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A highly customizable utility to retry async actions.

No deps, only 542B minified, 353B Gzipped.


pnpm i retry-async-action

In browser:

<script type="module">
  // specify correct version here
  import { retryAsyncAction } from "";

  retryAsyncAction(async () => {
    console.log("Hello world!");


import { retryAsyncAction } from "retry-async-action";

const wait = (time: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));

console.log("Minimal example");
  await retryAsyncAction(async () => {
    await wait(100);

    console.log(`This function only runs once!`);

    return "Hello world!";

console.log("Basic example");
await retryAsyncAction(
  async () => {
    await wait(100);

    console.log(`You'll see this message 4 times: 1 initial call and 3 retries!`);

    // Simulate error
    throw new Error("Oops, something went wrong!");
    timeouts: [100, 200, 300],

console.log("custom stop condition");
// Typed errors!
await retryAsyncAction<void, Error>(
  // You can access current action call number from the first argument
  async (currentActionCallNumber) => {
    await wait(100);

    if (currentActionCallNumber === 2) throw new Error("Oops, something went wrong!");
    timeouts: [100, 100, 100],
    // Don't stop retrying on resolve
    onResolve: () => false,
    onReject: (error) => {

      // Return true if you want to stop retrying
      return true;

console.log("Infinite polling example");
function* infiniteGenerator() {
  // yield timeout in ms
  while (true) yield 100;

await retryAsyncAction(
  async (currentActionCallNumber) => {
    await wait(100);


    return currentActionCallNumber;
    timeouts: infiniteGenerator(),
    onResolve: (data) => {
      console.log(`Polling finished with data: ${data}`);

      // Return true if you want to stop retrying
      return data === 5;

console.log("Fallback example");
  await retryAsyncAction(
    async () => {
      await wait(100);

      throw new Error("Oops, something went wrong!");
      // After 3 retries, fallback value will be returned
      timeouts: [100, 100, 100],
      fallback: "Fallback value",

See more examples in the test file!


declare type AsyncAction<T> = (currentActionCall: number) => Promise<T>;

export declare const retryAsyncAction: <T, E = unknown>(
  action: AsyncAction<T>,
  { timeouts, fallback, onResolve, onReject }?: RetryParams<T, E>
) => Promise<T | undefined>;

export declare type RetryParams<T, E = unknown> = {
   * Function called when action is fulfilled.
   * Return true to stop retries
  onResolve?: (data: T, actionCallNumber: number) => boolean;
   * Function called when action is rejected.
   * Return true to stop retries
  onReject?: (error: E, actionCallNumber: number) => boolean;
  /** Timeouts between retries */
  timeouts?: Iterable<number>;
  /** Fallback value which returns when action was rejected */
  fallback?: T;
