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Refactor Workflow Runtimes (#5444)
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* Add caching to workflow runtime and workflow management stores

The update introduces caching to workflow runtime and workflow management stores to enhance performance. This is achieved by adding decorators for several stores, which cache records to reduce database fetches. Additionally, a signaler for change tokens allows for cache invalidation when changes occur. The MemoryCache feature has also been updated to include Scrutor for decoration and the caching duration can be configured through the new CachingOptions class.

* Refactor WorkflowsMiddleware for HTTP Endpoint bookmarks and triggers

The WorkflowsMiddleware has been extensively refactored to handle HTTP Endpoint bookmarks and triggers. This involves breaking down the InvokeAsync method by extracting parts of its functionality into separate helper methods such as FindTriggersAsync and FindBookmarksAsync. Moreover, Assist with authorization checks, workflow execution within request timeout, and handling of workflow faults has been improved to be more efficient and clearly segmented.

* Update HTTP endpoint authorization to use Workflow context

The authorization process in the AuthenticationBasedHttpEndpointAuthorizationHandler class has been updated to use the Workflow context instead of the WorkflowInstanceId string. The AuthorizeHttpEndpointContext model has been correspondingly changed to include a Workflow property, thereby strengthening the link between authorization and specific workflows.

* Add FindAsync methods to trigger and bookmark stores

The code adjustments add new FindAsync methods to the trigger and bookmark store contracts as well as all their concrete implementations (MongoDb, Memory and EFCore). These methods support fetching the first record matching a given filter. The adjustments also include minor syntax improvements and the addition of [UsedImplicitly] attributes where needed.

* Refactor WorkflowsMiddleware for improved workflow handling

The code was refactored to simplify the flow of handling workflows in the WorkflowsMiddleware class. Specifically, the methods to start and resume a workflow have been extracted to improve code readability. Further, handleErrorMiddlewares was also updated to better manage instances where no valid workflows or base paths are found.

* Add caching functionality to WorkflowsMiddleware

Added IMemoryCache usage in the WorkflowsMiddleware to cache lookup results for workflows and their associated triggers. This will reduce the number of database operations required when searching for workflows, thus improving performance. The cache is maintained for one minute before it is refreshed.

* Implement dynamic cache duration for workflows

The code has been updated to have a dynamic cache duration for the workflows instead of a hardcoded one minute. By using the CachingOptions service, the cache duration can now be set in the configuration making it more flexible and adaptable to different performance needs.

* Add HttpWorkflowsCacheManager for caching HTTP workflows

This commit includes the implementation of IHttpWorkflowsCacheManager for caching of HTTP workflows. New handlers have been added to invalidate cache on workflow updates. Additionally, WorkflowsMiddleware has been renamed to HttpWorkflowsMiddleware.

* Refactor workflow trigger handling and caching

The refactoring includes deletion of `IndexWorkflowTriggersHandler.cs` and creation of `IndexTriggers.cs` thus revising the workflow trigger indexing approach. Also, revamped the `ITriggerIndexer` interface which now handles deletion of triggers with specific workflow and filter. Furthermore, the caching mechanism in `HttpWorkflowsCacheManager.cs` is modified to handle eviction of workflow definitions and triggers separately boosting its efficiency.

* Add summary to IndexedWorkflowTriggers

A summary has been added to the 'IndexedWorkflowTriggers' class, providing a brief description. This description outlines that it represents a collection of indexed workflow triggers, promoting clearer understanding for future reference.

* Refactor memory caching feature into separate module

This commit separates the memory caching feature from the Elsa.Common module into a distinct Elsa.Caching module. This includes moving and renaming related files, such as the MemoryCacheFeature class and associated dependencies. The references in other modules and in the main solution file have been updated accordingly to include the new Elsa.Caching module.

* Add distributed caching and update async methods

Introduced a distributed caching feature with extensible change token signal publishing. Updated various cache-related methods to be asynchronous for improved performance and responsiveness. Also updated some workflow identity references for clarity.

* Add distributed caching with MassTransit support

This addition includes the implementation of a distributed caching system with MassTransit transport. The changes introduce necessary interfaces and services, new distributed caching feature along with the support for MassTransit as a transport option. Moreover, the instance management feature has been renamed to clustering feature for better clarity.

* Refactor queue naming and scope of MassTransitChangeTokenSignalPublisher

Queue name construction is adjusted in the RabbitMqServiceBusFeature and AzureServiceBusFeature modules for better organization and readability. MassTransitChangeTokenSignalPublisher is now a singleton service, ensuring the signal publisher can be shared across the application, increasing efficiency and performance. Also, introduced use of DistributedCacheFeature in MassTransitDistributedCacheFeature module for better modularization.

* Add caching capabilities to workflow definition service

This commit introduces caching to the workflow definition service, improving the performance for retrieving workflow definitions. 4 new classes have been created (`CachingWorkflowDefinitionService`, `EvictWorkflowDefinitionServiceCache`, `WorkflowDefinitionCacheManager`, and `IWorkflowDefinitionCacheManager`), and several existing classes have been updated to support caching. The caching also includes invalidation mechanisms, ensuring data consistency.

* Refactor caching mechanism in workflow definition

In the workflow definition module, the explicit caching functionality related to workflow definition versioning has been removed in favor of a more streamlined approach. Additionally, the manner in which services are registered has been altered. As a result, the caching now directly involves the overall workflow definition rather than individual versions, simplifying the caching logic and potentially improving the performance.

* Update MassTransitBroker and enable RealTimeWorkflows and SignalRHubs

The MassTransitBroker has been updated to Memory from RabbitMq. In addition, the RealTimeWorkflows and UseWorkflowsSignalRHubs features are now enabled in the code. This change will impact how the service communicates and processes real-time requests for workflow operations.

* Reformat variable types in HttpFeature

The reformatting involves a list of variable types in the HttpFeature module. Each type now appears on a new line for improved readability, making the code easier to maintain and review.

* Update HTTP workflows cache invalidation handler XML comment

* Remove unnecessary using directives

Unnecessary using directives were deleted across several files in the Elsa.Http module. This simplifies the code and will possibly improve execution speed. Specific deletions include those for Encoding, Unicode, Extensions, Collections.Generic, Linq, Text, and Tasks namespaces.

* Refactor HttpWorkflowsMiddleware constructor

This commit simplifies the HttpWorkflowsMiddleware class constructor. It removes the intermediary variables `_next` and `_options` and directly uses the passed arguments in the constructor. Now, the `next` and `options` parameters are used directly throughout the middleware.

* Simplify workflow retrieval in HttpWorkflowsMiddleware

This refactoring replaces the use of FindWorkflowDefinitionAsync and MaterializeWorkflowAsync with a single method, FindWorkflowAsync. This simplifies the middleware code and likely improves performance by reducing the number of database queries or service calls required to retrieve a workflow.

