawAttackDiscoveriesMock = () =>
'{\n "alertsContextCount": 20,\n "attackDiscoveries": [\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "9bb601522d0c0b83783488a27a3ede5bd6a788f4f1ceef07cc8f12ac55f27563",\n "b9d6df8ab34e36c6868c097ff28dd01075df85a5ac1f084ef569ee8c6a4cf660",\n "014b433c3436ef5325cadacc35b6cb2ba8932a9c2ea0ba26d899f95c6fb61395",\n "28017987e64abb6ac486f1410f977d97ebd3a7172189cfdf943a48a59b968066"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} (macOS {{ host.os.version 13.4 }}) executed a suspicious process {{ unix1 }} with command line {{ process.command_line /Users/james/unix1 /Users/james/library/Keychains/login.keychain-db TempTemp1234!! }}\\\\n- The process was spawned by another suspicious process {{ My Go }} with command line {{ process.parent.command_line /private/var/folders/_b/rmcpc65j6nv11ygrs50ctcjr0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/6D63F08A-011C-4511-8556-EAEF9AFD6340/d/ Go }}\\\\n- The parent process was launched by the system process {{ launchd }}\\\\n- Both the child and parent processes had untrusted code signatures\\\\n- The child process attempted to access the user\'s login keychain, potentially indicating credential theft",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Suspicious activity on {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} by {{ 3c8c81bd-0e52-4ce7-a836-48e718dfb6e4 }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Credential Access",\n "Defense Evasion",\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "Suspicious activity detected on a macOS host involving a potentially malicious process attempting to access user credentials. The process was spawned by another untrusted process launched by the system, indicating a multi-stage attack potentially involving credential theft and defense evasion techniques.",\n "title": "Potential Credential Theft on macOS Host"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "64bcd8a322e6e6aebaee252982d0249cc96bdd75023ea05f58c228a7417c0dfc"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} (macOS {{ host.os.version 13.4 }}) executed the system utility {{ osascript }} with command line {{ process.command_line osascript -e display dialog \\"MacOS wants to access System Preferences\\\\n\\\\t\\\\t\\\\nPlease enter your password.\\" with title \\"System Preferences\\" with icon file \\"System:Library:CoreServices:CoreTypes.bundle:Contents:Resources:ToolbarAdvanced.icns\\" default answer \\"\\" giving up after 30 with hidden answer ¬ }}\\\\n- This appears to be an attempt to phish for user credentials by displaying a fake system dialog\\\\n- The osascript process was spawned by the suspicious process {{ My Go }} with untrusted code signature",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Potential credential phishing attempt on {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} targeting {{ 3c8c81bd-0e52-4ce7-a836-48e718dfb6e4 }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Credential Access",\n "Initial Access",\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "A credential phishing attempt was detected on a macOS host, likely initiated by a malicious process. The attack used osascript to display a fake system dialog prompting the user to enter their password.",\n "title": "Credential Phishing Attempt on macOS"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "245b60b908ddd84cad06671e273aa7be50699abd27e59423be4415f38c4aeb99",\n "616ac711e967e07a9b725e66aa93321eabf29e4b51f9598a4a11f21ab7ed0f12",\n "035c0295b1c64fd2ebba1b751a3565fd6759942247e9df6e1496c5e332d51840"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} (macOS {{ host.os.version 13.4 }}) executed a suspicious process {{ My Go }} with command line {{ process.command_line xpcproxy application.Appify by Machine Box.My Go Application.20.23 }}\\\\n- This process had an untrusted code signature and was launched by the system process {{ launchd }}\\\\n- It appears to have spawned the process {{ unix1 }} in an attempt to obfuscate its activities\\\\n- The unix1 process attempted to make itself executable by running {{ chmod }} with arguments {{ process.command_line chmod 777 /Users/james/unix1 }}",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Suspicious activity involving process obfuscation on {{ cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f }} by {{ fec12d87-2476-4b82-a50d-0829f3815a42 }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Defense Evasion",\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "A suspicious process was detected on a macOS host that appeared to be attempting to obfuscate its activities by spawning other processes and making them executable. The initial process had an untrusted code signature, indicating potentially malicious intent.",\n "title": "Process Obfuscation on macOS Host"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "54901fb5b0ed88f0c8d737613868a3d62ebc541d31b757349bbe7999d868ce48"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ 23166d28-d6da-4801-b701-d21ce1a489e5 }} (Windows {{ host.os.version 21H2 (10.0.20348.1607) }}) created a suspicious script file {{ file.path C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\WindowsAppPool\\\\AppPool.vbs }}\\\\n- The file was created by a Microsoft Word process ({{ WINWORD.EXE }}) with trusted code signature\\\\n- This may indicate an attempt to establish persistence or command-and-control through scripting",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Suspicious script file created on {{ 23166d28-d6da-4801-b701-d21ce1a489e5 }} by {{ 45bec1b8-eb98-4ddc-aafb-e3f7e02236dc }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Command and Control",\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "A suspicious VBScript file was created on a Windows host, potentially by an compromised Microsoft Word