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Studio One edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the moodle-assignsubmission_metadata wiki!


This plugin adds the following fields as a submission plugin for the assignment module:

Title Artist Medium Size

Required version of Moodle

This version works with Moodle version 2012062500 release 2.3 - 2.4

Please ensure that your hardware and software complies with 'Requirements' in 'Installing Moodle' on ''.


  1. Ensure you have the version of Moodle as stated above in 'Required version of Moodle'. This is essential as the format relies on underlying core code that is out of my control.
  2. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' ( so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator - if you have not already done so.
  3. Copy the 'metadata' folder to '/mod/assign/submission/' if you have not already done so.
  4. Login as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification. If needed, go to 'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if this does not happen.
  5. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.


  1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator.
  2. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Manage Plugins and delete the filetrash report
  3. In '/mod/assign/submission/' remove the folder 'metadata'.
  4. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

Reporting Issues

Before reporting an issue, please ensure that you are running the latest version for your release of Moodle. The primary release area is located on It is also essential that you are operating the required version of Moodle as stated at the top - this is because the format relies on core functionality that is out of its control.

When reporting an issue you can post in

It is essential that you provide as much information as possible, the critical information being the contents of the metadata plugin's version.php file. Other version information such as specific Moodle version, theme name and version also helps. A screen shot can be really useful in visualising the issue along with any files you consider to be relevant.

Version Information

2012062500 - Version 0.9 - Alpha - Do not install on production sites. Once I have received enough positive feedback I will change this to Stable after fixing any issues.

  1. First version.