* Refactor workflow retrieval in HttpBookmarkProcessor

Simplified the workflow retrieval process in HttpBookmarkProcessor.cs. Replaced FindWorkflowDefinitionAsync and MaterializeWorkflowAsync methods with a single FindWorkflowAsync call. This reduces the complexity and improves efficiency in retrieving workflow.

* Optimize FindWorkflowAsync method in HttpWorkflowsCacheManager

Removed redundant lines of code to simplify workflow search functionality. This change simplified the FindWorkflowAsync method by directly calling the FindWorkflowAsync function in the workflowDefinitionService, thus increasing code readability and efficiency.

* Refactor Endpoint.cs for workflow retrieval

The method for obtaining a workflow in the Endpoint.cs script has been refactored and streamlined. The 'GetWorkflowDefinition' method is replaced by the 'GetWorkflowAsync' method which directly retrieves the workflow, without the intermediate step of materializing the workflow definition. This shortens the code and simplifies the process.

* Refactor InputFunctionsDefinitionProvider constructor

The constructor for InputFunctionsDefinitionProvider has been simplified by removing unnecessary private fields. Services are now directly used in the method instead of being stored in fields. This improves readability and reduces complexity in the class structure.

* Refactor WorkflowInstance with improved state handling

Simplified the methods for handling workflow and workflow state in the WorkflowInstance class. The refactoring also included some code clean-ups and variable renaming. The new implementation provides better readability and maintainability of the code by reducing unnecessary lines and improving structuring of objects and responses.

* Remove unused IBookmarkManager and update workflow functions

IBookmarkManager from ProtoActorWorkflowRuntime.cs file is removed due to its redundant status. Additionally, the "FindAsync" method has been updated to use a cancellation token. Also, annotations were added to the "ExportWorkflowStateAsync" and "ImportWorkflowStateAsync" methods to flag calls to functions that require unreferenced code.

* Remove unused ReSharper directive

Unused ReSharper directive in the file IndexTriggers.cs was identified and therefore removed. This change makes the code cleaner and easier to read.

* Update activity invocation in workflow runtime

Updated the DefaultBackgroundActivityInvoker service in the Elsa.Workflows.Runtime module to annotate the ExecuteAsync method with "RequiresUnreferencedCode" attribute. This change is made considering the potential code trimming issue. Additionally, simplified the process of fetching workflow by directly using FindWorkflowAsync method instead of FindWorkflowDefinitionAsync and MaterializeWorkflowAsync methods.

* Refactor code to simplify workflow definition loading

The code for finding and materializing workflow definitions has been simplified. Instead of loading the definition and materializing it into a workflow in separate steps, a new method called FindWorkflowAsync has been introduced to perform both actions at once. This reduces redundancy and makes the code more readable.

* Refactor WorkflowHostFactory to streamline workflow creation

This commit simplifies the workflow creation process in WorkflowHostFactory. It removes redundant code and extraneous methods, specifically the overloaded CreateAsync method which used WorkflowDefinition. Now, it directly finds and uses the Workflow instance, thereby simplifying the code base and improving maintainability.

* Refactor workflow retrieval in WorkflowInstance.cs

Changed the way workflow instances are retrieved from the WorkflowDefinitionService. Instead of obtaining the workflow definition and then materializing the workflow from it, the workflow is directly retrieved using the FindWorkflowAsync function. This simplifies the code and avoids unnecessary null-checks.

* Remove unnecessary whitespace in WorkflowInstance.cs

An extraneous whitespace character was identified and removed in the WorkflowInstance.cs file. This change contributes towards maintaining clean and readable code in the Elsa.ProtoActor module.

* Remove unnecessary comment in ProtoActorWorkflowRuntime

The unnecessary comment ("Load the workflow definition.") in the method TryStartWorkflowAsync of the ProtoActorWorkflowRuntime.cs file was removed. This is part of an ongoing effort to keep the codebase clean and readable.

* Update workflow management features and handlers

Added explicit notification handlers for DeleteWorkflowInstances and RefreshActivityRegistry in WorkflowManagementFeature.cs. Also, renamed RefreshActivityRegistryHandler.cs to RefreshActivityRegistry.cs for better clarity.

* Add multiple log record support to workflow execution log stores

The major change of this commit is the addition of methods to add multiple log records in the WorkflowExecutionLogStore, across different storage modules such as EntityFramework, MongoDB, Dapper, Elasticsearch and Memory. This ensures consistency and uniform behavior across different storage types. Furthermore, some reformatting and tidying up of the code were undertaken to maintain readability and clarity.

* Remove redundant workflow definition check

The workflow definition existence check and related service retrieval were removed from HttpWorkflowsMiddleware.cs. It was determined that this check was unnecessary as the workflow definition's existence is guaranteed at this point in the process, reducing redundancy in the code.

* Improve cancellation token usage in workflow execution

This commit refines the usage of cancellation tokens during the execution of workflows in Elsa.Server and HttpWorkflowsMiddleware. Previously, a cancellation token pair was created before ExecuteWithinTimeoutAsync was called, which limited duration control solely to that method. Now, cancellation tokens are included within ExecuteWithinTimeoutAsync method. This allows the method to observe any cancellation initiated by outer scopes, enhancing control over the timeout of operations.

* Add PersistStateAsync method to WorkflowHost

A new PersistStateAsync method has been added to the WorkflowHost, which enables the host to directly persist its own state. The method has been integrated into the DefaultWorkflowRuntime and HttpWorkflowsMiddleware. This update eliminates the need to continuously get instances of IWorkflowInstanceManager to save state, which improves efficiency and code readability.

* Refactor DefaultAlterationRunner service

This update simplifies the DefaultAlterationRunner service, reducing the number of code lines and removing unnecessary references. The workflow materialization step has been merged with the find workflow step, and unused namespaces have been dropped.

* Refine wording in IWorkflowHost interface documentation

The documentation for the 'CanStartWorkflowAsync' method in the IWorkflowHost interface has been cleaned up. The superfluous "or not" verbiage has been removed, making it easier to understand the method's function.

* Remove CancellationTokens struct and simplify cancellation handling

Removed the CancellationTokens struct and all its references across the code base. Simplified cancellation handling by using standard CancellationToken only. Also cleaned up redundant usages and unnecessary namespaces across various modules. This simplification better aligns with standard .NET conventions and reduces the code complexity.

* Implement ActivityHandle for better activity identification

The ActivityHandle class has been introduced to consolidate various activity identification parameters such as ActivityId, ActivityNodeId, ActivityInstanceId, and ActivityHash. This makes it easier to track and manage activities by reducing the number of parameters needed for identification. Adoption of ActivityHandle has been implemented across the codebase.