process. This may be an attempt to establish persistence or command-and-control capabilities through scripting.",\n "title": "Suspicious Script File Creation on Windows"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "7fe0025f2d2b0d32f04b0e533466666967a21a98adae7499cb05add3355b48fc",\n "3875cbad10604636b892d15f7ff753a02a37d3e4bbe91a39a0fcf72f89101e31",\n "bb2767ebef06a5dc2511e2b865f5ed012dfdf20081bc33cab5c9f20b99e01d8f",\n "76d99c72442819a019dfbf3936cda9a6c5713d84a9ae685b2c4e0bb55e5b9862",\n "0f985965cb3d3b14007873290b9fc8f26f1b6ca0945499dfb693787ea6569265"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ 9a0ea998-7ce5-4dbb-a690-9856eca617ac }} (Windows {{ host.os.version 21H2 (10.0.20348.1607) }}) executed a suspicious PowerShell script {{ process.command_line \\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell.exe\\" -exec bypass -file C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\WindowsAppPool\\\\AppPool.ps1 }}\\\\n- The script was launched by the wscript process, which was spawned by a Microsoft Word process ({{ WINWORD.EXE }})\\\\n- The Word process also created a scheduled task to periodically execute the script\\\\n- The PowerShell script appears to be obfuscated, potentially to hide malicious activities\\\\n- This chain of events indicates a multi-stage attack potentially initiated by a malicious Office document",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Suspicious PowerShell activity on {{ 9a0ea998-7ce5-4dbb-a690-9856eca617ac }} by {{ 45bec1b8-eb98-4ddc-aafb-e3f7e02236dc }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Initial Access",\n "Execution",\n "Defense Evasion"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "A multi-stage attack was detected on a Windows host, potentially initiated by a malicious Microsoft Office document. The attack involved creating a scheduled task to execute an obfuscated PowerShell script, likely to hide malicious activities. This indicates techniques for initial access, execution, and defense evasion.",\n "title": "Multi-Stage Attack on Windows Host"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "a0c49fb228eca1685bd41df0ab66ca1977140de7916663e7a0918087220dd402",\n "a252ca3096831e3eeab07ab70e9269f98b5a66617b44d709425898813326ca63",\n "0ff7d411ca25a5b851e43562c9c660062624498f908ff4b63590d4b5304682af",\n "4d612c721e432598a5b7ea7bbeb2aaa2944c0a35e263d9984297b5416530c88f"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ 634eb7d8-0ce0-4591-b5f5-fb65803b89d8 }} (Windows {{ host.os.version 21H2 (10.0.20348.1607) }}) executed a suspicious PowerShell script {{ process.command_line \\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell.exe\\" -ep bypass -file \\"C:\\\\Users\\\\ADMINI~1\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\2\\\\Package Installation Dir\\\\chch.ps1\\" }}\\\\n- The script was launched by the msiexec.exe process, which may indicate an attempt to use a trusted Windows utility for defense evasion\\\\n- Elastic Endpoint detected the Bb malware family in the PowerShell process memory\\\\n- The PowerShell process also made network connections, potentially for command-and-control or data exfiltration",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Malware detected on {{ 634eb7d8-0ce0-4591-b5f5-fb65803b89d8 }} targeting {{ 45bec1b8-eb98-4ddc-aafb-e3f7e02236dc }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Defense Evasion",\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "The B malware was detected on a Windows host, executed through a PowerShell script launched by the msiexec.exe process. This appears to be an attempt to use a trusted Windows utility for defense evasion. The malware process also made network connections, potentially for command-and-control or data exfiltration.",\n "title": "Bb Malware Execution on Windows"\n },\n {\n "alertIds": [\n "764c0944288db1704f7a0fff2db7fe19e8285fa4272dec828ae4186ba0dfd3b3",\n "85672064aeb762a1121139a6d98fd3c5f6be8f18b49e4504c3f5e5a36679afe7"\n ],\n "detailsMarkdown": "- {{ d813c7ba-6141-4292-8f40-c800c27645a4 }} (Linux {{ host.os.version 22.04.1 }}) executed a suspicious process {{ process.command_line sh -c /bin/rm -f /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush;/bin/cp ./74ef6cc38f5a1a80148752b63c117e6846984debd2af806c65887195a8eccc56 /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush && /bin/chmod 755 /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush && /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush --init && /bin/rm -f /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush }}\\\\n- This copied a file with SHA256 hash {{ file.hash.sha256 74ef6cc38f5a1a80148752b63c117e6846984debd2af806c65887195a8eccc56 }} to /dev/shm/kdmtmpflush, made it executable, and executed it\\\\n- Elastic Endpoint detected the Door malware family associated with this file",\n "entitySummaryMarkdown": "Malware executed on {{ d813c7ba-6141-4292-8f40-c800c27645a4 }} by {{ fec12d87-2476-4b82-a50d-0829f3815a42 }}",\n "mitreAttackTactics": [\n "Execution"\n ],\n "summaryMarkdown": "The Door malware was executed on a Linux host by copying an untrusted file to a temporary path, making it executable, and running it. This indicates malicious code execution on the compromised system.",\n "title": "Door Malware Execution on Linux"\n }\n ]\n}';

export const getRawAttackDiscoveriesReplacementsMock = () => ({
'3c8c81bd-0e52-4ce7-a836-48e718dfb6e4': 'james',
'cb186c4a-3d70-4878-8ffe-18d84b5df86f': 'SRVMAC08',
'fec12d87-2476-4b82-a50d-0829f3815a42': 'root',
'45bec1b8-eb98-4ddc-aafb-e3f7e02236dc': 'Administrator',
'23166d28-d6da-4801-b701-d21ce1a489e5': 'SRVWIN07-PRIV',
'9a0ea998-7ce5-4dbb-a690-9856eca617ac': 'SRVWIN07',
'634eb7d8-0ce0-4591-b5f5-fb65803b89d8': 'SRVWIN06',
'd813c7ba-6141-4292-8f40-c800c27645a4': 'SRVNIX05',

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