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jira-workflow is a poorly-named attempt to automate most of my day-to-day JIRA usage, because computers are better are thinking than I am.

This package is VERY much work-in-progress and while a lot of the foundation is standardized the exposed API is subject to change, as it’s focused around my specific usage.



Clone the repo, add to your load-path


Install using your favourite package manager

Doom Emacs

Append the following to the corresponding file:


(package! jira-workflow
  :recipe (:type github :repo "elken/jira-workflow"))


(use-package! jira-workflow
  (jira-workflow-project-ignorelist '("INTERNAL")) ;; Replace list with whatever you want to ignore
  (jira-workflow-pretty-ui nil)                    ;; Enabled by default, set to nil for plain completions
  (jira-workflow-timer-backend 'harvest))          ;; Currently only supports harvest

JIRA setup

Authentication against JIRA is quite simple, all that is needed is adding a row like the bottom to your authinfo file

machine login password password/token port 443

Along with setting the below variables to something valid

(customize-set-variable 'jira-workflow-harvest-service-icon-url "url-for-icon") ;; Create a time entry in harvest, query it through the API to get this URL
(customize-set-variable 'jiralib-url "")           ;; Set this as jiralib needs it and harvest timer needs it to link a time entry to a ticket


The usages are centered around a couple of central prompts:

  • Prompting for a list of boards
  • Prompting for a filtered list of tickets from that board

Whether or not jira-workflow-pretty-ui is enabled or not, the behavior is still the same. The only difference is how much information is displayed around the candidates.

I first devised this to handle all tickets across all boards for simplicity, but in terms of actual usage I found myself focused on a single project at a time rather than jumping between multiples, so having to filter all the tickets became tedious.


Enabled by default as it provides a good UI, this option enables a much richer UI; adding things like current sprint information and priority to the tickets. See a comparison below



