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Basic Syntax

Brandon Jordan edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 13 revisions


Elements are basically functions stacked on top of each other in an array separated by commas that each return a jsUI Element instance.

Components are considered elements that include their own CSS, such as Spinner(), or are simply a proxy to return elements, such as If and Repeat.

    // …


To apply styles to an element, simply add the corresponding method using dot notation.


Nested elements

Most elements accept an array of elements as their first or second argument which means that that element can nest elements inside itself.


Resulting HTML:


Non-nested elements

This may change in the future, but some elements only accept text arguments, like Text(), Hyperlink(), Button(), etc. accept the most used attribute(s) as their arguments for convenient shorthands.


The Hyperlink() element accepts optional text and URL arguments. While these can also be set using it's url() and text() methods, you can simply set these common arguments, so that there's generally no need to chain methods.

Hyperlink("Link Text", "")
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