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136 lines (108 loc) · 4.39 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (108 loc) · 4.39 KB


These commando's can be used in xml, php and phtml files.


All xml templates make use of the includes "M2 XML File Header.xml". All xml files also have appropriated xsd paths.

Available templates:

  • M2 db schema xml:
  • M2 di xml:
  • M2 extension attributes xml:
  • M2 layout xml:
  • M2 module xml:

M2 PHP Classes

All php files are PHP 7.1 or higher. These files have strict_types=1 on top of the templates and make use of includes "M2 PHP File Header.php".

Make use of new > file > PHP Class and select a different template all PHP templates start with M2. If the one mentioned below is not present go to file > settings > Editor -> File and Code Templates and enable the template you're searching for. This way Namespaces and vendor will be automatically filled in.

Available templates:

  • M2 class: Default M2 php class.
  • M2 class - Backend Controller: PHP class that extends AbstractAction.
  • M2 class - Block: PHP class that extends Template class.
  • M2 class - Helper: PHP class that extends AbstractHelper
  • M2 class - Observer: PHP class that implements ObserverInterface
  • M2 class - ViewModel: PHP class that implements ArgumentInterface


Available templates:

  • M2 Acl XML: Create an acl template that already has path to backend menu and backend config (system.xml)

Available commands:

  • m2aclresource -> Create a resource tag, available params
    • Vendor: vendor name
    • namespace: name of module
    • resourceId: acl id
    • title: acl title
    • order: sort order

M2 Config

Available templates:

  • M2 Config XML: Create an config with default structure.

Available commands:

  • None

M2 DB Schema

Available templates:

  • M2 Db schema XML: Create an db schema with default structure.

Available commands:

  • m2dbtable: Create an table.
  • m2dbcolumnvarchar: Create an column as a varchar.
  • m2dbcolumnint: Create an column as a int.
  • m2dbcolumndecimal: Create an column decimal.
  • m2dbforeign: Create an foreign key index.
  • m2dbcolumncreate: Create an create created_at column.
  • m2dbindex: Create an index.
  • m2dbcolumnupdate: Create an updated_at column.


Available templates:

  • M2 DI: Create an DI file.

Available commands:

  • m2diplugin: Create an plugin tyoe.
  • m2divirtual: Create an virtual type
  • m2dipreference: Create an preference(rewrite)

M2 Events

Available templates:

  • M2 Events: Create an events file.

Available commands:

  • m2eventobserver: Create an observer

M2 Extension Attribute

Available templates:

  • M2 Extension Attributes XML: Create an extension attribute file with default structure.

M2 Layout

Available templates:

  • M2 Layout XML: Create an layout XML with default structure

M2 Menu

Available templates:

  • M2 Menu XML: Create an layout XML with default structure

Available commands:

  • m2menuadd: Create an menu tag

M2 Module

Available templates:

  • M2 Module XML: Create an module XML file that has default structure

Available commands:

  • m2mod: Create an module tag
  • m2modsequence: Create an sequence tag

M2 Registration

Available templates:

  • M2 Module XML: Create an registration file with the method to register a m2 module

Available commands:

  • m2reg: Create registration file

M2 Sales

Available templates:

  • M2 Sales XML: Create an sales xml file for registrating new totals.

Available commands:

  • None

M2 System / System Include

Available templates:

  • M2 System XML: Create an system.xml with default structure.
  • M2 System Include XML: Create an system include that can be included in a system.xml with default structure.

Available commands:

  • m2syssection: Create an section tag.
  • m2sysinclude: Create an include tag.
  • m2sysgroup: Create an group tag.
  • m2sysfieldcmspage: Create a dropdown field with all cms pages.
  • m2sysfieldyesno: Create a dropdown with yes and no.
  • m2sysfieldpagelayout: Create a dropdown with all page layouts.
  • m2sysfieldenabledisable: Create a dropdown with enable/disable.
  • m2sysfieldpassword: Create an obscure password field.
  • m2sysfieldtext: Create a text field.
  • m2sysfieldtextarea: Create a textarea field.
  • m2sysfieldpricetype: Create a dropdown with all price types.
  • m2sysfieldproducttax: Create a dropdown with all product taxes.
  • m2sysfieldcountry: Create a dropdown with all countries.