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Lotka-Volterra (#246)
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* New example: Lotka-Volterra

* Fix bounds in

* Fix plot_marginals shape

* Address comments
  • Loading branch information
vuolleko committed Oct 5, 2017
1 parent b83d71b commit cff6aae
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions CHANGELOG.rst
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@


- Improved the g-and-k and Gaussian example models' documentation: aligned naming convention, expanded in the summary statistics's descriptions
- Added new example: the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model
- Fix to be strictly within bounds

0.6.3 (2017-09-28)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions elfi/
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package for likelihood-free inference (LFI) such as Approximate Bayesian
Computation (ABC).
import logging

import elfi.clients.native

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253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions elfi/examples/
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"""Example of inference with the stochastic Lotka-Volterra predator prey model.
Treatment roughly follows:
Owen, J., Wilkinson, D. and Gillespie, C. (2015) Likelihood free inference for
Markov processes: a comparison. Statistical Applications in Genetics and
Molecular Biology, 14(2).

import logging
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss

import elfi

def lotka_volterra(r1, r2, r3, prey_init=50, predator_init=100, sigma=0., n_obs=16, time_end=30.,
batch_size=1, random_state=None, return_full=False):
r"""Generate sequences from the stochastic Lotka-Volterra model.
The Lotka-Volterra model is described by 3 reactions
R1 : X1 -> 2X1 # prey reproduction
R2 : X1 + X2 -> 2X2 # predator hunts prey and reproduces
R3 : X2 -> 0 # predator death
The system is solved using the Direct method.
Gillespie, D. T. (1977) Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 81 (25), 2340–2361.
Lotka, A. J. (1925) Elements of physical biology. Williams & Wilkins Baltimore.
Volterra, V. (1926) Fluctuations in the abundance of a species considered mathematically.
Nature 118, 558–560.
r1 : float or np.array
Rate of R1.
r2 : float or np.array
Rate of R2.
r3 : float or np.array
Rate of R3.
prey_init : int or np.array, optional
Initial number of prey.
predator_init : int or np.array, optional
Initial number of predators.
sigma : float or np.array, optional
Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise added to measurements.
n_obs : int, optional
Number of observations to return at integer frequency.
time_end : float, optional
Time allowed for reactions in the Direct method (not the wall time).
batch_size : int, optional
random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional
return_full : bool, optional
If True, return a tuple (observed_stock, observed_times, full_stock, full_times).
stock_obs : np.array
Observations in shape (batch_size, n_obs, 2).
random_state = random_state or np.random

r1 = np.asanyarray(r1).reshape(-1)
r2 = np.asanyarray(r2).reshape(-1)
r3 = np.asanyarray(r3).reshape(-1)
prey_init = np.asanyarray(prey_init).reshape(-1)
predator_init = np.asanyarray(predator_init).reshape(-1)
sigma = np.asanyarray(sigma).reshape(-1)

n_full = 20000
stock = np.empty((batch_size, n_full, 2), dtype=np.int32)
stock[:, 0, 0] = prey_init
stock[:, 0, 1] = predator_init
stoichiometry = np.array([[1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.int32)
times = np.empty((batch_size, n_full))
times[:, 0] = 0

# iterate until all in batch ok
ii = 0
while np.any(times[:, ii] < time_end):
ii += 1

# increase the size of arrays if needed
if ii == n_full:
stock = np.concatenate((stock, np.empty((batch_size, n_full, 2))), axis=1)
times = np.concatenate((times, np.empty((batch_size, n_full))), axis=1)
n_full *= 2

# reaction probabilities
hazards = np.column_stack((r1 * stock[:, ii-1, 0],
r2 * stock[:, ii-1, 0] * stock[:, ii-1, 1],
r3 * stock[:, ii-1, 1]))

with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
inv_sum_hazards = 1. / np.sum(hazards, axis=1, keepdims=True) # inf if all dead

delta_t = random_state.exponential(inv_sum_hazards.ravel())
times[:, ii] = times[:, ii-1] + delta_t

# choose reaction according to their probabilities
probs = hazards * inv_sum_hazards
cumprobs = np.cumsum(probs[:, :-1], axis=1)
x = random_state.uniform(size=(batch_size, 1))
reaction = np.sum(x >= cumprobs, axis=1)

# null reaction if both populations dead
reaction = np.where(np.isinf(inv_sum_hazards.ravel()), 3, reaction)

# update stock
stock[:, ii, :] = stock[:, ii-1, :] + stoichiometry[reaction, :]

# no point to continue if predators = 0
times[:, ii] = np.where(stock[:, ii, 1] == 0, time_end, times[:, ii])

stock = stock[:, :ii+1, :]
times = times[:, :ii+1]

times_out = np.linspace(0, time_end, n_obs)
stock_out = np.empty((batch_size, n_obs, 2), dtype=np.int32)
stock_out[:, 0, :] = stock[:, 0, :]

