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Tekken 8 data things

Simple repo to keep some messy code and scripts used to generate some data about Tekken 8


This project extracts data on matches from Tekken 8's online replay feature. This data is saved for re-use and analysis in this repo.

In previous investigations of this nature the repo owner has monitored and mimiced network calls made to the games server. Tekken however does not use HTTP so tools like fiddler or charles proxy are of no help here.

Instead they used cheat engine to pull the replay list from the games memory directly. Using a combination of cheat engine and autohotkey, they refreshed the replay list (sorted by new) every 3 minutes to obtain a large number of games.


If you are just interested in the data, then no dependencies are needed since the data is saved in complete_JSONS_[date].

Otherwise, to gather data you will need cheat engine to load and run the lua script used to gather data.

To run the python code for the data analysis and graph generation you simply need to install dependencies using poetry


Extracting match data from Tekken 8 The lua script is used in cheat engine to extract the json to a file on disk. You should edit this to change the directory if you are using this. Note that due to memory being overwritten less than half of the files generated this way are usable. You want to look for files with filesize greater than 720KB.

Further processing may be required on these files too as some of them still come out as malformed JSONs.


The data is saved in complete_JSONS_[date]. Each json contains 999 games. A dictionary which explains some of the mappings from the internal game variables to more readable forms is available in


The python notebook is simply used to do some basic analysis and generate charts. Mostly we want to look at rank distributions character play rates and character win rates.

Future Work

Potential ideas:

  • Store raw data in some online hosting service. Maybe just an S3 bucket.
  • Automate data gathering
  • Generate more charts/analysis
    • Per character rank distribution
    • Matchup table
    • Most popular secondary characters
    • Some measure of "closeness of games" by looking at how many rounds are played in the average game
  • Present data more accessible format. dashboard? project page?
  • Canvas feedback from Reddit
  • Use T8 steam id (1pOnlineId/ 2pOnlineId) to link rank data to hours played stats (manual/ steam api)


We welcome contributions to improve this project! To contribute, please follow these guidelines:


If you encounter any issues with the project or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on GitHub. Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue if applicable.

Feature Requests

If you have an idea for a new feature, feel free to open an issue to discuss it. We appreciate any feedback and ideas for enhancing the project.

Pull Requests

We encourage contributions from the community! If you'd like to fix a bug, add a new feature, or make other improvements, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. Make your changes and ensure the code is properly formatted.
  3. Test your changes thoroughly.
  4. Create a pull request, describing the changes you've made and the rationale behind them.
  5. Await feedback and be prepared to address any requested changes.

Using conventional commits is encouraged.


By contributing to this project, you agree to license your contributions under the MIT license.

Thank you for contributing to this project and helping to make it better for everyone!


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