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MeteorJS path helpers pathFor/urlFor/linkTo separate from router implementation


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I no longer use any of these and won't be making any updates. Also, FlowRouter is busy growing its API and I expect they'll make a "helpers" package soon.

Path Helpers Build Status

I moved from Iron Router to FlowRouter and missed some of the helpers.

I implemented those helpers in this package allowing their use with any future router implementations.

Some of the helpers require a path generating implementation. This package allows its users to provide path generation to it.

I made a package which uses FlowRouter for path generation (it doesn't have these helpers builtin).

Iron Router has these helpers and its own path generating ability. (It doesn't have the isPath helpers, but zimme:iron-router-active provides them to Iron Router).

Available Implementations

  1. FlowRouter -> cosmos:flow-router-path-helpers
    meteor add cosmos:flow-router-path-helpers

It would be possible to provide path generation in this package similar to FlowRouter, however, I chose to make use of their implementation instead of making my own.


Similar to Iron Router

  1. pathFor
  2. urlFor
  3. linkTo

The difference is there are no named routes. This supports FlowRouter which has no named routes. You must specify the path pattern instead.

  1. isPath
  2. isPathNot

These do not require a router implementation. They use windows.location.

Usage is similar to zimme:iron-router-active. The differences:

  1. no 'Active' in the name

  2. the "not" name has it as a suffix so it reads horizontally like:

    {{isPathNot path='/some/where'}}

  3. can specify a regex value or a path value

Usage: pathFor / urlFor / linkTo

pathFor and urlFor both produce a string from a path pattern and optional extras: params, query, and anchor.

I used anchor instead of hash because Blaze stores the data provided to helpers using key hash and I wanted to avoid similar names.

pathFor is a relative path and urlFor is an absolute path.

If we have these optional extras provided by our template helper:

# CoffeeScript
  getParams: -> {id: '12345'}
  getQuery:  -> {display: 'brief', extras: 10}
// JavaScript
  getParams: function() { 
    return {id: '12345'};
  getQuery: function() {
    return {display: 'brief', extras: 10};

Then this:

{{ pathFor path='/things/:id' params=getParams query=getQuery anchor='hashFrag'}}



urlFor uses Meteor.absoluteUrl to produce:


linkTo accepts content and produces an anchor element. This:

{{#linkTo path='/items/:id' params=getParams query=getQuery anchor='hashFrag'}}
  <span style="color:blue;">


<a href="/items/12345?display=brief&extras=10#hashFrag">
  <span style="color:blue;">

Usage: isPath / isPathNot

Attribute Use

isPath returns active, or the specified className, when the path matches; otherwise it returns false and the helper leaves the attribute blank.

isPathNot returns disabled, or the specified className, when the path doesn't match; otherwise it returns false and the helper leaves the attribute blank.

<li class="{{isPath path='/home'}}">Home</li>
<li class="{{isPath regex='/profile|/options'}}">User</li>

Conditional Use

Use them with {{#if}} in templates to control content

{{#if isPath path='/home'}}
  <div>some content</div>

How to implement in your app or package?

A (simplified) example implementation using FlowRouter (full impl):

# CoffeeScript:
PathHelpers.path = (options) ->
  FlowRouter.path options.path, options?.params, options?.query
// JavaScript:
PathHelpers.path = function flowRouterPath(options) {
  return FlowRouter.path(options.path, options.params, options.query);

Possible: Router agnostic implementation

The path conversion code doesn't need to be linked to a router implementation. I used the already made ability of FlowRouter to generate the paths because I'm using FlowRouter.

If someone provided router agnostic code which performs similar to FlowRouter.path then it could be combined with this package and used with any router (except Iron Router which implements these helpers in its own way).


MeteorJS path helpers pathFor/urlFor/linkTo separate from router implementation







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