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refactor(utils): refactor iconPropType (#9502)
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holazz authored and sxzz committed Aug 28, 2022
1 parent dd3a19c commit 529c490
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Showing 36 changed files with 185 additions and 200 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions docs/en-US/component/
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ autocomplete/remote-search
| clearable | whether to show clear button | boolean | β€” | false |
| disabled | whether Autocomplete is disabled | boolean | β€” | false |
| value-key | key name of the input suggestion object for display | string | β€” | value |
| icon | icon component | string / Component | β€” | β€” |
| model-value / v-model | binding value | string | β€” | β€” |
| debounce | debounce delay when typing, in milliseconds | number | β€” | 300 |
| placement | placement of the popup menu | string | top / top-start / top-end / bottom / bottom-start / bottom-end | bottom-start |
Expand All @@ -51,8 +50,6 @@ autocomplete/remote-search
| name | same as `name` in native input | string | β€” | β€” |
| select-when-unmatched | whether to emit a `select` event on enter when there is no autocomplete match | boolean | β€” | false |
| label | label text | string | β€” | β€” |
| prefix-icon | prefix icon class | string / Component | β€” | β€” |
| suffix-icon | suffix icon class | string / Component | β€” | β€” |
| hide-loading | whether to hide the loading icon in remote search | boolean | β€” | false |
| popper-append-to-body(deprecated) | whether to append the dropdown to body. If the positioning of the dropdown is wrong, you can try to set this prop to false | boolean | β€” | false |
| teleported | whether select dropdown is teleported to the body | boolean | true / false | true |
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/en-US/component/
Expand Up @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ breadcrumb/icon

## Breadcrumb Attributes

| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ | --------------- | ------- |
| separator | separator character | string | β€” | / |
| separator-icon | icon component of icon separator | string / Component | β€” | - |
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| -------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------- | ------- |
| separator | separator character | string | β€” | / |
| separator-icon | icon component of icon separator | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | - |

## Breadcrumb Slots

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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions docs/en-US/component/
Expand Up @@ -125,23 +125,23 @@ button/custom

## Button Attributes

| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| size | button size | string | large / default /small | β€” |
| type | button type | string | primary / success / warning / danger / info / <del>text</del> | β€” |
| plain | determine whether it's a plain button | boolean | β€” | false |
| text <VersionTag version="2.2.0" /> | determine whether it's a text button | boolean | β€” | false |
| bg <VersionTag version="2.2.0" /> | determine whether the text button background color is always on | boolean | β€” | false |
| link <VersionTag version="2.2.1" /> | determine whether it's a link button | boolean | β€” | false |
| round | determine whether it's a round button | boolean | β€” | false |
| circle | determine whether it's a circle button | boolean | β€” | false |
| loading | determine whether it's loading | boolean | β€” | false |
| loading-icon | customize loading icon component | string / Component | β€” | Loading |
| disabled | disable the button | boolean | β€” | false |
| icon | icon component | string / Component | β€” | β€” |
| autofocus | same as native button's `autofocus` | boolean | β€” | false |
| native-type | same as native button's `type` | string | button / submit / reset | button |
| auto-insert-space | automatically insert a space between two chinese characters | boolean | | β€” |
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| ----------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| size | button size | string | large / default /small | β€” |
| type | button type | string | primary / success / warning / danger / info / <del>text</del> | β€” |
| plain | determine whether it's a plain button | boolean | β€” | false |
| text <VersionTag version="2.2.0" /> | determine whether it's a text button | boolean | β€” | false |
| bg <VersionTag version="2.2.0" /> | determine whether the text button background color is always on | boolean | β€” | false |
| link <VersionTag version="2.2.1" /> | determine whether it's a link button | boolean | β€” | false |
| round | determine whether it's a round button | boolean | β€” | false |
| circle | determine whether it's a circle button | boolean | β€” | false |
| loading | determine whether it's loading | boolean | β€” | false |
| loading-icon | customize loading icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | Loading |
| disabled | disable the button | boolean | β€” | false |
| icon | icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | β€” |
| autofocus | same as native button's `autofocus` | boolean | β€” | false |
| native-type | same as native button's `type` | string | button / submit / reset | button |
| auto-insert-space | automatically insert a space between two chinese characters | boolean | | β€” |

## Button Slots

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/en-US/component/
Expand Up @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ Note, date time locale (month name, first day of the week ...) are also configur
| id | same as `id` in native input | string / array(string) | String `id="my-date"` or array `:id="['my-range-start', 'my-range-end']"` for date range | - |
| name | same as `name` in native input | string | β€” | β€” |
| unlink-panels | unlink two date-panels in range-picker | boolean | β€” | false |
| prefix-icon | custom prefix icon component | string / Component | β€” | Date |
| clear-icon | custom clear icon component | string / Component | β€” | CircleClose |
| prefix-icon | custom prefix icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | Date |
| clear-icon | custom clear icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | CircleClose |
| validate-event | whether to trigger form validation | boolean | - | true |
| disabled-date | a function determining if a date is disabled with that date as its parameter. Should return a Boolean | function | β€” | β€” |
| shortcuts | an object array to set shortcut options | object[{ text: string, value: date / function }] | β€” | β€” |
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/en-US/component/
Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ datetime-picker/default-time
| id | same as `id` in native input | string / array(string) | String `id="my-datetime"` or array `:id="['my-range-start', 'my-range-end']"` for date range | - |
| name | same as `name` in native input | string | β€” | β€” |
| unlink-panels | unllink two date-panels in range-picker | boolean | β€” | false |
| prefix-icon | Custom prefix icon component | string / Component | β€” | Date |
| clear-icon | Custom clear icon component | string / Component | β€” | CircleClose |
| prefix-icon | Custom prefix icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | Date |
| clear-icon | Custom clear icon component | `Component \| (() => VNode)` | β€” | CircleClose |
| shortcuts | an object array to set shortcut options | object[{ text: string, value: date / function }] | β€” | β€” |
| disabledDate | a function determining if a date is disabled with that date as its parameter. Should return a Boolean | function | β€” | β€” |
| cellClassName | set custom className | Function(Date) | β€” | β€” |
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