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Add PowerShell scripts (#13592)
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The idea is to provide them as alternative to bat scripts and potentially
replace all bat scripts in the future. One benefit of using PowerShell is
that we can also run it on Linux systems, facilitating dev and testing.
  • Loading branch information
philss committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 63d0932 commit ac933f7
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Showing 6 changed files with 462 additions and 72 deletions.
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions bin/elixir.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

$ELIXIR_VERSION = "1.18.0-dev"

$scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath
$erlExec = "erl"

# The iex.ps1, elixirc.ps1 and mix.ps1 scripts may populate this var.
if ($null -eq $allArgs) {
$allArgs = $args

function PrintElixirHelp {
$scriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath
$help = @"
Usage: $scriptName [options] [.exs file] [data]
## General options
-e "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command (*)
-h, --help Prints this message (standalone)
-r "FILE" Requires the given files/patterns (*)
-S SCRIPT Finds and executes the given script in `$PATH
-pr "FILE" Requires the given files/patterns in parallel (*)
-pa "PATH" Prepends the given path to Erlang code path (*)
-pz "PATH" Appends the given path to Erlang code path (*)
-v, --version Prints Erlang/OTP and Elixir versions (standalone)
--erl "SWITCHES" Switches to be passed down to Erlang (*)
--eval "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command, same as -e (*)
--logger-otp-reports BOOL Enables or disables OTP reporting
--logger-sasl-reports BOOL Enables or disables SASL reporting
--no-halt Does not halt the Erlang VM after execution
--short-version Prints Elixir version (standalone)
Options given after the .exs file or -- are passed down to the executed code.
Options can be passed to the Erlang runtime using `$ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS or --erl.
## Distribution options
The following options are related to node distribution.
--cookie COOKIE Sets a cookie for this distributed node
--hidden Makes a hidden node
--name NAME Makes and assigns a name to the distributed node
--rpc-eval NODE "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command on the given remote node (*)
--sname NAME Makes and assigns a short name to the distributed node
--name and --sname may be set to undefined so one is automatically generated.
## Release options
The following options are generally used under releases.
--boot "FILE" Uses the given FILE.boot to start the system
--boot-var VAR "VALUE" Makes `$VAR available as VALUE to FILE.boot (*)
--erl-config "FILE" Loads configuration in FILE.config written in Erlang (*)
--vm-args "FILE" Passes the contents in file as arguments to the VM
--pipe-to is not supported via PowerShell.
** Options marked with (*) can be given more than once.
** Standalone options can't be combined with other options.

Write-Host $help

if (($allArgs.Count -eq 1) -and ($allArgs[0] -eq "--short-version")) {

if (($allArgs.Count -eq 0) -or (($allArgs.Count -eq 1) -and ($allArgs[0] -in @("-h", "--help")))) {
exit 1

function NormalizeArg {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string[]] $Items
$Items -join ","

function QuoteString {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string] $Item

# We surround the string with double quotes, in order to preserve its contents as
# only one command arg.
# This is needed because PowerShell consider spaces as separator of arguments.
# The double quotes around will be removed when PowerShell process the argument.
# See:
if ($Item.Contains(" ")) {
'"' + $Item + '"'
else {

$elixirParams = @()
$erlangParams = @()
$beforeExtras = @()
$allOtherParams = @()

$runErlPipe = $null
$runErlLog = $null

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allArgs.Count; $i++) {
$private:arg = $allArgs[$i]

switch -exact ($arg) {
{ $_ -in @("-e", "-r", "-pr", "-pa", "-pz", "--eval", "--remsh", "--dot-iex", "--dbg") } {
$private:nextArg = NormalizeArg($allArgs[++$i])

$elixirParams += $arg
$elixirParams += $nextArg


{ $_ -in @("-v", "--version") } {
# Standalone options goes only once in the Elixir params, when they are empty.
if (($elixirParams.Count -eq 0) -and ($allOtherParams.Count -eq 0)) {
$elixirParams += $arg
else {
$allOtherParams += $arg

"--no-halt" {
$elixirParams += $arg

"--cookie" {
$erlangParams += "-setcookie"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--hidden" {
$erlangParams += "-hidden"

"--name" {
$erlangParams += "-name"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--sname" {
$erlangParams += "-sname"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--boot" {
$erlangParams += "-boot"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--erl-config" {
$erlangParams += "-config"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--vm-args" {
$erlangParams += "-args_file"
$erlangParams += $allArgs[++$i]

"--logger-otp-reports" {
$private:tempVal = $allArgs[$i + 1]
if ($tempVal -in @("true", "false")) {
$erlangParams += @("-logger", "handle_otp_reports", $allArgs[++$i])

