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Generative Art in Rust

This is a framework project for creating Generative Art in Rust, making it very easy to create Gifs and MP4 videos from simple algorithms. There is a You Tube series to go along with this project.

YouTube series

We are running a series of examples and tutorials on YouTube to show how this project works, as well as hoping to inspire you to make your own creations.

The series can be found here

To run locally

Gif and MP4

cargo run --features not_web - outputs to the outputs folder

For web output

cargo run --features is_web --target wasm32-unknown-unknown - outputs to the target folder. You need to then compile for wasm-bindgen TODO: Missing instructions on wasm-bindgen command

To run in docker

Gif and MP4

./ - outputs to the data/outputs folder

./ --web - outputs to the data/out folder. If you want to test it locally you can use the following Python command (will require Python to be installed).

cd data/out
python -m http.server

The page will be visible at localhost:8000

Adding Code

You can add code in There are two stages, the setup phase where you can create objects that are moved every frame, and the render stage which is called for every frame, passing in the fraction through the whole process. This has been updated since the original videos were released so some examples may differ.

If you look in you will see two functions get_initial_state() and render_frame(). Add code to be run during setup in the function get_initial_state() and anything that is needed to actually render each frame inside render_frame().

Example code

Below is an example of a green square which will rotate around and leave a trail

// Constants at the top
const WIDTH: u32 = 600;
const HEIGHT: u32 = 600;
const FRAMES: u32 = 60;
const REPETITIONS: u32 = 3;
const SIZE: u32 = 16;
const DECAY: u32 = 10;

And inside and specifically in the function render_frame():


        // Perform caluclation of current frame state
        let frame_fraction = frame as f32 / FRAMES as f32;
        print!("\rRendering Frames: {:.2}%", frame_fraction * 50.0);
        let fraction_radian = frame_fraction * (std::f32::consts::PI * 2.0);
        let half_width: f32 = WIDTH as f32/2.0;
        let offset_x =  (WIDTH as i32/2) + (fraction_radian.sin() * (half_width * 0.8)) as i32;
        let half_height: f32 = HEIGHT as f32/2.0 ;
        let offset_y: i32 = (HEIGHT as i32/2) - (fraction_radian.cos() * (half_height * 0.8)) as i32;
        // Draws the square
        for x in 0..SIZE {
            for y in 0..SIZE {
                let x_pos = x + offset_x as u32;
                let y_pos = y + offset_y as u32;

                if x_pos > 0 && x_pos < WIDTH && y_pos > 0 && y_pos < HEIGHT {
                    image.put_pixel(x_pos, y_pos, Rgb([55, 255, 55]));
        // End frame generation

which should produce the following output:

Example output rotating green square

Accessing example code

A list of examples can be found on the Examples Page


Experiments with generating gifs and mp4s using Rust







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