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Simple lib with a familiar feeling for manipulating React Virtual DOM descriptors. Using the wrapper function conveniently named $ (which you can exports with whatever name you want if you use other $-based libs, which you probably shouldn't in a React project), you can easily manipulate VDOM descriptors, most often found in render() and props.children. This is useful both for React.DOM which React provides out of the box but also for you own descriptors.

This opens the way for decorating render() at will, and naturally implement decorator components by passing them children instead of props containing descriptors.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Here we manipulate only descriptors which are typically constructed using JSX. If you are new to React, you ought to know that these are not actually mounted nodes, but merely a descriptions of what may eventually be mounted by React. For example, you don't have access to the children that these components will render upon mounting.

By design choice, react-query never mutates anything. All mutations-like functions returns a new wrapped VDOM descriptors array, on which the mutations have been applied. This may have performance issues and will probably be adressed in the future by opting-in for in-place mutations.


Simple example of using react-query to create a decorator component which will use the markup of its children to implement a simple dropdown menu.

/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React = require("react");
var $ = require("react-query");

var DropDown = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return { toggled: true };
    toggleMenu: function() {
        this.setState({ toggled: !this.state.toggled });
    // Imperative, jQuery-style:
    render: function() {
        var $children = $(this.props.children);
        var $toggle = $children.find(".dropdown-toggle").prop("onClick", this.toggleMenu);
        var $menu = $children.find(".dropdown-menu").toggleClass("dropdown-toggled", this.state.toggled);
        return $.merge($toggle, $menu).wrap(<div className="dropdown" />).expose();
    // Functionally, React-style:
    render: function() {
        return (<div className="dropdown">
                ".dropdown-toggle": function() {
                    return $(this).prop("onClick", this.toggleMenu);
                ".dropdown-menu": function() {
                    return $(this).toggleClass("dropdown-toggled", this.state.toggled);

    <a className="dropdown-toggle">Toggle</a>
    <ul className="dropdown-menu">
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>
        <li>Item 3</li>
</DropDown>, document.body);


Like some other $-exporting lib, react-query expose both a static and an Object-oriented API.

The static API is not meant to be used publicly, though, except for a few functions: for internal convenience most of them are curried, which is often impractical in JS.

The OO API manipulates $ instances, which are thin wrappers around an array of descriptors. You can get a new instance by calling the constructor, with or without new. Many methods of the $ instances return a new $ instance, which allows for chaining.

Static methods (methods of the $ object)

$.merge(wrapper1: $, wrapper2: $, ...): $

Merges/flattens multiple $ instances into a single $ instance.

$.toString(vnode: descriptor): String

Pretty-prints a single descriptor.

[new] $(vnode: descriptor): $ or [new] $(vnodes: Array<descriptor>): $

Constructs a new $ instance wrapping one or several vnode descriptors.

OO methods (methods of $ instances)

$r.each(fn: Function(vnode, key)): undefined

Iterates over all the descriptors inside r and calls fn. fn is applied successively with the current vnode as the this context (so that $(this) is what you think), and passed vnode and key as arguments (for convenience with _ functions).

$ Function(vnode, key): any): Array

Similar to $#each but returns a list that contains the return values of each call to fn.

$r.all(predicate: Function(vnode, key): any): boolean

Similar to $#map but returns true if and only if predicate has returned a truthy value for each call. Returns false otherwise.

$r.filter(predicate: Function(vnode, key): any): $

Similar to $#map but returns a new $ instance which wraps only the descriptors in $r that match the predicate (i.e. the predicate has returned a truthy value).

$r.children(): $

Returns a new $ instance wrapping the children of every descriptor in $r.

$r.descendants(): $

Similar to $#children but the returned instance wraps all the descendants (not only the direct children).

$r.tree(): $

Similar to $#descendants but also contains the elements initially in $r.

$r.hasClass(className: String): boolean

Returns true if and only if all descriptors in $r have the given className (as in "HTML class attribute as a React prop").

$r.first(): descriptor

Returns the first element wrapped in $r unless $r is empty, in which case it throws.

$r.size(): Number

Returns the number of elements wrapped in $r.

$r.single(): descriptor

Similar to $#first but throws if $r doesn't have exactly 1 element.

