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Provide container of DI(Dependency Injection) for golang.

Language: English 中文

1. Install and Operation

go install

1.1. Configuration generator

By default, the current module is scanned and all annotations are generated.

package main

import (

//go:generate inject-golang
func main() {

Use -m to specify that only partial annotations are generated, support setting multiple, separated by commas, and optional values such as 'singleton','multiple','fun', and 'web'

//go:generate inject-golang -m singleton,multiple
func main() {

Can specify scanning modules: supports multiple modules, defaults to the current module, external modules must be imported.

Symbol "." represents current package, The system already supports

//go:generate inject-golang -m singleton,web .
func main() {

To learn more about commands, please run inject-golang -h.

1.2. Run generator

go generate -run inject-golang

1.3. Clean Code

inject-glang --clean

2. Annotation

2.1. Disable Annotations

Use // @ Adding an exclamation mark at the beginning, which means adding an exclamation mark before the annotation, will not be recognized or parsed by the system.

// !@proxy

2.2. Proxy Function Annotations

Proxy Function Annotations is to enable dependency injection on normal functions.

// @proxy <Instance,default funcName>
// @override
// @import *<Path, required> <Alias>
// @injectParam *<ParamName, required> <Instance,default paramName> <operator, ""|&|*|cast>
// @injectRecv *<ParamName, required> <Instance,default paramName>
// @injectCtx *<ParamName, required>
// @injectFunc *<ParamName, required> <Instance,default paramName>
// @injectCall [*<ParamName, required>, ...] <Instance, required>

@proxy causes the system to generate a proxy function with the same name as the original function by default. Proxy functions can be accessed through container objects

@override indicates support for overloading, and when encountering instances with the same name, the latter will overwrite the former; The default is to disable overloading, and an error will be reported when the same name is used.

@injectParam is used for dependency injection of parameters;

@injectRecv is used for structural dependency injection of member functions;

@injectCtx is used to inject the container object itself;

@injectFunc is used to inject parameters of function types;

@injectCall is used to inject the result of a function call;

@injectParam supports type conversion, where & represents the address of the value, * represents the value corresponding to the address, cast represents strong type conversion, and the default value is "" indicating no conversion.

Note: The parameters that have not been dependency injected will be retained in the generated proxy function;

2.3. Instance Annotations

Instance annotations refers to declaring an instance by marking annotations with a constructor

// @provide <Instance, default ReturnType> <singleton default|multiple|argument> <type, default ReturnType>
// @override
// @order <Instance creation order, numbers or strings>
// @import *<Path, required> <Alias>
// @injectParam *<ParamName, required> <Instance,default paramName> <operator, ""|&|*|cast>
// @injectCtx *<ParamName, required>
// @injectFunc *<ParamName, required> <Instance,default paramName>
// @injectCall [*<ParamName, required>, ...] <Instance, required>
// @handler *<called after creation, required>

The system will load the container package and the package where the annotation is located by default, but if there are additional packages, they need to be declared with @import;

The constructor marked by @provide must have and only have one return type, support dependency injection, but must inject each parameter.

@provide requires @order to define the creation order to prevent instances that have not yet been initialized from being injected;

@provide modes include: singleton represents global uniqueness, multiple represents the ability to create multiple, and argument represents only existing during the startup process;

@override indicates support for overloading, and when encountering instances with the same name, the latter will overwrite the former; The default is to disable overloading, and an error will be reported when the same name is used.

The function pointed to by @handler must have no parameters, and it will be called after the instance is created.

@handler can carry the package name, for example: *model.Database, which represents calling the original function.But if it does not include a package name, it is a proxy function.

We generally do not recommend using the original function directly, but rather its proxy function, which can help us expand the parameters of other dependency injections; Proxy function usage, please refer to Func Annotate (use for all func)

2.4. WebApp Annotations (provide the web server)

// @webProvide <instance,default WebApp> <protocol: http default | tls>
// @static *<Path, required> *<Dirname, required> [Features: Compress|Download|Browse] <Index> <MaxAge>

@webProvide Configure Web Application. If not configured, the system will generate an instance named WebApp by default.

If the Web Application is not used in the code, the system will not generate a Web Application instance, which is also to adapt to non web projects.

The startup function for web applications, in the format of instance + Startup, defaults to WebAppStartup.

The original function marked by webProvide has certain formatting requirements. The HTTP protocol returns two parameters (addr, err), while the tls protocol returns (addr, certFile, keyFile, err).

