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Technologies   |    Getting started   |    Project   |    Layout   |    Next steps

🧪 Technologies

This project was developed using the following technologies:

🚀 Getting started

Clone the project and access the folder

$ git clone && cd quez-test

Follow the steps below

# Install the dependencies
$ bundle

# Create datebase
$ rake db:create

# Run migrations
$ rake db:migrate

# Run default values
$ rake db:seed

# Start the project
$ rails s

The api will be running on port 3000 and the app in another port. To access the system, check the db/seed.rb file to see all credentials, or can use: to admin access, to manager access and to agent access.

💻 Project

This project was developed for testing in the company QuezMedia, in the June 27, 2021. For the first version, unfortunately many features are not available yet. 🥺 But I'm satisfied with the result, because since 2016 I was out of contact with Ruby on Rails. And basically read some of the documentation on Friday and Saturday night. And in a short time I was able to understand about authorization and authentication using devise and cancancan. I really went as far as I could go with the time I had.

🔖 Layout


The layout was created from scratch using the TailWindCSS framework.

🐾 Next steps

Escreverei essa parte em português
  • Implementar o restante do desafio (todas as partes que faltaram!) 😬
  • Modo dark mode para os olhos agradecerem 😎
  • Ajustar alguns detalhes para o Layout ficar bem responsivo e fofo 🥰
  • Cobrir o sistema de testes. Capybara, rspec a gosto! 👁‍🗨
  • Validar os campos para evitar fazerem besteira 🐱‍💻
  • Construir filtro para mostrar a lista ordenada pela data, nome, status... ↕
  • Criar uma busca da lista de compras 🔎
  • Desenvolver o frontend com React e separá-lo do Backend ⚛
  • E muito mais... ❤💪🏼

👨🏻‍💻 Author

Elton Santos 🚀

Made with ❤️ by Elton Santos 👋🏽 Entre em contato!