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Integration with Open Interpreter

Eliran Wong edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 9 revisions

Integration with Open Interpreter

Users can run system command directly with LetMeDoIt AI AI, by adding "!" at the beginning.

Therefore, assuming you have open interpreter installed on their system, you can launch open interpreter by running in LetMeDoIt AI Bot:


Launch Open Interpreter with a Different Virtual Environment

In case you install open-interpreter with a virtual environment different from that of LetMeDoIt AI AI, you may create a plugin to add an alias pointing "!interpreter" to its full path.

Remarks: It is recommended to install "letmedoit" and "open-interpreter" in two separate virtual environments. At the time of writing, "letmedoit" is using package "openai" version > v1, whereas "open-interpreter" is using an older version of "openai" < v1. The required versions are not compatible in the same environment because "openai" v1 is a total rewrite of the library with many breaking changes.

For example, we have installed open interpreter in home directory "~"

cd ~

python3 -m venv open-interpreter

pip install open-interpreter

Check the path of the interpreter command:

source open-interpreter/bin/activate

which interpreter

In this case,


Create a simple plugin to add an alias

Open a text editor, add the following content and save it plugin folder, e.g. LetMeDoIt

import config
config.aliases["!interpreter"] = f"!env OPENAI_API_KEY={config.openaiApiKey} ~/open-interpreter/bin/interpreter"

These two simple lines enables you to run open interpreter from LetMeDoIt AI AI by entering "!interpreter"

You may also add a few more words, to make it a cross-platform plugin, so that it works on Windows too.

import config, os
config.aliases["!interpreter"] = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "open-interpreter", "Scripts", "interpreter.EXE") if config.thisPlatform == "Windows" else f"!env OPENAI_API_KEY={config.openaiApiKey} ~/open-interpreter/bin/interpreter"
config.inputSuggestions += ["!interpreter"]

The last line "config.inputSuggestions += ["!interpreter"]" is optional. It adds an input suggestion, so that "!interpreter" appears in suggestion menu when you type "!"





Installation on Android
Install a Supported Python Version
Install ffmpeg
Android Support
Install LetMeDoIt AI on Android Termux App Automatic Upgrade Option

Video Demonstration

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Integration with Google AI Tools
Integration with Open Interpreter
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Plugins ‐ Overview
Plugins - How to Write a Custom Plugin
Plugins ‐ Add Aliases
Plugins ‐ Input Suggestions
Plugins ‐ Install Additional Packages
Plugins ‐ Predefined Contexts
Plugins ‐ Transform Text Output
Plugins ‐ Work with LetMeDoIt AI Configurations
Plugins ‐ Function Calling
Plugins ‐ Run Codes with Specific Packages
Plugins ‐ Work with Non‐conversational Model
Plugins ‐ Integrate Text‐to‐speech Feature
Plugins ‐ Integrate Other Shared Utilities


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