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A collection of Python tools for high-energy particle physics analyses.


Some tools require ROOT whilst others require parts of the Scikit-HEP package. Recommended to use a modern version of Python >=3.7.

A Python3.9 + ROOT environment can achieved in lxplus through commands

setupATLAS -q
lsetup "views LCG_101 x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt" --quiet

and then by opening a virtual environment in which Python modules can be pip-installed.


Install via

python3 -m pip install git+

What follows is a descrption of the various tools...

Plotting Tools

  • Functionality to plot a one-dimensional histograms in a variety of designs, including LHC-experiment-based as facilitated through the mplhep module`
  • Functionality to plot two-dimensional histograms
  • Functionality for generating various effective field theory interpretation plots. (All of the above are matplotlib based, with interest in developing online tools - likely through plotly - down-the-line.

Single Histogram Plotting

This is designed to be as simple as possible. Do the following to plot a ROOT histogram:

from heptools.quick_plot import atlas_1D_plot 
p,plt = atlas_1D_plot(ROOT_hist)

Pass a list of histograms to plot them on top of one another: atlas_1D_plot([hist1,hist2,hist3]).

For greater control, you can generate the Histogram_Wrapper objects yourself before plotting.

Ratio Plots

The analogous, simple ratio plotting script is:

from heptools.quick_plot import atlas_1D_ratio_plot
p,plt = atlas_1D_ratio_plot([hist1,hist2]),divisor=hist1)

If no divisor is specified, the first histogram in the list is taken as the divisor.

Custom Plots

Much functionality is wrapped up within the Single_Plot and Ratio_Plot objects. However, one can use the basic HEP_Plot plotting tools with no higher-level functionality:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from heptools.histplot.Plotting import HEP_plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = HEP_Plot.Line_Filled_Errors(ax,Py_Hist.UnNorm_PyWrap_Hist)


  • LHE2ROOT is a parser designed to convert LHE (Les Houches accord) file types, common outputs of HEP Monte Carlo event generators, into the ROOT file format.


For trimming branches of TTrees.

  • generic_tree_skim applies a basic skimming based on a list of branches passed as an argument:
      _file0 = TFile("~/mc15_13TeV.410011.PwPyEG_P2012_singletop_tchan_lept_top.1lep_raw.root")
      tree = _file0.Get("mini")
      branches2keep = ["eventNumber","lep_type","lep_pt"]


Repository for my public HEP tools







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