* Remove AzureContainerApps related code

This commit includes the removal of all the AzureContainerApps associated code from the ProtoActor Cluster. The deletion includes multiple files which had housed the AzureContainerApps cluster provider and all its supporting services, util functions, options, contracts, and models. This move might be towards refactoring the structure or removal of unwanted dependencies.

* Add distributed execution runtime and client

Removed some unused classes and created a distributed execution runtime using distributed locking and persistence. Introduced an interface for workflow clients and implemented two versions, a local one and one using `Proto.Actor`. Made some changes in other modules to add the necessary interfaces and methods. Also, added `DistributedLockingRuntime` module to implement distributed execution.

* Remove WorkflowClient.cs from Elsa.Workflows.Runtime

The WorkflowClient.cs file was removed from the Elsa.Workflows.Runtime project. It held placeholder methods that had not yet been implemented, making it unnecessary in the current codebase.

* Add ProtoActor implementation for workflow execution

Added ProtoActor implementation for executing workflow instances. This includes ProtoBuf message definitions, grain interfaces and implementations, and various ProtoActor services. Extended WorkflowHost and related components to provide more execution details in order to better support distributed processing via ProtoActor.

* Refactor workflow parameters to workflow requests

The refactor includes renaming old 'WorkflowParams' classes to 'WorkflowRequest' to better represent their usage. The changes have been made across all the involved modules ensuring that the project maintains consistency. New properties, methods, and class names were updated accordingly.

* Add ProtoActor implementation for data mappers

This update adds the ProtoActor implementation for data mappers and updates the DI configuration accordingly. It also updates the client interfaces for a more streamlined usage, and refactors the WorkflowHost to adapt to these changes. All changes were implemented in accordance with the new bookmark information model.

* Add functionality to create a new workflow instance

This commit introduces the capability to create a new workflow instance in the Elsa Workflow Runtime by enhancing existing workflow classes and creating the WorkflowClientFactoryExtensions class, in addition to adding the "IsNewInstance" parameter to multiple workflows and requests. It provides more flexibility in managing workflow instances and aids in building workflow processes that require instantiation of a new workflow.

* Remove Elsa.Runtimes.DistributedLockingRuntime module

This commit deletes the Elsa.Runtimes.DistributedLockingRuntime module from the project. Changes include removed code files related to features, services and commands under this module. The Elsa.sln file has been updated to reflect these changes, excluding the removed module from the solution.

* Add dynamic client type to WorkflowClientFactory

The WorkflowClientFactory now accepts a client Type parameter for dynamic client creation. This enables the factory to create different subclasses of IWorkflowClient based on the provided Type. The CreateClient function is updated in the WorkflowClientFactoryExtensions and IWorkflowClientFactory interface, and applied in HttpWorkflowsMiddleware.

* Implement Proto.Actor support in Elsa

A comprehensive change that introduces support for Proto.Actor clustering to Elsa. It includes a redesign of the workflow client invocation model, transitioning the methods from synchronous to asynchronous. Also, modification to the Proto.Actor-based 'WorkflowGrain' was made to handle state recovery and execution processing. The structural enhancements improve scalability and performance capabilities.

* Refactor null-checks in SaveSnapshotAsync method

Simplified the null-checking in the method SaveSnapshotAsync within WorkflowGrain.cs. The check on _workflowHost and workflowState has been shortened using conditional access operator, improving the code readability.

* Refactor code and update packages

The codebase has undergone a major refactoring to improve code readability and consistency, with non-essential methods being removed and variable names being optimized for clarity. Package references for Proto.Actor and related packages have been also updated to the latest versions.

* Add Proto.Cluster.AzureContainerApps package to Directory.Packages.props

The Proto.Cluster.AzureContainerApps package with version 1.6.0 has been included in the Directory.Packages.props file. This addition extends the range of Proto.Cluster packages used in the project.

* Remove redundant Proto.Actor implementation files

This commit removes several redundant files related to the Proto.Actor implementation. These files were unnecessary and were cluttering up the codebase. With this removal, the project has become leaner and easier to maintain. It also eliminates potential confusion for future developers working on this project.

* Add WorkflowMatcher and replace BookmarkHasher with StimulusHasher

This commit introduces a new class, WorkflowMatcher, which represents a contract for finding triggers and bookmarks associated with workflow activities. It also renames and replaces all instances of BookmarkHasher with StimulusHasher to reflect a more accurate function relating to stimulus rather than bookmarks. Other necessary changes were made to ensure consistency with these updates across different classes. It's important to note that WorkflowInbox interface is now marked as obsolete.

* Incremental work on stimuli refactoring

* Refactor codebase to support new IWorkflowInvoker and invoke workflow logic

Multiple files updated to introduce a `IWorkflowInvoker` interface, implementation and supporting classes. This simplified how workflows are instantiated and invoked. Consequently, necessary adjustments made across multiple entities and endpoints to account for the updated invocation procedure. Old logic related to counting running workflows removed. Introduced stimulus concept while deprecating non-compliant classes and methods.

* bumped versions to fix dependency vulnerabilities (#5256)

* Update patch version in GitHub workflows

The version number used in the branch checking step of the GitHub workflows has been updated. Instead of scanning for the branch containing the patch version 3.1.2, it now scans for the branch that contains version 3.1.3. This change is aligned with the updated product version.

* Update git branch grep pattern in workflow file

The git grep pattern has been corrected to properly identify tagged versions in the GitHub Actions workflow. The correction ensures that the workflow script fetches the right branches as per the release tag instead of patch.

* Update grep command in packages workflow

The grep command used in the 'packages.yml' GitHub workflow was previously looking for the exact 'refs/tags/3.1.3' string. This commit simplifies the command by making it only look for '3.1.3'. This adjustment will streamline the process and potentially prevent issues with branch recognition.

* Update package versions and refactor code for Elasticsearch and JavaScript modules

Updated versions of numerous packages in the Directory.Packages.props file to their latest stable releases. This includes updates to Elasticsearch, JavaScript, and MongoDB packages among others. Additionally, refactored parts of the code in the WorkflowInstanceConfiguration and JintJavaScriptEvaluator within the Elasticsearch and JavaScript modules, respectively, to improve index management and script preparation. The WorkflowInstanceStore also saw a minor adjustment.

* Refactor workflow management with workflow definition handles

The existing workflow management has been significantly refactored, introducing the concept of "Workflow Definition Handles". These handles allow for consistent management whether we're dealing with a specific workflow definition, a version of a definition, or more flexible version constraints. This refactor also adjusts how workflow instances are created, now using a more intuitive and detailed "WorkflowInstanceOptions" approach.

* Add ResumeBookmarkResult and update related methods

Implemented a ResumeBookmarkResult class to handle bookmark resumption results. Methods related to resuming bookmarks have been refactored to return this new class, providing more information such as bookmarks' matched state. Also, some methods were optimized to break the loop early if no bookmarks were found, improving code efficiency.