"--logger-sasl-reports" {
$private:tempVal = $allArgs[$i + 1]
if ($tempVal -in @("true", "false")) {
$erlangParams += @("-logger", "handle_sasl_reports", $allArgs[++$i])

"--erl" {
$private:erlFlags = $allArgs[++$i] -split " "
$beforeExtras += $erlFlags

"+iex" {
$elixirParams += "+iex"
$useIex = $true


"+elixirc" {
$elixirParams += "+elixirc"

"--rpc-eval" {
$private:key = $allArgs[++$i]
$private:value = $allArgs[++$i]

if ($null -eq $key) {
Write-Error "--rpc-eval: NODE must be present"
exit 1

if ($null -eq $value) {
Write-Error "--rpc-eval: COMMAND for the '$key' node must be present"
exit 1

$elixirParams += "--rpc-eval"
$elixirParams += $key
$elixirParams += $value

"--boot-var" {
$private:key = $allArgs[++$i]
$private:value = $allArgs[++$i]

if ($null -eq $key) {
Write-Error "--boot-var: VAR must be present"
exit 1

if ($null -eq $value) {
Write-Error "--boot-var: Value for the '$key' var must be present"
exit 1

$elixirParams += "-boot_var"
$elixirParams += $key
$elixirParams += $value

Default {
$private:normalized = NormalizeArg $arg
$allOtherParams += $normalized

if ($null -eq $useIEx) {
$beforeExtras = @("-s", "elixir", "start_cli") + $beforeExtras

$beforeExtras = @("-pa", "$(Join-Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "../lib/elixir/ebin")") + $beforeExtras
$beforeExtras = @("-noshell", "-elixir_root", "$(Join-Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "../lib")") + $beforeExtras

$allParams = @()

if ($null -ne $env:ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS) {
$private:erlFlags = $env:ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS -split " "
$allParams += $erlFlags

$allParams += $erlangParams
$allParams += $beforeExtras
$allParams += "-extra"
$allParams += $elixirParams
$allParams += $allOtherParams

$binSuffix = ""

# The variable is available after PowerShell 7.2. Previous to that, PS only worked on Windows.
if ($isWindows -or ($null -eq $isWindows)) {
$binSuffix = ".exe"

$binPath = "$erlExec$binSuffix"

# We double the double-quotes because they are going to be escaped by arguments parsing.
$paramsPart = $allParams | ForEach-Object -Process { QuoteString($_ -replace "`"", "`"`"") }

if ($env:ELIXIR_CLI_DRY_RUN) {
Write-Host "$binPath $paramsPart"
else {
$output = Start-Process -FilePath $binPath -ArgumentList $paramsPart -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru
exit $output.ExitCode
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions bin/elixirc.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

$scriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath

if (($args.Count -eq 0) -or ($args[0] -in @("-h", "--help"))) {
Write-Host @"
Usage: $scriptName [elixir switches] [compiler switches] [.ex files]
-h, --help Prints this message and exits
-o The directory to output compiled files
-v, --version Prints Elixir version and exits (standalone)
--ignore-module-conflict Does not emit warnings if a module was previously defined
--no-debug-info Does not attach debug info to compiled modules
--no-docs Does not attach documentation to compiled modules
--profile time Profile the time to compile modules
--verbose Prints compilation status
--warnings-as-errors Treats warnings as errors and returns non-zero exit status
** Options given after -- are passed down to the executed code
** Options can be passed to the Erlang runtime using ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS
** Options can be passed to the Erlang compiler using ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS

$scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath
$elixirMainScript = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "elixir.ps1"

$prependedArgs = @("+elixirc")

$allArgs = $prependedArgs + $args

# The dot is going to evaluate the script with the vars defined here.
. $elixirMainScript
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions bin/iex.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

$scriptName = Split-Path -Leaf $PSCommandPath

if ($args[0] -in @("-h", "--help")) {
Write-Host @"
Usage: $scriptName [options] [.exs file] [data]
The following options are exclusive to IEx:
--dbg pry Sets the backend for Kernel.dbg/2 to IEx.pry/0
--dot-iex "FILE" Evaluates FILE, line by line, to set up IEx' environment.
Defaults to evaluating .iex.exs or ~/.iex.exs, if any exists.
If FILE is empty, then no file will be loaded.
--remsh NAME Connects to a node using a remote shell.
It accepts all other options listed by "elixir --help".

$scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath
$elixirMainScript = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "elixir.ps1"

$prependedArgs = @("--no-halt", "--erl", "-user elixir", "+iex")

$allArgs = $prependedArgs + $args

# The dot is going to evaluate the script with the vars defined here.
. $elixirMainScript

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