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Profiles (Session Users)

Mostey edited this page Dec 14, 2014 · 7 revisions

Please note that this section is meant for the user that is bound to the session (the logged-in authenticated user). Functions covered in this article are usually accessed through the AuthenticatedSession<TUser>.Profile property. If you wish to access the corresponding User object, use the AuthenticatedSession<TUser>.User property which is a simple quick access reference to the AuthenticatedSession<TUser>.Profile.User property.

Avatars and Signatures

You may update your avatar using the Profile.SetAvatar function as follows:

session.Profile.SetAvatar(session, Image.FromWeb(new Uri("")));

This code downloads the image that is located at the specified Uri and uploads it as your avatar on elitepvpers.

And if you want to use an image located somewhere in the local filesystem, you'd want to go with this one:

session.Profile.SetAvatar(session, Image.FromFileSystem(@"my/path/to/my/img.jpg"));

Some people tend to remove their avatars instead of changing them to a new image, this is also supported and only requires one simple call:


In case you want to update your signature, you can easily specify the new signature Content by passing it to the SetSignature function:

session.Profile.SetSignature(session, new Content("Test"));

See the Content wiki page for further information on how to style your signature with the content framework using certain BB style codes.

Get your listed, sold and bought Treasures

By using the GetTreasures function, retrieving the currently listed, sold and bought treasures associated to your user account is as easy as it gets:

var treasures = session.Profile.GetTreasures(session, Treasure.Query.SoldListed);

This will get you all treasures that your user account has listed or sold. You may also omit the query status in this case, since Treasure.Query.SoldListed is the default value for this parameter.

And if you just want the treasures you've bought, replace the Treasure.Query.SoldListed constant with the Treasure.Query.Bought constant and you should be good to go.

Further usage

The function is declared as follows:
public List<Treasure> GetTreasures(session, Treasure.Query queryStatus = Treasure.Query.SoldListed, uint pageCount = 1, uint startIndex = 1)

  • queryStatus is the treasure status to query. Possible values are Treasure.Query.SoldListed for all listed and sold treasures as well as Treasure.Query.Bought for all bought treasures
  • pageCount stands for the amount of pages to get treasures from. The higher this count, the more data will be generated and received
  • startIndex is the index of the first page to parse. By default, this value is set to 1 representing the first treasure page

Affected properties

Please note that not all properties will be updated, it really depends on which status you query. The treasure content for instance, is never updated since it is simply not given in the requested page. To update all properties, you should call the Treasure.Update function.

The following Treasure properties are affected:

  • ID as uint
  • Title as string
  • Cost as uint
  • Buyer as User (if Treasure.Query.SoldListed was passed)
  • Seller as User (if Treasure.Query.Bought was passed)
  • Available as bool