* Update workflow definition, execution and correlation

This commit focuses on enhancements and adjustments to workflow definition and execution. Notable changes include the addition of ExecuteResponse model and new test workflow scenarios. Refactoring has been performed to improve readability and efficiency in various components. It also includes an important fix for the correct application of WorkflowDefinition filters, primarily using both DefinitionId and DefinitionVersionId for more accurate results.

* Refactor runtime codebase for better structure and workflow control

This commit involves changes to functionally reorganize the runtime codebase for improved structure. It also allows for better handling of workflows, particularly through the addition of original bookmarks in the workflow execution context. Removed unnecessary dependencies and ensured more efficient management of bookmarks in the workflow running process. Several method and class names were also updated to better reflect their purpose.

* Refactor WorkflowInvoker and remove 'OriginalBookmarks'

Optimized the constructor of 'WorkflowInvoker' by using 'IServiceScopeFactory' to get instances of required services. Removed the 'OriginalBookmarks' property from 'WorkflowStateExtractor' and 'WorkflowState', a subsequent change included in 'WorkflowGraphBuilder' as well. Reorganized the namespaces in 'Elsa.Workflows.ComponentTests' project. Added 'UseCache' in WorkflowServer configurations.

* Removed RunWorkflowParams class

This update deletes the RunWorkflowParams class within the Runtime Requests of the Elsa.Workflows module. The class was no longer needed, hence the elimination and cleanup in the codebase.

* Update RunWorkflowParamsMapper to handle null or empty fields

This commit modifies the RunWorkflowParamsMapper in the Elsa.ProtoActor module. It primarily treats the BookmarkId and TriggerActivityId fields to return null if they are empty, boosting the application's robustness against potential null or empty field issues.

* Refactor workflow handling and improve null checks

In this update, the handling of workflows was refactored to improve efficiency. The 'RunAsync' method now correctly uses 'WorkflowGraph' as a parameter, instead of 'Workflow'. Additionally, null checks for 'bookmarkId' and 'activityHandle.ActivityInstanceId' have been improved to avoid null and empty strings. Finally, when '_workflowInstanceId' is null in the 'WorkflowGrain' class, it is now properly initialized by parsing the cluster identity.

* Enable ProtoActor in Elsa.Server.Web

This commit turns on the use of ProtoActor within the Elsa.Server.Web bundle. This switch may affect the system's behavior and performance.

* Added new workflow scheduling and management features

Implemented new features for creating, running, and scheduling workflow instances. The implementation added new files for handling workflow runtime and scheduling features, including creating and running a workflow instance request, a mapper for the request, and handler services. Modified files include updating method calls according to the new requests, updating workflow definitions, and adjustment to method arguments in Hangfire job class.

* Handle null or empty workflow instance IDs and correlation IDs

This commit introduces null checks for workflow instance IDs and correlation IDs in the workflow infrastructure. Previously, the code assumed that the IDs were provided. It now gracefully handles cases where they might be null or empty, preventing possible null reference exceptions and ensuring more robust workflow execution.

* Update mapping details in ResumeWorkflowJob

Removed unnecessary using statement for Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Requests in ResumeWorkflowJob.cs. Updated references from DispatchWorkflowInstanceRequest to ScheduleExistingWorkflowInstanceRequest for retrieving ActivityHandle and WorkflowInstanceId.

* Refactor AzureServiceBus module and integrate into web project

In this commit, changes were made to the AzureServiceBus module to use Topic definitions for subscriptions. The Subscriptions property in the AzureServiceBusOptions and the Topic property in the SubscriptionDefinition class are marked as obsolete and suggestions to use TopicDefinition.Subscriptions instead have been added. The AzureServiceBus module was also integrated into the web project and configured to use options from the appsettings.json.

* Refactor code to use async scopes and improve service dependencies

Refactored code to use async scopes for improved task management. Also organized service dependencies better by moving service fetching inside methods where they are needed and propagating necessary dependencies through method parameters for cleaner code.

* Add Azure Service Bus workflow component tests

This commit introduces a set of workflow component tests for Azure Service Bus integration. These tests encompass scenarios like message receiving, sending messages with correlation IDS, and sending single messages. In addition, 'SignalResetEvent' test helper was removed, a new test helper 'TriggerSignal' was added, and a Mock ServiceBusClient and ServiceBusAdministrationClient were added to the WorkflowServer fixture. Lastly, the NSubstitute package was added to the test project's dependencies.

* Add support for deferred tasks in workflow execution context

Added support for deferred tasks in the workflow execution context. This implementation allows tasks to be deferred and executed right after persistence of bookmarks in the workflow. A new middleware, ExecuteDeferredActivityTasks, is introduced to handle the execution of these deferred tasks.

* Refactor TriggerSignal and SendMessage activity execution

Refactored the execution of TriggerSignal and SendMessage activities by using context.DeferTask to ensure the activities run asynchronously. Also, made code format modifications and simplifications such as handling ApplicationProperties better in the SendMessage activity, and other minor changes.

* Update workflow ID generation method

The workflow ID generation method has been updated in the WorkflowBuilder. Previously, it was always generated by _identityGenerator. Now, it only gets generated if the definitionId or Id is null or empty, otherwise it uses the existing value. This change brings the ID generation practice in line with how we handle definitionId.

* Add support for service bus testing in workflow tests

Two new helper classes, DictionaryExtensions and MockServiceBusProcessor, have been added to support mocking Azure service bus in workflow component tests. Also, the tests have been updated to use SignalManager to ensure proper order of execution. The WorkflowServer test fixture has been extensively refactored to create mock instances of service bus senders and processors. Furthermore, some configurations have been commented out and new configurations related to MemoryTriggerStore and MemoryBookmarkStore have been added.

* Enhanced workflow correlation and caching in Elsa Workflows

This update improves Elsa Workflows by enabling caching and enhancing correlation in Correlate.cs. It expands functionality by adding new methods that accept various input types and provide more options for activities correlation. Correlation improvements also extend to AzureServiceBusTests, which were updated to test workflow instances by correlation ID. Furthermore, the test workflow received a name change and new correlation mechanics based on Azure messaging.

* Renamed method argument from 'payload' to 'stimulus'

The method argument 'payload' in various functions across 'MessageReceived.cs' and 'ActivityExecutionContext.cs' files has been renamed to 'stimulus'. This change was made to improve code readability and understanding by using a more context-specific term.

* Refactor Workflow APIs and enhance logging

Refactored Workflow APIs by removing the TriggerActivityId from StimulusMetadata and introducing Direct Triggers. Refactored Reenter method in WorkflowGrain to be more concise and straightforward. Enhanced logging by adding additional logging in ActivityExecutionPipeline and LogLevel in appsettings. Also, updated ProtoActorFeature for better log level management.