$r.tagName(): String or $r.tagName(tagName: String): $

Getter form: returns the displayName (as in "HTML tag name as a React displayName") of the first element in $r. Setter form: returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have their displayName set to the given value.

$r.prop(name: String): any or $r.prop(name: String, value: any): $

Similar to $r#tagName but for a prop.

$r.props(): Object or $r.props(props: Object<String, any>): $

Getter form: returns an object containing the props of the first element in $r. Setter form: returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have their props set to the given values. It doesn't touch the unspecified props. Warning: children is a prop like any other.

$r.classList(): Array<String> or $r.classList(classList: Array<String>): $

Getter form: returns the list of the classNames of the first element in $r. Setter form: returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have their className prop set as the join of classList with ' '.

$r.addClass(className: String): $

Returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have their className prop augmented with the given className (doesn't create duplicates).

$r.removeClass(className: String): $

Similar to $#addclass but removes a class instead.

$r.toggleClass(className: String, [optState: boolean]): $

If optState is given, returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have the class className if and only if optState is truthy. Else, returns a new $ instance in which all the wrapped elements have the class className if and only if they didn't have it before.

$r.get(k: Number): descriptor

Returns the descriptor at index k in the wrapped array, or throws if it doesn't exist.

$r.toChildren(): Array<descriptor> (alias: $r.expose(): Array<descriptor>)

Returns the unwrapped array of descriptors, making it suitable for a return value of render or being passed as children to another descriptor.

$r.toString(): String

Pretty-prints the underlying descriptors. Useful for console dirty debugging.

$r.equals(vnode: descriptor): boolean or $r.equals($r: $): boolean

Return true if and only if the given descriptor equals each descriptor in $r. Deep comparison is made for displayName and regular props (other than children), while $#equals is called recursively to compare children props.

$r.find(selector: String): $

Performs a CSS-selector-like query and returns the matching descriptors wrapped in a new $ instance. Accepted tokens are:

  • className selectors using . operator (like CSS classes)
  • props selectors using [] operator and =, ~=, |=, ^=, $=, *= modifiers (like CSS attributes)
  • displayName selectors (using plain strings) (like CSS tag names)
  • any combination (e.g. "[href^=http]")
  • descendant nesting operator (space) direct child nesting operator (>) (like CSS nesting without support for ~ and +).

Note that performance-wise, unlike browsers, $ looks up top-down and not bottom-up.

$r.replace(selector: String, vnode: descriptor) or $r.replace(Object<selector: String, vnode: descriptor>)
or $r.replace(selector:String, Function(vnode: descriptor): descriptor) or $r.replace(Object<selector: String, Function(vnode: descriptor): descriptor).

Returns a new $ instance with each descriptor matched by the selector(s) replaced with a new vnode. Acceptes forms:

  • Single selector string: Only one selector string, all the occurences matching this selector will be replaced.
  • Multiple selector string: Pass an Object mapping each selector string to what it should be replaced with.
  • Plain value for the vnode to insert: Will be cloned and replace each matching vnode.
  • Function returning a new vnode (or a new vnode wrapped in a $ instance): Will be applied to the elements to be replaced, and the return value will be inserted insert. The callback is passed the vnode to be replaced as first argument, as also as this context. Useful for "patching" trees. If the return value is a single descriptor wrapped in a $ instance, it will be coerced to a descriptor using $#single.
$r.wrap(vnode: descriptor): $

Returns a new $ instance in which each descriptor is wrapped as the last child of vnode (and sole child if vnode had no children of course).

$r.append(vnode: descriptor): $

Returns a new $ instance in which each descriptor has vnode as its last child (and sole child if this descriptor had no children of course).


react-query comes with a mixin that simplifies its usage and in addition caches a $ instance wrapping the current this.props.children, and any calls to this.$.find. Cache is reset every time this.props.children changes, and is cleaned on unmounting. Calls to this.$.find happing in $#replace and alike are also cached.

    mixins: [$.Mixin],
    render: function() {
        return this.$.replace({
            ".wrap-this-with-a-div-please": function() { return $(this).wrap(<div>); },
            ".add-a-neat-className-to-this": function() { return $(this).addClass("neat"); },


MIT Elie Rotenberg


React Virtual DOM querying made easy.






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