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This repository contains the Figure 19 from the review "Ultra light Dark Matter", by Elisa G. M. Ferreira.

It also contains other figure options for the bounds in the mass. A notebook to generate these plot is also available. I hope this helps someone that wants to use this figure.

Summary of the constraints that are included in the figure.

CMB_LSS: The CMB and LSS bounds come from~\citep{Hlozek:2014lca,Hlozek:2017zzf} using \textit{Planck} (2015) TT CMB auto-power and the WiggleZ galaxy-galaxy auto-power spectrum. 

The Lyman-$\alpha$  constrains correspond different analysis made in the literature coming from, from the darker to lighter, \citep{Nori:2018pka,Lyman2,Lyman1,Rogers:2020ltq}.  

Eridanus II: The Eridaus II constraint are both for its existence and for the survival of its star cluster from \citep{Marsh:2018zyw}. 

Superradiance bound (BHSR): The next line presents the constraints from black hole superradiance (BHSR). The first constraint comes from bounds on the spin of the supermassive BH in M87, from the measurments obtained by the Event Horizon Telescope measurement~\citep{Davoudiasl:2019nlo}. The second set of bounds  comes from~\citep{Stott:2018opm}, which presents the stringiest bounds from BHSR of ultra-light particles from stellar BHs and from SMBHs. 

21-cm (EDGES): The global 21-cm signal detected by the EDGES team can also be used to put bounds on the mass of FDM as shown in \citep{21cm_0,Schneider:2018xba}. 
SHMF: The next row refers to bounds on the FDM imposed by testing the suppression of the sub-halo mass function in comparison with the SHMF from WDM models constrained using strong gravitational lensing of quasars and from fluctuations in stellar streams~\citep{Schutz:2020jox}. 

Dynamical friction: In~\citep{Lancaster:2019mde} they compute the different description that dynamical friction has for the FDM and apply this to the Fornax globular cluster. 

Heating: The next bound comes from another dynamical effect, which is heating of the MW disk, that can be constrained from the case of the FDM measuring the velocity dispersion of stars in the solar neighbourhood~\citep{FDM_vertical}. 

dSPhs: We also include two the constraints in the mass assuming that the measured central density of dSphs, Draco and Sextants showed here, has to within the bound in this quantity requiring that the FDM core is smaller than the virial radius~\citep{Chen}. It also contains the results from the reanalysis of the bounds from dSphs from~\citep{Gonzales-Morales:2016mkl} darker region, and~\citep{Safarzadeh:2019sre} the lighter shaded region. 



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