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Dotfiles Repository



This repository contains my dotfiles, which are configuration files for various tools and applications. These dotfiles help me maintain a consistent development environment across different machines.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd dotfiles/install
  2. Run the Installation Scripts:

    chmod +x

    These scripts will setup macos defaults, install brew dependencies and symlink the dotfiles to your home directory. Review and backup your existing configurations before running the scripts.


The repository contains the config for the following applications:

  • kitty: Kitty a terminal emulator
  • brew: Homebrew package manager dependencies.
  • git: Git configuration files.
  • nvim: Neovim editor configurations.
  • skhd: Simple hotkey daemon configuration.
  • starship: Custom shell prompt configurations using Starship.
  • tmux: Terminal multiplexer configurations.
  • yabai: Tiling window manager configurations.
  • zsh: Zsh shell configurations.


Shortcut Description
Change Window Focus
Alt + J Move focus to the window below the current one.
Alt + K Move focus to the window above the current one.
Alt + H Move focus to the window on the left.
Alt + L Move focus to the window on the right.
Change Focus Between Monitors
Alt + S Switch focus to the monitor on the left.
Alt + G Switch focus to the monitor on the right.
Swap Windows
Shift + Alt + J Swap the current window with the one below it.
Shift + Alt + K Swap the current window with the one above it.
Shift + Alt + H Swap the current window with the one on the left.
Shift + Alt + L Swap the current window with the one on the right.
Move Window to Space
Shift + Alt + P Move the current window to the previous space.
Shift + Alt + N Move the current window to the next space.
Shift + Alt + 1 Move the current window to space 1.
Shift + Alt + 2 Move the current window to space 2.
Shift + Alt + 3 Move the current window to space 3.
Move Window to Display
Shift + Alt + S Move the current window to the display on the left.
Shift + Alt + G Move the current window to the display on the right.
Resize Window
Ctrl + Alt + H Shrink the width of the current window.
Ctrl + Alt + J Shrink the height of the current window.
Ctrl + Alt + K Expand the height of the current window.
Ctrl + Alt + L Expand the width of the current window.
Alt + F Toggle between maximizing and restoring the current window.
Alt + E Balance the layout of windows in the current space.
Kitty Shortcuts
Ctrl + N Create a new terminal window in Kitty.
Ctrl + Q Quit Kitty.
Ctrl + L Clear the terminal screen in Kitty.
Ctrl + R fzf through command history.
Ctrl + T fzf through current folder files.

Dive in the source code to find more shortcuts.


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or create a pull request. Contributions are welcome!


Special thanks to these amazing projects that served as a source of inspiration:


This project is licensed under the MIT License.