* Refactor AzureServiceBusTests and add workflow completion signal

The AzureServiceBusTests class is refactored to separate and encapsulate concerns. SignalManager and WorkflowEvents are now class-level variables. Also, a signal to indicate the completion of a workflow is added. This allows the test to wait for workflow completion in the sequence of its operations. Additionally, the workflow definition ID in MessageReceivedTriggerWorkflow is now static and fixed, rather than dynamically derived from the class name.

* Refactor methods to streamline workflow creation and execution

The changes primarily consolidate the process of creating and running a workflow instance into a single operation. Specifically, the 'CreateAndRunWorkflowInstanceRequest' class is utilized in multiple modules to simplify and streamline the workflow creation process. Also, several redundant and inefficient methods were removed in the 'WorkflowGrain' module, and the remaining methods were updated to return the required response directly, resulting in cleaner, more efficient code.

* Refactor asynchronous serialization to synchronous

Simplified serialization by converting all asynchronous tasks in the workflow state serializer to synchronous ones. This change affects Elsa's Core, Dapper, EntityFrameworkCore, Management, and ProtoActor modules, as well as the Workflow State Serializer - switching all async workflow state serialization methods to their synchronous equivalents.

* Removed Elsa.ServiceBus.IntegrationTests project

The Elsa.ServiceBus.IntegrationTests project and all related files and references were removed from the solution. This update affects the main application and several workflow files, scenarios, and helper methods.

* Refactor WorkflowGrain and update ProtoActor timeouts

Renamed the Method OnStopped to async and replaced Context.Stop with Context.Poison in the Method Stop within the WorkflowGrain.cs. Also, adjusted the ActorRequestTimeout to a shorter duration and commented out the LegacyRequestTimeoutBehavior() in ProtoActorFeature.cs. These changes aim to enhance the efficiency and performance of the system.

* Refactor Workflow execution and ProtoActor interaction

This commit refactors the execution of workflows to manage re-entrancy and improve sequential calls. It also modifies the interaction model between ProtoActor grains and clients by following the ask-pattern. The ProtoWorkflowSubStatus enumeration has been extended to include a "Pending" state. The ActorRequestTimeout has been increased for better debugging.

* Remove unused queue and receive timeout in WorkflowGrain

The _executionQueue was initialized but never used in the WorkflowGrain class. This removal leads to cleaner and less confusing code. Additionally, the Context.SetReceiveTimeout method call has been removed from OnStarted method as it's no longer needed.

* Add ProtoActor to WorkflowServer runtime

In the WorkflowServer of Elsa Workflows Component Tests, the ProtoActor has been added to the runtime settings. This enhances the overall functionality and efficiency of the server.

* Add new component tests for Elsa.AzureServiceBus and remove old unit tests

In this commit, a new set of component tests for Elsa.AzureServiceBus have been added, providing more detailed and reliable testing. Simultaneously, several old unit test files and projects have been removed as they're no longer relevant or useful. These include tests in the 'Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.UnitTests1', 'Elsa.Activities.UnitTests' and 'Elsa.JavaScript.UnitTests' namespaces among others. The decision to remove these tests is motivated by the desire to streamline the testing process and focus on the most meaningful and reliable tests.

* Rename GlobalUsings.cs to Usings.cs in integration tests

Renamed the GlobalUsings.cs file to Usings.cs in the Elsa.Alterations.IntegrationTests project to better reflect its purpose. This change is intended to improve clarity within the codebase.

* Refactor Azure service bus testing setup to separate extension

This commit abstracts the setup for Azure service bus testing into a separate extension named AzureServiceBusServiceCollectionExtensions. The code has been removed from the WorkflowServer class, contributing to a cleaner and more modular codebase. This enhancement will facilitate better unit testing and reduce redundancy in test setup.

* Uncomment 'Description' and remove 'OptionsProvider' and 'OptionsMethod'

In the 'InputAttribute.cs' file, the 'Description' property has been uncommented to allow for a brief description of properties during workflow tooling. Furthermore, the 'OptionsProvider' and 'OptionsMethod' properties have been removed, simplifying the attribute options handling.

* Enable Azure Service Bus module

The change updates the 'useAzureServiceBusModule' constant from false to true in the Elsa.Server.Web Program.cs file. This adjustment allows the application to employ the Azure Service Bus module.

* Refactor ProtoActor module for workflow instance focus

The main changes in this commit revolve around renaming and refactoring to orient the ProtoActor module toward handling workflow instances. In the process, unnecessary imports have been removed, classes have been renamed to reflect their new focus on workflow instances, and various related elements such as protobuf files and services have also been renamed and refactored to align with these changes.

* Change AnalysisModeDocumentation to 'AllDisabledByDefault'

The AnalysisModeDocumentation setting in Directory.Build.props has been updated to 'AllDisabledByDefault' from 'Default'. This change disables all analysis by default in the documentation generation process.

* Update default value for Content and modify build properties

Modified the default value for the property 'Content' in the 'Message' class. Also updated the build properties by changing the 'AnalysisModeDocumentation' to "Default", disabling 'EnableTrimAnalyzer', and adding exception warning codes 'CS0162' and 'CS1591' to 'NoWarn'.

* Disable Azure Service Bus and initialize Customer fields

With this commit, the Azure Service Bus module usage has been turned off. In addition, the initial fields of the Customer entity have been set to their default values for safer initialization and to avoid potential null reference exceptions.

* Add distributed workflow services and configurations

Implemented basic functionalities in DistributedWorkflowClient and DistributedWorkflowRuntime. Updated Web Application 'Program.cs' to support different WorkflowRuntimes as per the configuration. Renamed WorkflowRuntimeFeature.cs to DistributedRuntimeFeature.cs and refactored the code accordingly. Removed unnecessary method 'UseDefaultWorkflowRuntime' from ModuleExtensions.cs.

* Refactor ReceivedServiceBusMessageModel from record to class

Converted ReceivedServiceBusMessageModel from a record to a class and updated relevant initialization code. Change was implemented because of the polymorphic serialization incabability of dealing with $type properties with records.

* Refactor WorkflowInstanceImpl for improved workflow management

This change refactors the WorkflowInstanceImpl class to improve workflow management. It implements queuing of RunWorkflowOptions while a workflow is running and ensures state before any workflow operations. Furthermore, workflow host creation is replaced with directly creating and managing workflow instances.

* Add DefaultFormattersFeature and update dependencies

A new feature, DefaultFormattersFeature, has been added to the Elsa.Common module. The WorkflowsFeature in the Elsa.Workflows.Core module has been updated to depend on this new feature. This will ensure that default JSON formatters are available across the application.

* Refactor JsonFormatter with JsonSerializerOptions property

Improved the JsonFormatter class by introducing a private JsonSerializerOptions property. The new implementation uses this property in the FromStringAsync method instead of initializing a new JsonSerializerOptions each time, improving efficiency. The JsonStringEnumConverter has also been moved to the class constructor.

