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Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Spark

Insight Data Engineering, NYC, September - October 2015
Elizabeth Fong

Link to Demo



The Smith-Waterman genetic alignment algorithm is used as a base in many other algorithms, such as the widely-used BLAST algorithm. These algorithms are used to match an input, to a reference set of genomic sequences, to find sequences which best-match the input, and the locations in which the sequences align.

The input may be in a variety of file formats, one of which is the FASTA format, where an input sequence is broken up into multiple smaller sequences, called reads. Each read is compared to the reference set and the results are combined to find the reference sequence with the best match.

Development Tools

  • Hadoop 2.7.1
  • Apache Spark 1.5.2
  • Java 8
  • Apache Maven 3.3 (for dependencies)

Data Source

National Center for Biotechnology Information

  • total number of files = 518
  • total number of sequences = 12,321,160
  • total number of base pairs = 26,623,169,330
  • mean (average) number of base pairs per sequence = 2,160
  • median number of base pairs per sequence = 1,609

Maven Dependencies

Apache Maven 3.3

Algorithm Pseudocode

Matrix Generation and Filling

Given: String s1 with length m , String s2 with length n

    // initialize matrix, M
    // score cells in matrix
    for i=1 to m
        for j=1 to n
            // initialization: max is 0
            max = 0 
            // first comparison: west cell (deletion)
            score = M[i][j-1] + gapScore
            if( score > max )
                max = score
            // second comparison: north cell (insertion)
            score = M[i-1][j] + gapScore
            if( score > max )
                max = score
            // last comparison: north-west cell (alignment)
            base1 = s1[j-1]
            base2 = s2[i-1]
            if( base1 == base2 )              // match
                alignmentScore = matchScore
            else                              // mismatch
                alignmentScore = mismatchScore
            score = M[i-1][j-1] + alignmentScore
            if( score > max )
                max = score
            // finished all comparisons
            M[i][j] = max
    // return completed matrix
    return M

Extracting Optimal Alignments from Completed Matrix

Given: Matrix M, String s1 with length m , String s2 with length n

    // find cells with the maximum score
    startingCells = list of cells with maximum score
    // find optimal alignment for each starting cell
    optimalAlignments = list of optimal alignments, initially empty
    for( cell : startingCells )
        stack = initially empty Stack - keep track of cells in the alignment
        i,j = coordinates of cell
        // backtrack from starting cell to find optimal alignment
        while( cell.score > 0 )
            // alignment score - max score was from NW cell
            if( cell.score is an alignment score )
                base1 = s1[j-1]
                base2 = s2[i-1]
                stack.push( {base1,base2} )
                i = i-1
                j = j-1
            // insertion score - max score was from north cell
            else if( cell.score is an insertion score )
                base1 = GAP
                base2 = s2[i-1]
                stack.push( {base1,base2} )
                i = i-1
            // deletion score - max score was from west cell
                base1 = s1[j-1]
                base2 = GAP
                stack.push( {base1,base2} )
                j = j-1
        // completed alignments - pop stack to get optimal alignment
        for( bases : stack )
            a1 = a1 + bases[0]
            a2 = a2 + bases[1]
        optimalAlignments.add( {a1,a2} )
    // return optimal alignments
    return optimalAlignments


###Parallelize Reference Set

  • Faster
  • Uses up a lot of memory

Pseudocode - General Method

Given: List of reference sequences, refs (has m sequences)  
Given: List of reads of an input (has n reads)
    SparkContext sc = new SparkContext() 
    // parallelize and map reference sequences
    rdd = sc.parallelize( refs )
    pairRDD = mapFunction() )    // <K,V> = <score,optimalAlignments>
    // reduce - get sequence(s) with maximum score
    maxScore = pairRDD.maxKey()
    List optimalSequences = pairRDD.lookup(maxScore)
    // return
    return optimalSequences

Pseudocode - Map Function

Given: List of reference sequences, refs (has m sequences)  
Given: List of reads of an input (has n reads)
    // variables
    int totalScore = 0 
    List optimalAlignments = list of optimal sequences & their alignments, empty
    // add up score for each read and add optimal alignments to list
    for( read : input )
        // run Smith-Waterman algorithm (non-parallelized)
        result = smithWaterman( ref , read )
        totalScore = totalScore + result.score
        optimalAlignments.add( result.optimalAlignments )
    // return <K,V> = <score,optimalAlignments>
    return { totalScore , optimalAlignments }

###Parallelize Algorithm

  • Slower
  • Uses less memory

Pseudocode - General Method

Given: List of reference sequences, refs (has m sequences)  
Given: List of reads of an input (has n reads)
    int max = 0
    List optSeqs = list of optimal sequences and their alignments, empty
    // get score for each reference sequence
    for( ref : refs )
        // variables
        int totalScore = 0 
        List opt = list of optimal sequences and their alignments, init empty
        // add up all scores for each read, add optimal alignments to list
        for( read : input )
            // run parallelized Smith-Waterman algorithm
            result = smithWaterman( ref , read )
            totalScore = totalScore + result.score
            opt.add( result.optimalAlignments )
        // update maximum score and optimal sequences
        if( totalScore > max )
            max = totalScore
            optSeqs = opt
        else if( totalScore == max )
            optSeqs.add( opt )
    // return
    return { max , optSeqs } 

Pseudocode - Parallelized Smith-Waterman Algorithm

Given: String ref (length m), String read (length n) 
    // initialize matrix M (above)
    // treat each diagonal row of cells as a list
    List current = top left cell
    List children = next diagonal row
    List grandchildren = next diagonal row
    SparkContext sc = new SparkContext()
    // repeat for each list until matrix is filled
    while( list != null )
        // parallelize and map each cell in the current list
        // map function: calculate the cell score for each cell
        rdd = sc.parallelize( list )
        rdd = calculateCellScore() )
        // reduce step: each cell broadcast its score to S,E,SE cells
        // each cell broadcasts to at most 3 cells
        // S,E cells - in children list
        // SE cell - in grandchildren list
        List cells = rdd.collect()
        for( cell : cells )
            M[i][j] = cell.score
        // update lists
        list = children
        children = grandchildren
        grandchildren = getNextList()    // may be null
    // get list of starting cells
    startingCells = list of cells with maximum score
    // parallelize and map each starting cell
    // map function: find each optimal alignment (above)
    rdd = sc.parallelize( startingCells )
    rdd = getOptimalAlignments() )
    // reduce step: add optimal alignments to a list
    List opt = rdd.reduce( addAlignmentsToList() )
    // RETURN: maximum score and optimal alignments
    return { M.maxScore , opt }


Insight Data Engineering Project - Smith-Waterman Algorithm for Spark







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