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Template overview

This doc part is ment as quick reference for templates that Ella uses. The details on the template usage are kept in the section related to the each of the templates presented.

Object detail templates

This table shows the fallback used when selecting the right template for an object. Note how the most specific template is searched for first. When no such template is found, Ella tries the find second-most specific and so on.

As a criterion for selection, two things are considered:

  • Object's ContentType, specifically CONTENT_TYPE_NAME which is defined as app_label.model_label.
  • path attribute of the Category which object belongs to.
Path Description
page/category/[PATH]/content_type/[CONTENT_TYPE_NAME]/object.html First template to try (category and content-specific) when rendering a Publishable detail.
page/content_type/[CONTENT_TYPE_NAME]/object.html Content-type specific template to try when rendering a Publishable detail.
page/category/[PATH]/object.html Category-specific template to try when rendering a Publishable detail.
page/object.html Fallback for rendering a Publishable detail page such as article content, see :ref:`features-object-detail`.

Category detail templates

Following table shows the template path prototypes used when selecting the suitable template for a category detail. Ella tries to find a correct template by inspecting the path attribute of the given Category object.


The category.html can be overriden for specific categories via administration. This will affect the mentioned fallback so that instead of category.html Ella will search for [OVERRIDEN_NAME].html where [OVERRIDEN_NAME] stands for name of the selected template.

For the details, see :ref:`features-category-detail`.

Path Description
page/category/[PATH]/category.html Specific template for a category detail page.
page/category.html Fallback template for rendering a category detail page, category listings, static pages.

Box templates

Box templates are distinguised only by CONTENT_TYPE_NAME as described above. The root for searching is in the box subdirectory of your templates. Also, boxes are named so that the name of the template searched is directly related to the name of the box being rendered.

Path Description
box/content_type/[CONTENT_TYPE_NAME]/[BOX_NAME].html Content-type specific template for a box named [BOX_NAME].
box/[BOX_NAME].html Named template for a box without any specific content type. These are boxes that are same for most of publishables.
box/box.html Fallback template for :func:`box templatetag<ella.core.templatetags.core.do_box>` when no specific template for box is found.

Listing templates

Templates for listings (see :ref:`features-category-archives`) follow same rules as categories with the only difference is that a listing.html is used as template name.

Other templates

Path Description
inclusion_tags/paginator.html Template for rendering pagination when listing a category content. Used by :func:`paginator<ella.core.templatetags.pagination.paginator>` templatetag.
404.html Used to show user-friendly HTTP 404 page.
500.html Used to show user-friendly HTTP 500 page.
base.html Not required, but convention in Django apps is that this is the base layout template.

As mentioned in :ref:`features-template-fallback-mechanisms`, when finding the suitable template, Ella uses smart template fallback for category, object and box templates so that the ones listed above are only used as last resort. Please refer there for the details on how Ella decides which template to use.