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Repository for Rrat Bot

Currently available commands

!help = Sends you here.

!ping = Pong!

!rateself [thing] = Rates you with anything you input based on percentaje (e.j. "Terra is 100% awoo").

!rate [thing] = Rates anything you input on a scale from 0 to 10 (and maybe more).

!cockrate [thing] = Gives the exact cock's length of anything you input.

!ship [argument] [argument2] = Gives a compatibility percentage between two persons (or whatever you give it)

!8ball [yes/no question] = Answers your question based on reliable sources (me).

!roll [number] = Roll the die with a given number of faces.

!facts [keyword] = Gives a response based on a keyword utilizing a Markov model that reads every text message it has ever seen.

!caption [sentence] / !captionfacts + (image/gif)/(reply to an image) = Adds the sentence/fact as a caption to the image/gif.

!wherekuri = Tells you exactly where on earth Mikuri is.

!kurimoment = Posts a certified Mikuri moment.

!nabemoment = Posts a certified Nabe moment.

!nabefact [keyword]= a nabe fact.

!bubble (right) (x pos) (y pos) + (image) = Adds a speech bubble to an image, can be configured on how it is place by adding right and different x and y coordinates.

!fortune = Try your fortune.

!steal = steals an emoji/sticker from the referenced message.

!watamelon = Posts a random watamelon.

!ayame = Posts how long has it been since the last time Nakiri Ayame streamed in days.

The bot can also react to certain keywords which I won't list as it's funnier to find out by oneself.