@static is used to configure static resource files, such as PNG, CSS, JS, HTML, etc

2.5. Router Annotations (refer to swag annotation)

// @route *<Path, required> [Method: get|head|post|put|patch|delete|connect|options|trace]
// @webApp <WebApp,default WebApp>
// @injectCtx *<ParamName, required>
// @produce <Response Format: json | x-www-form-urlencoded | xml | plain | html | mpfd | json-api | json-stream | octet-stream | png | jpeg | gif>
// @param *<ParamName, required> <type:query|path|header|body|formData> <DataType> <IsRequired> <Description>

@router will cause the system to generate a proxy function with the same name as the function to complete parameter parsing and injection;

@webApp is used to associate webApp instances. WebApp instance is provided by @webProvide and the default instance name is "WebApp";

@injectWebCtx is used to inject the webCtx of the current request, and can only be used for @router and @middleware;

@product is used to define the return data type and can only be used for @router;

@param is used for parsing request parameters and supports the following formats:

  • query: Get param, such as "/index.html?a=1";
  • path: router param, such as "/article/:id";
  • header: header param;
  • body: Body binary stream, note that only one body parameter can be defined;
  • formData: multipart/form format param;

Note: @router requires that each parameter must be configured with dependency injection

2.6. Middleware Annotations

// @middleware *<Path, required>
// @webApp <WebApp,default WebApp>
// @injectCtx *<ParamName, required>
// @param *<ParamName, required> <type:query|path|header|body|formData> <DataType> <IsRequired> <Description>

@middleware will cause the system to generate a proxy function with the same name as the function to complete parameter parsing and injection;

Note: @middleware requires that each parameter must be configured with dependency injection

3. Generated the code

3.1. Create an instance

Annotations on Construct Functions

// PrepareServerAlias example for proxy handler
// @provide ServerAlias _ model.ServerInterface
// @order "step 4: Setting Server"
// @import
// @injectParam config
// @injectParam database
// @handler ServerAliasLoaded
func PrepareServerAlias(config *model.Config, database *model.Database) *model.Server {
    fmt.Println("call WebAppAlias.PrepareWebAppAlias")
    return &model.Server{
    Config:   config,
        Database: database,

Constructor, must have only one return type.

In the example, the instance type specified model.ServerInterface is an interface type, while the actual creation type is the return type *model.Server.

@handle Annotations on the original function

// ServerAliasLoaded example for injection proxy
// @proxy
// @import ""
// @injectParam database Database
// @injectCtx appCtx
// @injectParam server ServerAlias cast
// @injectParam isReady _ &
// @injectParam event
// @injectParam listener
func ServerAliasLoaded(appCtx ctx.Ctx, server *model.Server, database *model.Database, isReady *bool, event *model.Event, listener *model.Listener) {
    fmt.Printf("call proxy.WebAppAliasLoaded: %v, %v, %v\n", server, database, isReady)
    *isReady = true
    // custom
    server.AddListener("register", func(data map[string]any) {
        fmt.Printf("call Event: '%s', Listener: %v\n", "register", data)
    server.AddListener("login", func(data map[string]any) {
        fmt.Printf("call Event: '%s', Listener: %v\n", "register", data)

The handler function requires no parameters. In the above example, a proxy function was used because the original function needs to inject other instances to perform specific functions.

The proxy function generated by @handler is as follows:

// Generate by annotations from handler.ServerAliasLoaded
func (ctx *Ctx) ServerAliasLoaded() {
    handler.ServerAliasLoaded(ctx, ctx.serverAlias.(*model.Server), ctx.database, &ctx.isReady, ctx.NewEvent(), ctx.NewListener())

The generated proxy function will retain the parameters that have not been injected, and only when all parameters are injected can a parameterized proxy function be generated, which is the format requirement for handler.

The parameter server uses a cast operator, so strong conversion was automatically performed in the generated code cast is commonly used for converting interfaces to structures.

The parameter isReady uses a & operator, so the address retrieval operation is automatically performed in the generated code. IsReady is a basic type that takes a pointer to allow it to be modified.

3.2. Web Generated Codes

Annotation configuration

// ConfigureWebApp
// @webProvide instance
// @import
// @proxy WebAppStartup1
// @injectParam config Config
// @static /images /images
// @static /css /css [Compress,Browse]
// @static /js /js [Compress,Download,Browse] index.html 86400
func ConfigureWebApp(config *model.Config, defaultPort uint) (string, error) {
    if config.Port == 0 {
        defaultPort = config.Port
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Host, defaultPort), nil

// CorsMiddleware
// @middleware /api
// @import
// @injectWebCtx c
// @injectCtx appCtx
// @param body body
// @param header header
// @param paramsInt path
// @param queryBool query
// @param formFloat formData
func CorsMiddleware(appCtx ctx.Ctx, c *fiber.Ctx,
    body *model.Config,
    header string,
    paramsInt int,
    queryBool bool,
    formFloat float64,
) error {
    fmt.Printf("call CorsMiddleware: %v, %v, %v, %s, %d, %t, %f\n", appCtx, c, body, header, paramsInt, queryBool, formFloat)
    return cors.New(cors.Config{
        AllowOrigins:     "*",
        AllowCredentials: true,