# observations at even intervals
for ii in range(1, n_obs):
iy, ix = np.where(times >= times_out[ii])
iy, iix = np.unique(iy, return_index=True)
ix = ix[iix] - 1
time_term = (times_out[ii] - times[iy, ix]) / (times[iy, ix+1] - times[iy, ix])
stock_out[:, ii, 0] = (stock[iy, ix+1, 0] - stock[iy, ix, 0]) * time_term \
+ stock[iy, ix, 0] + random_state.normal(scale=sigma, size=batch_size)
stock_out[:, ii, 1] = (stock[iy, ix+1, 1] - stock[iy, ix, 1]) * time_term \
+ stock[iy, ix, 1] + random_state.normal(scale=sigma, size=batch_size)

if return_full:
return (stock_out, times_out, stock, times)

return stock_out

def get_model(n_obs=50, true_params=None, seed_obs=None, stochastic=True):
"""Return a complete Lotka-Volterra model in inference task.
n_obs : int, optional
Number of observations.
true_params : list, optional
Parameters with which the observed data is generated.
seed_obs : int, optional
Seed for the observed data generation.
m : elfi.ElfiModel
logger = logging.getLogger()
simulator = partial(lotka_volterra, n_obs=n_obs)
if true_params is None:
true_params = [1.0, 0.005, 0.6, 50, 100, 10.]

m = elfi.ElfiModel()
y_obs = simulator(*true_params, n_obs=n_obs, random_state=np.random.RandomState(seed_obs))
sim_fn = partial(simulator, n_obs=n_obs)
priors = []
sumstats = []

priors.append(elfi.Prior(ExpUniform, -2, 0, model=m, name='r1'))
priors.append(elfi.Prior(ExpUniform, -5, -2.5, model=m, name='r2')) # easily kills populations
priors.append(elfi.Prior(ExpUniform, -2, 0, model=m, name='r3'))
priors.append(elfi.Prior('poisson', 50, model=m, name='prey0'))
priors.append(elfi.Prior('poisson', 100, model=m, name='predator0'))
priors.append(elfi.Prior(ExpUniform, np.log(0.5), np.log(50), model=m, name='sigma'))

elfi.Simulator(sim_fn, *priors, observed=y_obs, name='LV')
sumstats.append(elfi.Summary(partial(pick_stock, species=0), m['LV'], name='prey'))
sumstats.append(elfi.Summary(partial(pick_stock, species=1), m['LV'], name='predator'))
elfi.Distance('sqeuclidean', *sumstats, name='d')"Generated %i observations with true parameters r1: %.1f, r2: %.3f, r3: %.1f, "
"prey0: %i, predator0: %i, sigma: %.1f.", n_obs, *true_params)

return m

class ExpUniform(elfi.Distribution):
r"""Prior distribution for parameter.
log x ~ Uniform(a,b)
pdf(x) \propto 1/x, if x \in [exp(a), exp(b)]

def rvs(cls, a, b, size=1, random_state=None):
"""Draw random variates.
a : float or array-like
b : float or array-like
size : int, optional
random_state : RandomState, optional
u = ss.uniform.rvs(loc=a, scale=b-a, size=size, random_state=random_state)
x = np.exp(u)
return x

def pdf(cls, x, a, b):
"""Density function at `x`.
x : float or array-like
a : float or array-like
b : float or array-like
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
p = np.where((x < np.exp(a)) | (x > np.exp(b)), 0, np.reciprocal(x))
p /= (b - a) # normalize
return p

def pick_stock(stock, species):
"""Return the stock for single species.
stock : np.array
species : int
0 for prey, 1 for predator.
return stock[:, :, species]
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion elfi/methods/bo/
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Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ def minimize(fun,
vals[i] = result[1]

# Return the optimal case
# Return the optimal case, clipped to bounds due to numerics
ind_min = np.argmin(vals)
locs_out = locs[ind_min]
for i in range(ndim):
locs_out[i] = np.clip(locs_out[i], *bounds[i])

return locs[ind_min], vals[ind_min]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion elfi/visualization/
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Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def plot_marginals(samples, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, **kwargs):
samples = _limit_params(samples, selector)
ncols = kwargs.pop('ncols', 5)
kwargs['sharey'] = kwargs.get('sharey', True)
shape = (max(1, len(samples) // ncols), min(len(samples), ncols))
shape = (max(1, round(len(samples) / ncols + 0.5)), min(len(samples), ncols))
axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs)
axes = axes.ravel()
for ii, k in enumerate(samples.keys()):
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions tests/unit/
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@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
"""Simple running tests for examples."""

import os

import pytest

import elfi
from elfi.examples import bdm, gauss, ricker, gnk, bignk
from elfi.examples import bdm, bignk, gauss, gnk, lotka_volterra, ricker

def test_bdm():
"""Currently only works in unix-like systems and with a cloned repository"""
"""Currently only works in unix-like systems and with a cloned repository."""
cpp_path = bdm.get_sources_path()

do_cleanup = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,3 +82,9 @@ def test_bignk(stats_summary=['ss_octile']):
m = bignk.get_model()
rej = elfi.Rejection(m, m['d'], batch_size=10)

def test_Lotka_Volterra():
m = lotka_volterra.get_model()
rej = elfi.Rejection(m, m['d'], batch_size=10)

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