* Refactor WorkflowInstanceImpl for improved code clarity

The refactor includes replacing direct field access with properties in multiple places for WorkflowGraph and WorkflowState. It also makes _queuedRunWorkflowOptions field readonly and removes unnecessary newline characters. These changes aim to improve readability, maintainability and encapsulation.

* Add and update methods to workflow instances

This commit introduces add and update functionalities to the workflow instances across the application. Additionally, it includes enhancements to the workflow execution, such as distributed locking and expanded logging capabilities for better debugging and tracking. Lastly, it introduces new configurations in application settings to fine-tune the workflow runtime environment.

* Refactor worker management in AzureServiceBus module

The codebase has been simplified by removing the unnecessary management of worker ref counts in the AzureServiceBus module. Previously, to manage worker instances, we kept a count of references to each worker and removed it when the count dropped to zero. This complexity has been entirely removed to make the module simpler and easier to maintain. Now we just create a worker when necessary, without tracking its usage across the codebase.

* Refactor workflow runtime with distributed locking and state checking

The workflow runtime has been refactored for better concurrency control and state management. The changes primarily include the introduction of distributed locking in action methods of the DistributedWorkflowClient and the handling of workflow instance states in the LocalWorkflowClient. This entails changes to the logic in the RunInstanceAsync, CreateAndRunInstanceAsync, CancelAsync, ExportStateAsync and ImportStateAsync methods.

* Refactor DispatchWorkflowInstance in MassTransitWorkflowDispatcher

The DispatchWorkflowInstance model in the MassTransitWorkflowDispatcher has been refactored. Previous detailed activity parameters (ActivityId, ActivityNodeId, ActivityInstanceId, ActivityHash) were replaced with a single ActivityHandle property. An additional Properties field was added.

* Update test in BulkDispatchWorkflowsTests

The DispatchAndWaitWorkflow test case in the BulkDispatchWorkflowsTests has been updated to use the new workflow client creation and instance running methods. Necessary namespace imports have also been added in the process to support the changes.

* Remove snapshot and persistence functionality from WorkflowInstanceImpl

This commit eliminates snapshot creation and persistence from the WorkflowInstanceImpl class. Methods related to these processes have been removed, including SaveSnapshotAsync(), ApplySnapshot(), and GetState(). This has also impacted the constructor and OnStarted() method where certain calls were made related to persistence. The need to manage and recover state asynchronously was eliminated, simplifying the implementation.

* Refactor workflow client implementations and update WorkflowStateMapper

Workflow clients in the modules Elsa.Workflows.Runtime and Elsa.ProtoActor have been refactored for better maintainability and readability. The WorkflowStateMapper in the Elsa.Workflows.Management is updated to include an "Apply" method, splitting the mapping functionality into smaller, more manageable methods. Also, usage of the Azure Service Bus Module in Elsa.Server.Web has been turned off.

* Update BulkDispatchWorkflowsTests specification

This commit updates the test specification in BulkDispatchWorkflowsTests by removing an unnecessary import and updating the WorkflowDefinitionHandle in the DispatchAndWaitWorkflow test method. Also, superfluous comments have been removed for readability.

* Update workflow definition in BulkDispatchWorkflowsTests

Changed the referenced workflow definition in the test scenario from EmployeeGreetingWorkflow to GreetEmployeesWorkflow. This update reflects more precise naming in our component tests for the BulkDispatchWorkflows scenario.

* Refactor BulkDispatchWorkflows and simplify error handling

The BulkDispatchWorkflows class in Elsa Workflows Runtime module has been refactored to simplify it. The detailed error handling with a list of errors has been removed and it is now directly dispatching child workflows without checking for a successful dispatch. The ProcessItem method has been removed which handled the errors previously, and the DispatchChildWorkflowAsync method no longer returns a dispatch response. This substantially simplifies the code and reduces its complexity.

* Update workflow runtime and distributed locking configuration settings

In the web server settings, the workflow runtime was changed from 'Distributed' to 'ProtoActor'. Also, the distributed lock provider setting has been moved into a new 'DistributedLocking' section in the configuration settings, allowing more detailed lock options to be set, including a lock acquisition timeout.

* Replace ProtoActor with DistributedRuntime in WorkflowServer

The current commit modifies our WorkflowServer configuration under our component tests. The "UseProtoActor" method which was previously used for runtime configuration has been commented out and replaced with "UseDistributedRuntime". This change suggests a shift towards a distributed runtime environment.

* Add new services and classes for workflow messaging

This commit adds new classes and services to facilitate workflow messaging. These include 'BroadcastWorkflowInboxMessageOptions', 'IWorkflowInbox', 'NewWorkflowInboxMessage', 'SubmitWorkflowInboxMessageResult', 'WorkflowInboxMessage', 'WorkflowInboxMessageDeliveryParams', and 'WorkflowInboxMessageFilter'. Additionally, changes were made in 'HttpWorkflowsMiddleware.cs' and 'WorkflowRuntimeFeature.cs' to use 'IWorkflowRunner' for executing workflows, and deprecated 'IWorkflowHostFactory' and 'WorkflowInvoker'. The messaging-related classes provide methods and properties to manage and manipulate workflow messages, delivery options and results. 'IWorkflowInbox' provides an interface for delivering messages to workflow instances while 'IWorkflowRunner' fulfills running workflows.

* Refactor WorkflowCancellationService for cleaner syntax

Aesthetic adjustments were made to the WorkflowCancellationService code to improve readability and maintainability. This includes tidying up line breaks, reformatting lists, correcting spelling in comments, and consolidating parameters in a function call.

* Remove unused import in MassTransitWorkflowCancellationDispatcher

The 'Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Contracts' namespace was removed from the MassTransitWorkflowCancellationDispatcher file because it was not being utilized. This ensures a clean and efficient codebase by removing unnecessary imports.

* Remove Class1 from Elsa.Testing.Shared.Component

This commit deletes Class1.cs as it was no longer serving any purpose in the Elsa.Testing.Shared.Component. This removal helps keep the codebase clean and maintainable.

* Reduce default timeout in ISignalManager interface

The default millisecond timeout for the WaitAsync functions in the ISignalManager interface has been reduced from 5000ms to 1000ms. This change will speed up signal wait times in our testing framework.

* Refactor syntax representation in SendMessage activity

Simplified the syntax representation in the SendMesssage activity in the Elsa Azure Service Bus module. The SupportedSyntaxes property now utilizes a more concise array initialization.

* Removed obsolete 'Stimulus' property and adjusted consumers

The 'Stimulus' property in DispatchResumeWorkflows and DispatchTriggerWorkflowsRequest classes has been removed as it was marked obsolete. The DispatchWorkflowRequestConsumer has been adjusted to only use the 'BookmarkPayload' property. This ensures a cleaner code base and removes potential confusion between the properties.