// LoginController
// @router /api/login [post]
// @import
// @param username query string true 
// @param password query string true 
// @injectParam server ServerAlias
func LoginController(username string, password string, server *model.Server) error {
    fmt.Printf("call LoginController: %s, %s\n", username, password)
    server.TriggerEvent("login", map[string]any{
        "username": username,
        "password": password,
    return nil


// Generate by annotations from provide.ConfigureWebApp
func (ctx *Ctx) WebAppStartup(defaultPort uint) error {
    ctx.WebApp().Static("/images", "/images")
    ctx.WebApp().Static("/css", "/css", fiber.Static{Compress: true, Browse: true})
    ctx.WebApp().Static("/js", "/js", fiber.Static{Compress: true, Download: true, Browse: true, Index: "index.html", MaxAge: 86400})
    ctx.WebApp().Group("/api", ctx.CorsMiddleware)
    ctx.WebApp().Post("/api/register", ctx.RegisterController)
    ctx.WebApp().Post("/api/login", ctx.LoginController)
    host, port, err := provide.ConfigureWebApp(ctx.config, defaultPort)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return ctx.WebApp().Listen(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port))

// Generate by annotations from middleware.CorsMiddleware
func (ctx *Ctx) CorsMiddleware(webCtx *fiber.Ctx) (err error) {
    body := &model.Config{}
    err = utils.BodyParser(webCtx, body)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    header := utils.Header(webCtx, "header")
    queryBool, err := utils.QueryBool(webCtx, "queryBool")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    paramsInt, err := utils.ParamsInt(webCtx, "paramsInt")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    formFloat, err := utils.FormFloat(webCtx, "formFloat")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return middleware.CorsMiddleware(ctx, webCtx, body, header, paramsInt, queryBool, formFloat)

// Generate by annotations from router.LoginController
func (ctx *Ctx) LoginController(webCtx *fiber.Ctx) (err error) {
    username := utils.Query(webCtx, "username")
    password := utils.Query(webCtx, "password")
    return router.LoginController(username, password, ctx.serverAlias)

Calling the web's startup function

func main() {
    c := factory.New()
    err := c.WebAppStartup(3001)
    if err != nil {

@webProvide is used to define web application instances. If not configured, the system will create an instance named 'WebApp' and a startup function named 'WebAppStartup' by default;

The instance name is modified through @webProvider, and the startup function will also change accordingly;

@router and @middleware are associated with an instance through @webApp, which defaults to the instance name associated with 'WebApp';

The instance names of @webProvide and @webApp must be consistent to ensure their association;

Note: @middleware and @router require that each parameter must be configured with dependency injection The system will automatically create code functions that conform to the webApp call format.

Only @middleware and @router can inject @webCtx, which represents the context of this request;

For more tips on using webCtx, you can read * fiber Ctx related documents.

4. Directory structure

inject-golang simplifies the DDD (Domain Model Driven) directory structure using ctx.

/main_domain                #Main domain
# Golang Standard Package
  /pkg                      #Binary packages, .a/.so/.dll
  /bin                      #Runable commands, .bat/.sh/.exe
  /vendor                   #External dependency packages, automatically generated, should not be included in the source code.
  /third_party              #Modifications to third-party packages
# DDD Layering
  # User Interfaces Layer
  /ctx                      #Code generation, providing external interface access
  /interfaces               #Provide external data structures
  # Application Layer
  /application              #Application layer, external interface actual entry point, only combines existing services without specific implementation.
    /startup                #Externally accessible startup items
    /controller             #Externally accessible request items
    /service                #Externally accessible service items
  # Current domain model
    /entity                 #Entity data structure
    /vo                     #Composite data structure
    /service                #Business Service Function
    /repository             #Data access function
  /component                #Infrastructure layer, cache/file/network, etc
# Runtime Environment
  /conf                     #Config file
  /web                      #Web server
    /handler                #Manual routing processing function, not recommended
    /router                 #Manual routing configuration, not recommended
    /middleware             #Middleware functions, interceptors/filters, etc
  /startup                  #Arrange startup items
    /config                 #Configure startup items
    /db                     #Database startup items
    /web                    #Web server startup items
  /rpc                      #rpc Server
  /utils                    #Utilities
  /mian.go                  #Program Entry Function
/sub_domain                 #Subdomain, consistent with the directory structure of the main domain

There are two ways to provide access to the outside world: service mode and class library mode

  • The service method, like microservices, requires starting and installing routing, and then calling the service by initiating a request;
  • The class library method is introduced as source code and called;

Generally, only one of the two is selected and will not appear simultaneously.

