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초고속 컴퓨팅 실습


  • C/C++


  • Linux

배운 내용

  • 초고속 컴퓨팅을 위한 병렬 프로세서의 하드웨어와 프로그램 방식인 OpenMP와 MPI에 대하여 학습
  • 계산 가속기인 GPU를 활용하기위한 CUDA 프로그램을 강의와 실습

High Performance Computing


  • C/C++

Operating System

  • Linux


  1. Introduction(1)
  • An overview of high performance computing
  • High performance computing and parallel programming
  • Porgram compile
    book in chapter1
  1. Introduction(2)
  • High performance computing environments
  • Shared memory vs. distributed memory programming
  • C programming for pi calculation
    book in chater2
  1. Shared memory programming
  • OpenMP programming I
  • OpenMP programming
  • OpenMP programming for pi calculation
    book in chapter5
  1. Shared memory programming
  • OpenMP programming II
  • OpenMP IPC programming
  • IPC programming
    book in chapter5
  1. Distributed memory programming
  • MPI programming
  • OpenMP programming for dotproduct
    book in chapter3
  1. Distributed memory programming
  • Point-to-point communication
  • MPI programming for decompose and compose
    book in chapter3
  1. Distributed memory programming
  • Collective communication
  • Preaparation for midterm exam
    book in chatper3

Lecture Book

  • Parallel Programming with MPI, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, by written Peter S. Pacheco