* Rename GetNamedWorkflowGrain to GetNamedWorkflowInstanceClient

The method name GetNamedWorkflowGrain in both ProtoActorWorkflowClient and ClusterExtensions has been renamed to GetNamedWorkflowInstanceClient to improve code clarity. This change provides better semantics of what the function is purposed for.

* Remove unused snapshot classes

The commit removes the WorkflowGrainSnapshot and WorkflowInstanceGrainSnapshot classes from the Elsa.ProtoActor module. These classes were part of an older architecture and are no longer required.

* Remove unused field from Azure ServiceBus Worker

The _refCount field in the Worker class from the Azure ServiceBus module was unused. To maintain a clean codebase and improve readability, this field has been removed.

* Remove WorkflowInboxMessageRecord from Elsa.Dapper module

The commit includes the deletion of the entire WorkflowInboxMessageRecord class from Elsa.Dapper module. This file was managing various activities related to the workflow inbox messages, such as delivering messages to a workflow instance.

* Add new V3_2 migrations for all database providers

This commit introduces new V3_2 migrations for MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer database providers. Included are `Up` and `Down` migrations, the corresponding Designer files, and specific Alterations and Runtime changes. SqlDbType specifications were also added for each.

* Refactor WorkflowDefinitionFilter and update related modules

Empty lines were removed between property declarations to improve readability in WorkflowDefinitionFilter. An error where 'filter.IsReadonly' was used instead of 'IsReadonly' was also corrected to ensure proper functionality. Additionally, WorkflowDefinitionFilter was imported in the Delete and Revert endpoint modules of the Elsa.Workflow.Api class to maintain consistency across the codebase.

* Change MongoUserStore to non-abstract class

The MongoUserStore class was previously tagged as an abstract class in the Identity module of Elsa.MongoDb. This update changes the MongoUserStore class from an abstract to a non-abstract (concrete) class to enable direct instantiation.

* Add ForwardedType attribute and update bookmarks

This commit introduces a new `ForwardedType` attribute to aid in forwarding types to new types when deserializing JSON. Additionally, the existing bookmarks related to workflow runtime activities have been updated. These changes also require modifying the `PolymorphicSerializer` in the Elsa.MongoDb project to handle types using the new `TypeHelper.GetLatestType` method.

* Fix logger reference in exception handling

The logger reference used in the catch block of the DefaultTriggerScheduler.cs file was incorrect. This commit corrects it by using the appropriate logger variable for logging any potential cron expression format errors.

* Refactor component tests and improve code cleanliness

This commit refactor the component tests, introduced new interfaces and events related to workflow definition and trigger change token signals. Removed an unused file, DictionaryExtensions.cs and refactored the GetOrAdd method to better handle null values. Some minor changes and improvements were also made in existing files to enhance overall code cleanliness.


Co-authored-by: Steve Taylor <>
  • Loading branch information
sfmskywalker and stevetayloruk committed Jun 10, 2024
1 parent 7997684 commit 77a71af
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 740 changed files with 10,272 additions and 8,120 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Directory.Build.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,11 @@
<!-- -->


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Directory.Packages.props
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Cluster" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Cluster.CodeGen" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Cluster.TestProvider" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Cluster.AzureContainerApps" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Persistence" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Persistence.Sqlite" Version="1.6.0" />
<PackageVersion Include="Proto.Persistence.SqlServer" Version="1.6.0" />
Expand Down
85 changes: 50 additions & 35 deletions Elsa.sln

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions migrations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Define the modules to update
mods=("Alterations" "Runtime" "Management" "Identity" "Labels")

# Define the list of providers
providers=("MySql" "SqlServer" "Sqlite" "PostgreSql")

# Loop through each module
for module in "${mods[@]}"; do
# Loop through each provider
for provider in "${providers[@]}"; do

echo "Updating migrations for $provider..."
echo "Provider path: ${providerPath:?}/${migrationsPath}"
echo "Migrations path: $migrationsPath"
ef-migration-runtime-schema --interface Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore.Common.Contracts.IElsaDbContextSchema --efOptions "migrations add V3_2 -c ""$module""ElsaDbContext -p ""$providerPath"" -o ""$migrationsPath"""
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ namespace Elsa.Samples.AspNet.MassTransitWorkflow.Messages;

public class Message
public string Content { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; } = default!;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Elsa.Http;
using Elsa.Workflows.Contracts;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions samples/aspnet/Elsa.Samples.AspNet.MyBackendApi/Program.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
using Elsa.Extensions;
using Elsa.Samples.AspNet.MyBackendApi.Workflows;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore\Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.Identity\Elsa.Identity.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.JavaScript\Elsa.JavaScript.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.ProtoActor.Cluster.AzureContainerApps\Elsa.ProtoActor.Cluster.AzureContainerApps.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.ProtoActor\Elsa.ProtoActor.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.Scheduling\Elsa.Scheduling.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\modules\Elsa.Workflows.Api\Elsa.Workflows.Api.csproj" />
Expand All @@ -26,6 +25,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Azure.Identity" />
<PackageReference Include="Azure.ResourceManager" />
<PackageReference Include="Proto.Cluster.AzureContainerApps" />
<PackageReference Include="Proto.Persistence.Sqlite" />

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Elsa.Extensions;
using Elsa.Mediator.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Notifications;

Expand All @@ -16,15 +14,15 @@ public OrderFoodTaskHandler(ITaskReporter taskReporter)
_taskReporter = taskReporter;

public async Task HandleAsync(RunTaskRequest notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (notification.TaskName != "OrderFood")

var args = notification.TaskPayload!;
var foodName = args.GetValue<string>("Food");

Console.WriteLine("Preparing {0}...", foodName);
await Task.Delay(1000, cancellationToken);
Console.WriteLine("Food is ready for delivery!");
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
using Elsa.Extensions;
using Elsa.Samples.AspNet.RunTaskIntegration.Workflows;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Elsa.Http;
using Elsa.Workflows;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities;
using Elsa.Workflows.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Models;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Activities;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

namespace Elsa.Samples.AspNet.RunTaskIntegration.Workflows;

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
using System;
using Elsa.Extensions;
using Elsa.Samples.AspNet.Webhooks.WorkflowServer.Workflows;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Elsa.Http;
using Elsa.Workflows;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities;
using Elsa.Workflows.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Models;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Activities;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

namespace Elsa.Samples.AspNet.Webhooks.WorkflowServer.Workflows;

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ namespace Elsa.Samples.AspNet.WorkflowContexts.Entities;

public class Customer
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public string Website { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; } = default!;
public string Name { get; set; } = default!;
public string Email { get; set; } = default!;
public string Phone { get; set; } = default!;
public string Website { get; set; } = default!;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@

