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🌲 A drop-in module that adds autoUpdating capabilities to Electron apps


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A drop-in module that adds autoUpdating capabilities to Electron apps

CircleCI build status npm version

Supports multiple update sources:

  • The free and open-source service.
  • Static file storage E.g. S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc.



Before using this module, make sure your Electron app meets these criteria:

  • Your app runs on macOS or Windows
  • Your builds are code signed (macOS only)
  • If using
    • Your app has a public GitHub repository
    • Your builds are published to GitHub Releases
  • If using static file storage
    • Your builds are published to S3 or other similar static file host using a tool like @electron-forge/publisher-s3


npm i update-electron-app



Drop this anywhere in your main process:

const { updateElectronApp } = require('update-electron-app')

By default your repository URL is found in your app's package.json file.

You can also specify custom options:

const { updateElectronApp, UpdateSourceType } = require('update-electron-app')
  updateSource: {
    type: UpdateSourceType.ElectronPublicUpdateService,
    repo: 'github-user/repo'
  updateInterval: '1 hour',
  logger: require('electron-log')

With static file storage

const { updateElectronApp, UpdateSourceType } = require('update-electron-app')
  updateSource: {
    type: UpdateSourceType.StaticStorage,
    baseUrl: `${process.platform}/${process.arch}`

What happens?

Once you've called updateElectronApp as documented above, that's it! Here's what happens by default:

  • Your app will check for updates at startup, then every ten minutes. This interval is configurable.
  • No need to wait for your app's ready event; the module figures that out.
  • If an update is found, it will automatically be downloaded in the background.
  • When an update is finished downloading, a dialog is displayed allowing the user to restart the app now or later.



Additional Options:

  • updateInterval String (optional) - How frequently to check for updates. Defaults to 10 minutes. Minimum allowed interval is 5 minutes. This is a human readable interval supported by the ms module
  • logger Object (optional) - A custom logger object that defines a log function. Defaults to console. See electron-log, a module that aggregates logs from main and renderer processes into a single file.
  • notifyUser Boolean (optional) - Defaults to true. When enabled the user will be prompted to apply the update immediately after download.


What kinds of assets do I need to build?

For macOS, you'll need to build a .zip file. Use electron-forge or electron-installer-zip to package your app as a zip.

For Windows, you'll need to build a .exe and .nupkg files with electron-forge or electron-winstaller.

Why is my app launching multiple times?

Windows apps have an update process that requires multiple application restarts. You can use the electron-squirrel-startup module to improve this behavior.

Can I use this module by uploading my private app's builds to a public GitHub repository?

Yes :)

I want to manually upload my builds to a static storage solution, where do I put them?

If you publish your builds manually ensure the file structure is:

  • **/{platform}/{arch}/{artifact}

For example that means that these files should exist:

  • **/win32/x64/RELEASES
  • **/darwin/arm64/RELEASES.json
  • **/darwin/arm64/My App (or something similar)
  • ...
