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This is a comprehensive list of all the settings django-machina provides. All settings are optional.



Default: 'Machina'

The forum name.


Default: ('markdown2.markdown', {'safe_mode': True, 'extras': {'break-on-newline': True}})

This setting defines how posts content is translated into HTML on the forum. It should be a two-tuple. The first element should be a string corresponding to the Python dotted path to a function returning HTML from a content expressed in a markup language. The second element of the tuple is a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the latest function (the dictionary should be empty if the function does not require any argument). Note that if you do not want to use a markup language such as Markdown or BBCode (eg. if you are using a Wysiwyg editor), you can set this setting to None.

Django-machina uses Markdown as the default syntax for forum messages.


Default: 'machina.forms.widgets.MarkdownTextareaWidget'

This setting defines the widget used inside topic and post forms. It should be a Python dotted path to a Django form widget.


Default: {}

This setting defines the keyword arguments that will be used when instanciating the widgets associated with the MACHINA_MARKUP_WIDGET setting.


Default: 'machina.core.validators.NullableMaxLengthValidator'

The settings defines the Python path to a validator that is used to validate the maximum length of posts or forum member signatures.


Default: '_base.html'

This setting defines the name of the base template that is extended by the django-machina's main board_base.html template.


Default: 'get_username'

The setting defines the name of a method on the project's User model to be used to retrieve user display names. For example you can use it to ensure that the full name of users is displayed in the forum application instead of their usernames. The method name you put in this setting have to correspond to a real method available on your project's User model.



Default: 'machina/forum_images'

The media subdirectory where forum images should be uploaded.


Default: 100

The width used to create the thumbnail that is displayed for each forum that has an image in the list of forums. The image is not resized if this setting is set to None.


Default: 70

The height used to create the thumbnail that is displayed for each forum that has an image in the list of forums. The image is not resized if this setting is set to None.


Default: 20

The number of topics displayed inside one page of a forum.



Default: 'Re:'

This is the prefix used to pre-populate the subject of a topic reply. For example: if a reply is being posted for the Lorem Ipsum topic, the prefilled subject will be Re: Lorem Ipsum in the reply form.


Default: None

The maximum number of characters that can be used in a forum post. A value of None means that there is no maximum length for forum posts.


Default: 15

The number of posts displayed inside one page of a forum topic.


Default: 10

The number of posts displayed when posting a reply. The posts displayed are related to the considered forum topic.



Default: 30

This setting can be used to configure the maximum number of options that can be defined when creating a poll.


Default: 10

This setting defines the maximum number of poll options that can be selected by users when voting. Note that this setting does not impact the users who vote in a poll but only the poll creator. The latest has to choose the number of poll options allowed per user, and this value cannot exceed the value of this setting.



Default: 'machina/attachments'

The media subdirectory where forum attachments should be uploaded.


Default: 'machina_attachments'

The name of the cache used to store temporary post attachments.


Default: 15

This setting can be used to configure the maximum number of attachments that can be associated to a forum post.



Default: True

This setting enables the built-in avatar system. Set this to False if you want to disable it or are using a custom avatar template.


Default: 'machina/avatar_images'

The media subdirectory where forum member avatars should be uploaded.


Default: 150

The width to use in order to resize forum profile avatars during upload. The image is not resized if this setting is set to None.


Default: 250

The height to use in order to resize forum profile avatars during upload. The image is not resized if this setting is set to None.


Default: None

The imposed avatar minimum width for forum member profiles. This setting affects avatars validation rules ; it should not be used jointly with the MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_WIDTH and MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_HEIGHT settings.


Default: None

The imposed avatar minimum height for forum member profiles. This setting affects avatars validation rules ; it should not be used jointly with the MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_WIDTH and MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_HEIGHT settings.


Default: None

The imposed avatar maximum width for forum member profiles. This setting affects avatars validation rules ; it should not be used jointly with the MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_WIDTH and MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_HEIGHT settings.


Default: None

The imposed avatar maximum height for forum member profiles. This setting affects avatars validation rules ; it should not be used jointly with the MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_WIDTH and MACHINA_PROFILE_AVATAR_HEIGHT settings.


Default: 0

The maximum avatar size for forum member profiles (the size must be expressed in bytes). A value of 0 means that there is no size limitation.


Default: 255

The maximum number of characters that can be used in a member signature. A value of None means that there is no maximum length for member signatures.


Default: 15

The maximum number of recent posts that can be displayed in forum member profiles.


Default: 15

The number of posts displayed inside one page of a forum member's posts list.


Default: False

By default, machina employes a two-state approval status for posts: True (approved) or False (disapproved or pending approval). Posts with approval status False will not be displayed, and will be approved or deleted during moderation.

If this option is set to True, posts will have three approval states True (approved), None (pending approval), and False (disapproved). Posts with approval status None will be moderated, and be assigned to states True or False. Disapproved posts are not deleted, allowing them to be revised and re-posted.


Default: True if MACHINA_TRIPLE_APPROVAL_STATUS is False, None otherwise

The default approval state for posts when it is not explicitly specified during the creation of posts. It can be True (default) or False if MACHINA_TRIPLE_APPROVAL_STATUS is False (default). Otherwise it can be True, None (default), or False.


Default: True

If pending posts (approved=None) will be treated as approved or disapproved when MACHINA_TRIPLE_APPROVAL_STATUS is set to True. If this option is set to True, pending posts will be counted towards posts_count and be displayed. Otherwise, pending posts will not be displayed until they are approved.

This option is only valid when MACHINA_TRIPLE_APPROVAL_STATUS is set to True.



Default: []

Django-machina relies on a permission system based on per-forum permissions. This allows you to define which permissions should be applied for each forum, for each user and for each group of users. However you might want to not have to deal with complex permissions and grant the same basic permissions to all the users and for all the forums you created. In that case, this setting can be used in order to define which permissions should be granted to all authenticated users. Note that the permissions specified in this list are granted only if the considered forum does not have any permission for the considered authenticated user. For example, the setting could be specified as follows:


For a full list of the available forum permissions, please refer to forum_permissions.


Keep in mind that the permissions specified in the MACHINA_DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATED_USER_FORUM_PERMISSIONS list will be automatically granted for authenticated users if the targetted forum has no other permissions for these users. This behavior will apply if you create a new forum without a specific permission configuration ; so be careful with the permission code names you put in this setting.