/sub_domain multi domain model is implemented, and each subdomain has a directory structure similar to that of /mian_domain.

If the subdomain is loaded as a class library, then packages related to the runtime environment are not necessary.

If strict DDD layering is followed, the parts of the Runtime Environment package that provide calls such as /handler,/router, and /middleware should belong to the Infrastructure Layer, The packages used to build the runtime environment, such as /startup, should belong to the User Interfaces Layer. But because the Runtime Environment does not have reusability and there is no need to increase directory hierarchy, it is placed at the root directory of the domain.

The class library approach should only import these three packages /interfaces, /application, and /ctx, while the rest of the packages should be considered as internal implementation details and should not be provided externally.

Although the system will automatically generate external access, it is inevitable to provide annotations and data structures to inform the system of the rules for generating code. The data structure in the interface should be provided in /interfaces, and annotations should be provided in /application.

According to the idea of DDD, /application should be as thin as possible, so it is only responsible for organizing calls to various business implementations, rather than directly implementing business code.

The go:generate inject golang command can specify multiple directories, but the final generated code will only be in the /ctx of the current directory. The purpose of doing this is to facilitate the integration of sub package annotations, and annotations can also be overwritten by @override.

So under the subdomain model library approach, there are two implementation methods: one is the single directory mode, where each subdomain generates its own /ctx package; Another approach is the multi directory mode, where all subdomains are aggregated into the parent domain to generate a /ctx package.

Because the annotated code will be accessed by the generated '/ctx', in order to better isolate internal implementation from external access, the following regulations are made:

  • In the single directory mode, annotations can be directly marked on the specific implementation function, and external access will only be to the public interface of the /ctx package, while internal implementation will not access it;
  • In the multi directory mode, annotations must be placed in the /application package and transferred to the specific implementation code of other packages. Annotations cannot be added to the implementation code;

Reusability of DDD layering:

  1. Reducing the cost of changing the operating environment: As /application only involves assembly and transfer without specific implementation, it is independent of the operating environment. When adding or changing the operating environment, only the format of the /application call parameters needs to be met, and the original code can still be reused.
    For example, '/application' defines the 'login()' login function, which requires parameter usernames and passwords. Although it is a web environment, an rpc service, or other service, parsing parameter usernames and passwords may vary, but after parsing, 'login()' will be called.
  2. Domain layer reuse: Since the domain layer can independently complete business functions, it can be copied or referenced to other projects in order to combine more complex business functions

5.Usage specifications

5.1 Package Name Specification

To improve the readability of the code, please remember to keep the package name the same as the directory name except for special types of packages, such as version packages and application packages.

The following is the naming convention for special type packages:

  • Version package: The directory name format is v[\d.]+, with the letter v followed by a number;
    It represents a package within a specified version range;
    The package name of the version package should be the previous directory name, such as fiber in;

  • Application package: The package is named main and serves as the program startup entry point, usually appearing in the root directory of the mod module.
    Golang stipulates that main cannot be imported, so even if global variables are defined in the main package, it cannot be accessed by other packages;
    Although the application package cannot be imported, the system still read the annotations inside the package;

5.2 Circular dependency problem

Golang prohibits two packages from importing each other.

To avoid this, we should adhere to the declaration and call separation principle in design.

The specific actions are as follows:

  • Two types of packages should be prepared, one for declaration and the other for calling;
    Call packages can import dependent import declaration packages, but declaration packages prohibit the import of call packages;

  • The declaration package should include the structures of annotation declarations such as @provide, @webProvide, which can provide the rules for creating instances;
    Recommend the package name as model;

  • The call package should include the functions of annotation declarations such as @handler, @proxy, @middleware, and @router, which can provide function callbacks for dependency injection;
    Recommended package name is handler;

Note: The declaration package prohibits the use of the @injectCtx annotation.

For example, when declaring the member function of a package using '@ proxy', the context of 'Ctx' should not be injected, but should be replaced with value injection and function injection.

Value injection includes @injectParam and @injectRecv, while function injection includes @injectFunc.

5.3. Clear Annotate Override

In the cross module engineering of, many times the instances and proxy functions generated by annotations defined by submodules are not compatible with the main module.

The traditional approach can only be to create new instances and proxy functions, or to expand the code of submodules.

If new code is written, the old code of the submodule will become invalid and cause redundancy, while expanding the submodule will cause the submodule and the main module to call each other. Obviously, both of these methods are not ideal.

This is our recommendation to use the @override annotation to overwrite.

Annotation coverage can achieve the same instance name, while the latter covers the former, and the former's annotations do not leave any traces in the generated code.

For example, for a structural instance defined by a submodule, the main module needs to expand some fields on the structure.

In this case, only annotations are needed to overwrite the type of the instance.


Provide container of DI(Dependency Injection) for golang.






No packages published
