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AC BO Hackathon 2024: Team bayes-warmup

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How does initial warm-up data influence Bayesian optimization in low-data experimental settings (AC BO Hackathon 2024)

Elton Pan (MIT), Jurgis Ruza (MIT), Pengfei Cai (MIT)

Poster | Video | Social

1) Overview

Real-world experiments in chemistry and materials science often involve very small initial datasets (10-100 data points). In this project, we propose to investigate how the 1) size and 2) distribution of the warm-up dataset influence the performance of bayesian optimization. We propose experiments on HOMO-LUMO gap minimization task using the well-known QM9 dataset.

2) Main findings

A) Stratified sampling is more efficient than random

First, a k-means clustering algorithm determines the centroids (green), resulting in clusters shown above. Stratified sampling (i.e. sampling same number of datapoints per cluster) is then performed. For example, if we want to sample 10 warmup datapoints, we can sample 2 samples per cluster (see above). We show that stratified sampling as a more efficient way to sample a warmup dataset (right, molformer-stratified vs. molformer random).

B) Pretrained embeddings allow more efficient exploration in low-data regimes

Here, we vary the number of datapoints from 5-200. We show that simple representations such as Morgan fingerprints (left), more warmup samples improves BO performance. However, this is not true for pretrained embeddings such as MolFormer (center), where more warmup datapoints do not necessarily improve BO performance. In fact, only 20-50 perform best for MolFormer, showing that pretrained embeddings may allow fewer warmup samples - a common scenario in real-world, low-data BO. Overall, pretrained embeddings are more efficient for optimization in chemical space (right).

Check out our youtube video:


3) Setup and installation

The code in this repo has been tested on a Linux machine running Python 3.8.8

Run the following terminal commands

  1. Clone repo to local directory
  git clone
  1. Set up and activate conda environment
  cd bayes-warmup
  conda create -n bayes-warmup
  conda activate bayes-warmup
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Add conda environment to Jupyter notebook
  conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
  python -m ipykernel install --user --name=bayes-warmup

make sure the bayes-warmup is the environment under dropdown menu Kernel > Change kernel

3) Code reproducibility

The raw data required to reproduce results in the paper can be found in the data/ folder. The BO trajectories are saved in the saving/ folder. Results are visualized in bo_trajectory_result_analysis.ipynb (trajectories) and visualize_pca.ipynb (PCA plot).

  1. Get the molecular representations (Morgan fingerprint + MolFormer embeddings) using either:
  1. (Optional) Get the warm-up datasets
  1. Run the BO experiments using
  • Example 1: if you would like to run random sampling with morgan fingerprints, run:
python --save_path ./saving/morgan/random --data_path ./data/morgan/splits/random/ --test_path ./data/qm9_ECFP6.csv
  • Example 2: if you would like to run stratified sampling with molformer embedddings, run:
python --save_path ./saving/molformer/stratified --data_path ./data/molformer/splits/stratified/ --test_path ./data/qm9_molformer.csv

The above 2 commands will store trajectories in the saving/ folder.

  1. Visualize results using bo_trajectory_result_analysis.ipynb (trajectories) and visualize_pca.ipynb (PCA plot).

Repo directory

├── all_combi_trajs.pkl: pickle file of all saved trajectories (objective values vs. iteration)
├── bo_trajectory_result_analysis.ipynb: generate trajectory plots
├── data
│   ├── molformer: splits using molformer embeddings
│   ├── morgan: splits using morgan fingerprints
│   └── qm9.csv: QM9 dataset
├── featurizers
│   ├── ECFP6 class
├── figures
│   ├── bo_poster.png
│   ├── bo_results.png
│   ├── bo_trajectory.gif
│   └── stratified.png
├── get morgan fingerprints of molecules
├── get molformer embeddings of molecules
├── get splits based on molformer embeddings
├── get splits based on morgan fingerprints
├── functions for k-means
├── run bayesian optimization of band gaps
├── saving
│   ├── molformer: raw trajectories (best objective so far and molecules) for molformer
│   └── morgan: (best objective so far and molecules) for morgan
├── visualize_pca.ipynb: visualize BO in PCA space, generate gif
└── helper functions for visualizations

4) Contact

If you have any questions, please free free to contact us at,,


AC BO Hackathon Team bayes-warmup







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