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Instructions for Backstop visual comparison checks

This is a one off script to compare content between two deployed versions of EPP after content ingestion has been automated.

If you stumble upon this, it's probably only useful as a reference of what we did and how we did it.

To create your reference images run:

yarn generate-reference

To compare the production instance of EPP with the reference images:

yarn run-test

To generate references and test image comparisons against all the manuscripts, run:

yarn content-migration-run

After the above is run you can check to see how many have passed and failed and then dig into the batch reports:

for file in $(ls ./backstop_data_run/**/**/jsonReport.json | sort -V); do fail_count=$(jq '[.tests[] | select((.pair.diff.rawMisMatchPercentage // 0) > 0)] | length' "$file"); pass_count=$(jq '[.tests[] | select((.pair.diff.rawMisMatchPercentage // 0) == 0)] | length' "$file"); fail_no_diff=$(jq '[.tests[] | select(.status == "fail" and (.pair.diff.rawMisMatchPercentage // 0) == 0)] | length' "$file"); match=$(echo "$file" | grep -oP '\d+-of-\d+' | head -n 1); echo "$match: $pass_count passes, $fail_count fails, $fail_no_diff false fails"; done

To reduce the feedback loop and if you want to focus on specific manuscripts then you can create a manuscripts.json file in the root of this project. See this example:

  "manuscripts": {
    "86961v2": {}

Instructions to verify all content is published

To simply monitor whether the expected manuscripts are available without performing a visual comparison:

yarn content-status

This process can take a while, so it is best output to a file and analysed afterwards:

yarn content-status > content-status.txt

Then finding all the URLs for the failed entries using the output file and jq

jq '.log|select(.|length>0)[].path' content-status.txt

Instructions to verify that correct meca files are used

Step 1. Download csv from Data Hub DocMaps API

  • Visit Data Hub DocMaps API in
  • Expand menu:

Expand menu

  • Choose export:

Choose export

  • Rename to docmap-mecas.csv and confirm export:

Rename and confirm export

  • Move downloaded docmap-mecas.csv to root of this repo
  • You will need to repeat this step to compare against the latest values in DataHub

Step 2. Run the script

If you want to run this on a subset of manuscripts then make sure manuscripts.json file is in the root of this repo or otherwise remove it.

  • Run yarn meca-status > meca-status.txt
  • You can monitor progress with tail -f meca-status.txt

Step 3. Evaluate results

  • To see how many meca's match in docmaps and enhanced-preprints-data:
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',match,'
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',match,' | wc -l
  • To see how many meca's are different in docmaps to enhanced-preprints-data:

Published only:

cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',published,.+,different,'
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',published,.+,different,' | wc -l


cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',different,'
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',different,' | wc -l
  • To see how many meca's are missing in Docmaps:

Published only:

cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',published,.+,missing,'
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',published,.+,missing,' | wc -l


cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',missing,'
cat meca-status.txt | grep -E ',missing,' | wc -l

Instructions to verify status of automated instance of Journal API

To monitor whether the reviewed-preprints API that serves Journal is displays all expected results:

yarn journal-api-status


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