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My motivation for this project is to create an application that creates a README file for the user. This allows the creator of an application to easily document subjects such as their motivation for the project, why they built the application, what problem does it solve, and what they learned creating the application. I built this project to assist developers with a crucial part of the development process. Having a ReadMe file not only allows the creator to display key features of the application but also allows the user on how to use the application effectively. This project solves the issue for the creator of listing key points that are important to highlight with the launch of their application. What I learned in this application is how to effectively use node.js to create a program that can create an essential file for developers. I also learned key points on what goes into making a professional README file.

Table of Contents


node index.js to launch the program via vscode.




I owe the credits of this projects to the instructors of this course, my peers, and learning material found on and


I did not use a license for this project.


The features I created with this project allow the user to be prompted with professional preloaded questions to answer about their project. These questions are demoed in the current README that you are viewing.

How to Contribute

I contribute help for this project to my professors and TAs that assist us with the needed information to help us complete assignments.


To test this project I used the command in terminal - node index.js This test proved to ask the required questions for a professional readme file that automatically creates said file ready for publishing.

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