<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\bundles\Elsa\Elsa.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\common\Elsa.Testing.Shared\Elsa.Testing.Shared.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\common\Elsa.Testing.Shared.Integration\Elsa.Testing.Shared.Integration.csproj" />

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// Build service container.
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

// Populate registries. This is only necessary for applications that are not using hosted services.
// Populate registries. This is only necessary for applications that are not using hosted services.
await serviceProvider.PopulateRegistriesAsync();

// Import a workflow from a JSON file.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/bundles/Elsa.Server.Web/Elsa.Server.Web.csproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.AzureServiceBus\Elsa.AzureServiceBus.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.Caching.Distributed.MassTransit\Elsa.Caching.Distributed.MassTransit.csproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSql\Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSql.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.MassTransit.AzureServiceBus\Elsa.MassTransit.AzureServiceBus.csproj"/>
Expand All @@ -32,7 +33,6 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.MongoDb\Elsa.MongoDb.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.ProtoActor\Elsa.ProtoActor.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.Identity\Elsa.Identity.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.ProtoActor.Cluster.AzureContainerApps\Elsa.ProtoActor.Cluster.AzureContainerApps.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.WorkflowProviders.BlobStorage\Elsa.WorkflowProviders.BlobStorage.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.Hangfire\Elsa.Hangfire.csproj"/>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\modules\Elsa.Http\Elsa.Http.csproj"/>
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions src/bundles/Elsa.Server.Web/Endpoints/Api1/Get/Endpoint.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
using Elsa.Abstractions;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities;
using Elsa.Workflows.Models;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Parameters;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

namespace Elsa.Server.Web.Endpoints.Api1.Get;
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
using Elsa.Abstractions;
using Elsa.Workflows.Activities;
using Elsa.Workflows.Models;
using Elsa.Workflows.Options;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Contracts;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Options;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Parameters;

namespace Elsa.Server.Web.Endpoints.DynamicWorkflows.Post;

public class Post(IWorkflowRegistry workflowRegistry, IWorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime) : ElsaEndpointWithoutRequest
public class Post(IWorkflowInvoker workflowInvoker) : ElsaEndpointWithoutRequest
public override void Configure()
Expand All @@ -31,7 +33,6 @@ public override async Task HandleAsync(CancellationToken ct)

await workflowRegistry.RegisterAsync(workflow, ct);
await workflowRuntime.StartWorkflowAsync("DynamicWorkflow1", new StartWorkflowRuntimeParams());
await workflowInvoker.InvokeAsync(workflow, cancellationToken: ct);
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/bundles/Elsa.Server.Web/Enums/WorkflowRuntime.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace Elsa.Server.Web;

public enum WorkflowRuntime
38 changes: 27 additions & 11 deletions src/bundles/Elsa.Server.Web/Program.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
using Elsa.Workflows;
using Elsa.Workflows.Management.Compression;
using Elsa.Workflows.Management.Stores;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Distributed.Extensions;
using Elsa.Workflows.Runtime.Stores;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Medallion.Threading.FileSystem;
Expand All @@ -39,17 +40,18 @@
const bool usePostgres = false;
const bool useCockroachDb = false;
const bool useDapper = false;
const bool useProtoActor = false;
const bool useHangfire = false;
const bool useQuartz = false;
const bool useQuartz = true;
const bool useMassTransit = true;
const bool useZipCompression = false;
const bool runEFCoreMigrations = true;
const bool useMemoryStores = false;
const bool useCaching = true;
const bool useAzureServiceBusModule = false;
const bool useReadOnlyMode = false;
const WorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime = WorkflowRuntime.ProtoActor;
const DistributedCachingTransport distributedCachingTransport = DistributedCachingTransport.MassTransit;
const MassTransitBroker useMassTransitBroker = MassTransitBroker.RabbitMq;
const MassTransitBroker massTransitBroker = MassTransitBroker.Memory;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var services = builder.Services;
Expand All @@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
var azureServiceBusConnectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("AzureServiceBus")!;
var rabbitMqConnectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("RabbitMq")!;
var redisConnectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("Redis")!;
var distributedLockProviderName = configuration.GetSection("Runtime")["DistributedLockProvider"];
var distributedLockProviderName = configuration.GetSection("Runtime:DistributedLocking")["Provider"];
var appRole = Enum.Parse<ApplicationRole>(configuration["AppRole"]);

// Add Elsa services.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +188,12 @@
ef.RunMigrations = runEFCoreMigrations;
if (useProtoActor)
if (workflowRuntime == WorkflowRuntime.Distributed)
if (workflowRuntime == WorkflowRuntime.ProtoActor)
runtime.UseProtoActor(proto => proto.PersistenceProvider = _ =>
Expand All @@ -207,12 +214,13 @@
runtime.ActivityExecutionLogStore = sp => sp.GetRequiredService<MemoryActivityExecutionStore>();
runtime.WorkflowExecutionLogStore = sp => sp.GetRequiredService<MemoryWorkflowExecutionLogStore>();
runtime.WorkflowInboxStore = sp => sp.GetRequiredService<MemoryWorkflowInboxMessageStore>();
if (useCaching)
runtime.DistributedLockingOptions = options => configuration.GetSection("Runtime:DistributedLocking").Bind(options);
runtime.DistributedLockProvider = _ =>
switch (distributedLockProviderName)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,23 +336,23 @@
massTransit.DisableConsumers = appRole == ApplicationRole.Api;
if (useMassTransitBroker == MassTransitBroker.AzureServiceBus)
if (massTransitBroker == MassTransitBroker.AzureServiceBus)
massTransit.UseAzureServiceBus(azureServiceBusConnectionString, serviceBusFeature => serviceBusFeature.ConfigureServiceBus = bus =>
bus.PrefetchCount = 100;
bus.PrefetchCount = 50;
bus.LockDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
bus.MaxConcurrentCalls = 32;
bus.MaxDeliveryCount = 8;
// etc.
if (useMassTransitBroker == MassTransitBroker.RabbitMq)
if (massTransitBroker == MassTransitBroker.RabbitMq)
massTransit.UseRabbitMq(rabbitMqConnectionString, rabbit => rabbit.ConfigureServiceBus = bus =>
bus.PrefetchCount = 4;
bus.PrefetchCount = 50;
bus.Durable = true;
bus.AutoDelete = false;
bus.ConcurrentMessageLimit = 32;
Expand All @@ -362,6 +370,14 @@
if (useAzureServiceBusModule)
elsa.UseAzureServiceBus(azureServiceBusConnectionString, asb =>
asb.AzureServiceBusOptions = options => configuration.GetSection("AzureServiceBus").Bind(options);
elsa.InstallDropIns(options => options.DropInRootDirectory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "App_Data", "DropIns"));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,4 +449,4 @@ public partial class Program
/// Set by the test runner to configure the module for testing.
/// </summary>
public static Action<IModule>? ConfigureForTest { get; set; }

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