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Cldr Numbers version 2.31.1

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@kipcole9 kipcole9 released this 16 May 23:23

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure all RBNF rule names are valid function names. In at least one case ("2d_year") a rule name does not map to a valid Elixir function name. The rules are built with atom function names which is valid, but the string versions of that name do not parse. MyApp.Cldr.Rbnf.Spellout.2d_year/2 does not parse, evening though the function exists. This can cause interoperabiity issues with other libraries the introspect code, like inch_ex. From this release, rule names are forced to be valid, parseable function names by prepending an "r" to the rule name if the rule name starts with a digit. Thanks to @ggarciajr for the report.